
Les Babysitters

Les Babysitters

Secrètement amoureuse de Michael Beltran, dont elle garde les enfants, Shirley Lyner ne le repousse pas lorsqu’il l’embrasse fiévreusement. Pour se déculpabiliser, il lui offre un montant substantiel. En devenant sa maîtresse, Shirley y voit un moyen inespéré de payer ses études : elle met alors sur pied un véritable réseau de prostitu..

Nataly Fish



Where the summer night slowly pivots to morning there are meetings of unexpected magic. Baby takes us on a captivating and fast-paced journey through the streets of Stockholm where tomorrow will not be as expected for new acquaintances made at night.

Nataly Fish

Baby Mama

Baby Mama

Kate Holbrook est une séduisante femme d'affaires dont la carrière professionnelle a pris le pas sur sa vie privée et personnelle. Mais à 37 ans, elle souhaite devenir mère, mais apprend qu'elle a une chance sur un million d'avoir un enfant en raison de son utérus en forme de T. Après avoir tenté plusieurs solutions pour être maman, elle a..

Nataly Fish



I had contrived a scenario in which she ran mindlessly by cages of various animals paying them no heed while they, subject to edited inserts, would appear as excited Stacy observers. I had not fully mastered the tripod and suddenly in the middle of a jerky pan from a drinking fountain the entire tripod is sent flying and never reappears. In fact it..

Nataly Fish



The daughter of the Parisian countess Lafitte, named "Baby", is supposed to go to an English boarding school, but she's much more interested in variety shows. Nevertheless, she travels with her friend Susette to London, who also wants to make a career for herself as a showgirl. During the journey, Baby is mistakenly considered to be a showgirl and ..

Nataly Fish



A young Black father must learn to navigate parenthood after his girlfriend mysteriously abandons him and their five-year-old daughter.

Nataly Fish

Qu'est-il arrivé à Baby Jane ?

Qu'est-il arrivé à Baby Jane ?

Au temps du cinéma muet, "Baby" Jane est une grande star, une des premières enfants prodiges. Sa soeur Blanche, timide et réservée, reste dans l'ombre. Dans les années 30, les rôles sont inversés, Blanche est une grande vedette, Jane est oubliée. Désormais, bien des années après, elles vivent en commun une double névrose. Blanche, victi..

Nataly Fish



A couple argue about whether or not they should have a baby.

Nataly Fish

Baby Assassins 2

Baby Assassins 2

Chisato et Mahiro ont été interdites de travail parce qu'elles avaient enfreint les règles de l'organisation. Ayant besoin d'argent pour joindre les deux bouts, elles ont repris leur travail à temps partiel. Deux autres assassins se mettent à leurs trousses.

Nataly Fish



Alice lives with her mother and her mother's boyfriend. She is quite immature, but when she is given a bag of flour to look after as part of sex education class at school she begins to take it too seriously. However, this changes her views on life to her mother's concern.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Naomi's got a problem. The vodka in the hotel mini-bar may not be the answer, but it helps her escape a reality she won't face, at least for a little while.

Nataly Fish



An unnerving encounter with her estranged father at a night club while on a weekend back home in Lima is enough to remind Lia that there are unhealed wounds. Through a series of disturbing events that night, she will be forced to understand that the only person who can take care of her now is herself

Nataly Fish



I love my fangs♤

Nataly Fish



This queer love story follows a Dominican teenager in the Bronx on a Saturday afternoon.

Nataly Fish



What does a violent flirtation with the camera look like? Performer Manon Praline and director Evie Snax take us on a sensual solo striptease - loaded with trans * femininity, queer romance and radical self-acceptance.

Nataly Fish



Raj Mohapatra, a doting father and a multimillionaire, takes it upon himself to protect his not so adorable daughter and sets off on a journey to explore his responsibilities and love for his baby.

Nataly Fish



The tribulations of a man who experiences his wife's pregnancy with anxiety and intense emotions. His child's birth sends him into an unfamiliar world full of surprises: the world of paternity.

Nataly Fish



Baby is a young man who dreams of opening a gym. But he's gay and the man he loves is married and a criminal. Will Baby get involved/get caught/get his dreams fulfilled or destroyed?

Nataly Fish



Court-métrage de Yim Pil-Sung

Nataly Fish

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