


A gritty urban fantasy set in the hidden world of magical clans.

Nataly Fish



Une veuve joue les diseuses de bonne aventure sans avoir aucun véritable pouvoir. Mais son fils lui, possède un réel potentiel. Mais aucun des deux n'en soupçonne la véritable puissance.

Nataly Fish



Trying to reveal his future, a young man gets his tarot cards read.

Nataly Fish



Locked away in a dungeon, an heretic prepares a witchcraft to escape.

Nataly Fish



A globally composed, musically arranged montage-round: so Henry Hills’s arcana appears to be, a fulminant 30-minute cut-up epic that takes footage – both found and shot by the filmmaker – and crosses it in an almost arithmetic manner with a pre-arranged soundtrack. The basis is a written film treatment of the musician John Zorn, in which 254 ..

Nataly Fish



Visuals for Edgar Varèse’s Arcana. Performed by the Bruckner Orchestra Linz under the direction of Argentine conductor and composer Dante Anzolini.

Nataly Fish



Documentary that portrays the last year of operation of the old Valparaíso prison, closed in April 1999.

Nataly Fish



A poetic exploration of memory and connection between people and places.

Nataly Fish



L’histoire se déroule dans un monde où les dopplegangers (Alter Ego / Doubles) existent. Nous suivons le quotidien des inspecteurs de police, Murakami et Nakabayashi. Leur enquête porte sur un criminel qui utilise des bombes. Ils découvrent, peu après l’explosion d’une école primaire, qu’un médecin de l’hôpital psychiatrique a ap..

Nataly Fish

Arcana Famiglia: Capriccio - stile Arcana Famiglia

Arcana Famiglia: Capriccio - stile Arcana Famiglia

OVA for the show Arcana Famiglia.

Nataly Fish

Major Arcana

Major Arcana

Returning to his home town in backwood Vermont, Dink is determined to reclaim control, ending his legacy of alcoholism and constructing his own log cabin by hand. However, Dink’s troubled past, including his gambling mother, Jean and damaged ex-partner, Sierra, threaten to blow him off course.

Nataly Fish

Arcana of the Puppet Master

Arcana of the Puppet Master

Enter the Arcana of the Puppet Master, a feature packed free-fall into ultra-rare, behind-the-scenes footage from the Puppet Master franchise, culled from the deepest corners of the Full Moon vaults. Dig deeper into the Puppet Master mythos and meet the legends who pulled the strings and brought these beloved movies to life.

Nataly Fish

Arcana Six

Arcana Six

A coming-of-age lesbian-themed romance that focuses on the changing nature of the relationship between two childhood best friends, Maggie and Elena, as they reflect on their history and recall their earliest memories of each other through fresh eyes after a seismic shift in the dynamic of their friendship. After a pivotal romantic encounter at the ..

Nataly Fish

The Arcane Affliction

The Arcane Affliction

Three months after the death of his wife, Marco is in mourning. Suddenly, he starts to receive strange messages that make him believe that his mother, who he hates and was dead, is alive. That starts to make him crazy and he has to seek the origin of the messages.

Nataly Fish

La voz arcana del corazón

La voz arcana del corazón

An old man recites the lines of a poem as if it was a mantra; while doing it visions from a trip to Cuba arise, he reflects on his life and on the importance of finding love everywhere.

Nataly Fish

94 Arcana Drive

94 Arcana Drive

A punchy short about an unusual kind of marital problem.

Nataly Fish

Il est difficile d'être un dieu

Il est difficile d'être un dieu

Un groupe de scientifiques est envoyé sur Arkanar, une planète placée sous le joug d'un régime tyrannique à une époque qui ressemble étrangement au Moyen-Âge. Tandis que les intellectuels et les artistes sont persécutés, les chercheurs ont pour mot d'ordre de ne pas infléchir le cours politique et historique des événements. Le mystéri..

Nataly Fish

Corto Maltese : La Cour secrète des Arcanes

Corto Maltese : La Cour secrète des Arcanes

En 1919, l'Asie est plongée dans le chaos. De fabuleux trains blindés sillonnent la Russie, la Sibérie et la Mandchourie. Parmi eux, celui de l'amiral Kolchak transporte l'or du gouvernement contre-révolutionnaire et attire toutes les convoitises. Dans cette impitoyable chasse au trésor, Corto Maltese apporte son aide aux Lanternes Rouges, qui..

Nataly Fish

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