


Alors qu'un tsunami vient de frapper une ville balnéaire, un groupe d'individus se retrouve piégé dans un supermarché inondé, devenu également le refuge et le terrain de chasse du plus dangereux des prédateurs !

Nataly Fish



40 millions de dollars en lingots d'or ont été volés à la réserve fédérale de New York et c'est au chef de la brigade criminelle de la Direction du Trésor, Edgar Clenteen, de mener l'enquête. Au même moment, à New York, le cambrioleur amateur Alvin Sanders s'apprête à voler une cargaison de crevettes. Pris en flagrant délit, il se ret..

Nataly Fish



Derrière le paysage de carte postale d'un village de pêcheurs de Cornouailles, deux frères, des pêcheurs de criques, se font la guerre pour gagner leur vie avec le petit bateau de pêche familial. Quand une blague tourne terriblement mal, les deux frères sont obligés de s'unir et de faire face à l'avenir ensemble.

Nataly Fish



Two women who dream of opening their own café in a work-depressed northern town go to the wrong person for a loan. Unable to meet the payment demands, the hardened duo take bloody retribution.

Nataly Fish



When Jack Blake picks up a woman and her daughter stranded when their car breaks down, he is struck by the daughter's resemblance to his own murdered child. Jack sees an opportunity to unwittingly involve both women in a scheme which he hopes will unmask his daughter's killer. Written

Nataly Fish



John Bentley stars as a man who returns home to claim his inheritance. He soon learns his half brother has spent his fortune and is mixed up with jewel thieves

Nataly Fish



A man looking for his fortune in a mine decides to tempt his partner with his much younger wife. The goal? To catch them "in the act" and kill him without consequence.

Nataly Fish



In Bait, awkward parallels are drawn between environmental and sexual violence. Central is a range of anthropomorphous characters voicing their conflicting perspectives on consent and complicity. An adaptation of Millais' Ophelia comes back to life through karaoke. A white male default 3D avatar generates empty buzzwords to apologize for being invo..

Nataly Fish



Abandoned during the 1948 war by its owner, a Palestinian doctor, a house in West-Jerusalem is requisitioned by the Israeli government as “vacant”; rented to Jewish Algerian immigrants in 1956; purchased by a university professor who undertakes its transformation…

Nataly Fish



In a town riddled with racism and KKK activity, Carson, an African-American man, finds trust where he least expects it.

Nataly Fish



FBI Agent Lily LeCroix is on the trail of a maniacal serial killer. As the case unfolds, the unexpected occurs. Director: Marishka Phillips | Stars: Wadiah Brown, Michelle Felice Hartley, Mark Resnik, Wilson Sandoz

Nataly Fish



TJ's day takes an unexpected turn when he visits his Uncle Mack at his hotel in Montauk...

Nataly Fish



A 19th century agrarian mother must take a dark risk to save her children.

Nataly Fish



Two fisherman suddenly stumble upon the catch of a lifetime.

Nataly Fish



A murderer has strangled four pretty girls. Joan Nichols and her police officer fiancé come to the conclusion that the wrong man has been imprisoned for the crime. Joan’s cousin Carla is a medium. In a vision she sees the face of the real killer, the face of someone they know.

Nataly Fish



A single father prepares for a job interview while his young son, Clint, prepares sandwiches for their lunch. When he goes for the interview, Clint has to wait in a café next door for his Dad. While there he loses their lunch to a homeless man. Clint's Dad returns from the interview to find his lunch gone and confronts the hungry man with unexpect..

Nataly Fish



A young woman begins to suspect the nearby lake is affecting the psyche of the people in her neighborhood, including her husband.

Nataly Fish



An employee at a high-end resort leads a handful of students into shark infested waters after he's beaten and humiliated by one of the guys in the group.

Nataly Fish

Shark Bay

Shark Bay

Un groupe d’étudiants en plein "Spring Break" profitent d'un week-end inoubliable au Mexique. Après une nuit passée à faire la fête sur la plage jusqu'au petit matin, ils empruntent des jet-skis pour prolonger la fête en mer. Mais une collision violente fait couler l'un des jet-skis, laissant l'autre en panne. L'un d'entre eux est graveme..

Nataly Fish

Les Appâts Du Gain

Les Appâts Du Gain

Pour sauver sa boutique de la faillite, un petit propriétaire décide de s'inscrire à un concours de pêche et de défier le champion en titre.

Nataly Fish

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