
At last, the day

At last, the day

Isabel can’t seem to inhabit her reality. One day like so many others, she receives the visit of Ana, a friend who will help her fulfill her desire.

Nataly Fish

Along with the Gods : The last 49 Days

Along with the Gods : The last 49 Days

Les anges de la mort Kang-rim, Won-maek et Deok-choon sont sur le point de prendre part au procès de Soo-hong. Les trois anges de la mort rencontrent le Dieu de la Maison. Il se souvient de leur passé qui remonte à plus de 1000 ans. Voyageant entre ce monde, l'autre monde et le passé, les anges de la mort essaient de découvrir ce qui les lie.

Nataly Fish

Last Day At The Beach

Last Day At The Beach

The employees of The Beach Hotel plan to strike when they learn that the hotel is for sale. The manager and his secretary try to smooth things over with the staff and keep the business running normally while an executive arrives to give the hotel a once-over before his company considers buying. Throw an escaped lunatic with a grudge into the mix an..

Nataly Fish

Giap's Last Day At The Ironing Board Factory

Giap's Last Day At The Ironing Board Factory

In 1975, a seven-months pregnant Vietnamese refugee, Giap, escapes Saigon in a boat and, within weeks, finds herself working on an assembly line in Seymour, Indiana. 35 years later, her aspiring filmmaker son, Tony, decides to document her final day of work at the last ironing board factory in America.

Nataly Fish

Fortress Mariupol. The Last Day at Azovstal

Fortress Mariupol. The Last Day at Azovstal

Dmytro Kozatsky with the call sign "Orest", head of the press service of the Azov Battalion (Azov Regiment), has been at the Metallurgical Combine Azovstal since the beginning of the siege of Mariupol by the Russian military after their invasion of Ukraine. On the eve of his exit from the shattered factory, he made a farewell film.

Nataly Fish

Les Derniers jours

Les Derniers jours

Depuis la propagation d’un étrange et foudroyant virus, le monde est devenu terrifiant : sortir est désormais impossible. Dans leurs maisons, leurs bureaux, les gares, les gens sont condamnés à vivre cloîtrés et doivent se battre pour leur survie. À Barcelone, Marc piégé dans son bureau, se retrouve séparé de sa femme Julia. Contraint ..

Nataly Fish

Les Derniers Jours de Mussolini

Les Derniers Jours de Mussolini

En 1945, la République de Salò vit ses dernières heures. Mussolini, qui se trouve à Milan sous protection allemande, refuse de se rendre aux partisans du CLN Alta Italia comme lui propose le cardinal Schuster ; il décide de fuir vers la Suisse accompagné par sa maîtresse Clara Petacci et des cadres fascistes, dans l'espoir de se rendre aux t..

Nataly Fish

Beck: The Last Day

Beck: The Last Day

Two traffic officers on a quiet morning shift try to stop a car for speeding. When the car finally pulls over, the driver gets out and shoots at them, killing one of the officers in cold blood. A national alert is issued and an extensive search for the ruthless killer begins, with the Beck group at the lead. Neither the officer’s shocked and wou..

Nataly Fish

Les derniers jours de Pompéi

Les derniers jours de Pompéi

En 79 après J.-C. , la population de Pompéi est terrorisé par des groupes armés qui se font passer pour des chrétiens. Craignant la colère de Rome, les autorités exigent que ceux-ci soient arrêtés, torturés et jetés aux lions. Le centurion Glaucus, dont le père a été tué par l’une de ces bandes, jure de se venger. Il découvrira la..

Nataly Fish

Le Dernier jour

Le Dernier jour

À Noël, Simon débarque chez ses parents avec une jeune inconnue rencontrée dans le train de nuit. Durant le séjour, un coup de téléphone vient remuer cette famille sur laquelle un secret profondément gardé pèse depuis 20 ans.

Nataly Fish

Nirvana Island: The Last 47 Days

Nirvana Island: The Last 47 Days

The movie depicts the confrontation between younger brother Akira Miyamoto (Shunya Shiraishi) and older brother Atsushi Miyamoto (Ryohei Suzuki) on Higanjima.

Nataly Fish

KochiKame Final: Kankichi Ryotsu's Last Day

KochiKame Final: Kankichi Ryotsu's Last Day

Kankichi Ryotsu is sulking after his bonus was snatched away by the members of the shopping district. On TV, they hear that Princess Sabrina of the Attakaino Kingdom is coming to Japan. While making a delivery, Ryotsu encounters a kidnapping incident. The girl he rescues from the kidnapper is Princess Sabrina! The kidnapping case develops into a ma..

Nataly Fish

Grounding – Les derniers jours de Swissair

Grounding – Les derniers jours de Swissair

Reconstitution «à chaud» de l’un des épisodes les plus traumatisants de notre récente histoire, Grounding relate en deux heures les «derniers jours» de Swissair, qui ont duré en fait six mois et abouti à l’humiliation du 2 octobre 2001. Basé sur des faits bien réels, le scénario en propose une interprétation fictive.

Nataly Fish

Abe Sada: The Last Seven Days

Abe Sada: The Last Seven Days

In May 1936, the “Abe specific incident.” shook the entire country of Japan. It is said that Abe had a live-in maid (Yuma Asami), the owner of the restaurant’s employer Ishida (Nobuyuki Matsuda) was killed, that the cut is more localized. With respect to neither confirm nor deny the crime, frustrated by the testimony of the specific criminal ..

Nataly Fish

TAÏ: 33 jours dans la dernière forêt primaire d’Afrique de l’Ouest

TAÏ: 33 jours dans la dernière forêt primaire d’Afrique de l’Ouest

After having discovered the TAÏ forest 6 months earlier , The exporer Nico Mathieux promised himself that he would be comming back to try and be the first ever to traverse the very last primal forest of west africa from north to south

Nataly Fish

Shadows - The Last Days of Gavrilo Princip

Shadows - The Last Days of Gavrilo Princip

Frantisek Lebl wakes up haunted by the shadows of the past. Remembering the time spent in Terezin prison and confession of Gavrilo Princip, Lebl realize that the secret which he kept must be revealed.

Nataly Fish

Last Days in Havana

Last Days in Havana

The story of a friendship in a city on the verge of substantial change. Miguel dreams of settling in New York while he waits for a visa that never seems to arrive, and Diego, a HIV-positive homosexual man, puts his dreams and cheerfulness to good use in his struggle to carry on enjoying every single day of his life from a rickety old bed in his sma..

Nataly Fish

The Last Day

The Last Day

A group of former members of the Gestapo participates in espionage activities, helped by a group of locals, dissatisfied with the new authorities. However, members of the Yugoslav secret police, the infamous UDBA, are on their track. This is the first Yugoslavian spy film.

Nataly Fish

Ryuichi Sakamoto's Last Days

Ryuichi Sakamoto's Last Days

Ryuichi Sakamoto shocked the world with his techno music as a member of YMO and continued to capture the hearts of many with his unique music. In his diary in his final years, he wrote about the anguish of his life fighting the disease, thinking, "It's a death sentence" and "Should I choose euthanasia?" and "Music may be the only way to stay sane,"..

Nataly Fish

Le Dernier Jour de L'Eté

Le Dernier Jour de L'Eté

Un jeune homme rencontre une femme plus âgée sur une plage déserte. Surmonteront ils leurs traumatismes personnels, ceux de la guerre et trouveront ils un moyen de rester ensemble ?

Nataly Fish

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