


Brillante analyste de données, Atlas Shepherd (Jennifer Lopez) est misanthrope et se méfie totalement de l’intelligence artificielle. Tandis qu’elle se lance dans une mission destinée à capturer un robot rebelle, elle comprend qu’elle a déjà eu affaire à cette mystérieuse machine par le passé. Alors que la mission ne se déroule pas ..

Nataly Fish

The Atlas

The Atlas

A remote, and a bit crazy to be honest, psychiatric hospital receives a curious patient —one who he doesn’t move nor speak but spends his days standing with his hands up. The only thing known is his nickname — “The Atlas”. In a word, he is a riddle and riveting one at that, like an itch you cannot quite scratch. Theories and informed-and-..

Nataly Fish



Walter travaille pour une société de spéculateurs, en collusion avec le monde souterrain, qui achète des propriétés et expulse les locataires des appartements pour les revendre à des prix beaucoup plus élevés. Un jour cependant, il fait face à un enfant de trente ans qui ne veut pas quitter le palais avec sa famille. Ce locataire est son ..

Nataly Fish



Passionnée d’escalade, Allegra survit à un attentat terroriste qui coûte la vie à trois de ses amis. Anéantie, rongée par la culpabilité et la haine, elle n’est plus elle-même. Ses proches sont démunis face à sa souffrance. Pour retrouver confiance et amour elle doit entreprendre un parcours escarpé et se remettre en question. Elle c..

Nataly Fish



Aux Ve – IVe siècles av. J.-C., la démocratique cité de Thénis est assiégée par le cruel tyran de Séronikos, Praximède. Les deux parties finissent par convenir d'un duel qui réglera l'issue de la guerre : le champion de Thénis sera Indros, fils du roi. De son côté, Praximède profite de la trêve pour se rendre aux Jeux Olympiques a..

Nataly Fish



Atlas and his dog Charlie are both locked into proximity-triggered collar devices that restrict their movements. Under constant surveillance, Atlas is forced to maintain a rigorous and isolated farming schedule. One day, Charlie breaks free from his leash and we come to understand the tragic consequences of breaching the perimeter. Atlas is left wi..

Nataly Fish



Un homme sans attaches, rescapé d'un long périple, collecte des images ivres, morceaux épars d'une identité atomisée comme les territoires qu'il parcourt. Il s'épuise dans l'étrangeté de signes, de lieux, de langues insondables. Il n'y a pas de dieu ou d'indulgence dans ses nuits, mais l'acceptation qu'il n'y a que la chair.

Nataly Fish



The concept of machine-made knit was known as early as the 1850s, but it was only during the 1920s that the quality of the material had improved. When the plant known as "Atlas" was introduced in 1931, the shop windows drew a lot of attention, and Aho & Soldan was ordered to make a promotional film. In this well-paced film, we see the jersey pr..

Nataly Fish



An attempt to block the last rays of daylight from the camera using my shadow and a lighting reflector.

Nataly Fish



"I used to spend an embarrassing amount of time watching the patterns of these blinking lights, trying to calculate the sequence—two-one, one-two-three, and so on. But I could never figure it out. With three sets of lights, it's just too complicated." - Al Burian

Nataly Fish



2:13, 2013, Cuba.

Nataly Fish



Far from Earth, the crew of a interplanetary spacecraft make a mysterious discovery which leads them to places beyond their imagination.

Nataly Fish



Atlas, the main titan, is condemned by the Olympian gods to keep the sky above the earth – a heavy punishment with unforeseen consequences…

Nataly Fish



While the Bogazici Resistance in Turkey, which has been going on since January 2021, produces its own visual archive with the efforts of both subjects and outside witnesses, Atlas draws a map inside this archive.

Nataly Fish



Exploring the surface of a single frame from a black and white 16mm film through an electron microscope, Anouk De Clercq ponders over ways of seeing and the nature of cinema. Spatiality being one of the key concepts in the work of Anouk De Clercq, in Atlas she wants to go as deep into space as possible, at the tiniest scale, and see what insights w..

Nataly Fish



Dark and poetic, this music video depicts a rite of passage: the liberation of an inhibited personality. First, the night, rough, wild and frenetic, to let out all the accumulated frustrations. Then the next day, appeased, like a rebirth, a return to life.

Nataly Fish



A fearful civilization tries to survive in the violent universe it inhabits; then, over time, the fear will go away.

Nataly Fish



Meet Atlas: a two-tonne hunk of metal programmed solely to chop trees. The year is 2090: most labour-intensive jobs have been efficiently mechanized by robots, and in Atlas’ case, wood logging. However, being a robot tasked solely as a lumberjack is no easy feat. Being one of the first of its kind, there are a few bumps in the system; despite his..

Nataly Fish



In 1899, German neurobiologist Christofredo Jakob arrived in Argentina to conduct his research at the Hospital de las Alienadas, an insane asylum for women. More than a century later, in a semi-abandoned ward of what is now the Hospital Moyano, the traces of that experience appear in the form of brains and heads preserved in formaldehyde, stuffed a..

Nataly Fish



An atmospheric journey, following the unstoppable forces that shape this world. A story beyond humanity.

Nataly Fish

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