
Appleseed Alpha

Appleseed Alpha

Abandonnés après une énième guerre mondiale, deux mercenaires - Deunan et son partenaire cyborg, Briareos - sont envoyés en mission aux abords d’une ville ravagée par les combats. Pendant l’opération, ils croisent le chemin d’Iris et Olson, deux citoyens de la ville utopique d’Olympe qui ont peut être un plan pour sauver le monde, m..

Nataly Fish



En 2131, les bioroïds - clones créées pour réfréner les passions humaines - vivent en harmonie avec leurs créateurs dans la belle cité d'Olympus. A l'aube d'une nouvelle menace, le commandant Deunan est mandaté pour empêcher un génocide bioroïd. Mais cette guerrière d'élite se révèle être la pièce maîtresse d'un puzzle dont elle i..

Nataly Fish

Appleseed Ex Machina

Appleseed Ex Machina

2133: La moitié de l'humanité a été décimée par une guerre mondiale non-nucléaire. Des cendres terrestres nait Olympus, cité utopique, où les humains (reconditionnés) et les bioroïdes vivent en parfaite harmonie. Pour protéger ce "paradis", une unité spéciale a été crée: l' ES.W.A.T. Deunan et Briareos le cyborg font équipe au sei..

Nataly Fish



Après la 3ème guerre mondiale, certains gouvernements décidèrent de construire Olympus, une cité utopique administrée par des bioroïds. Mais des criminels décident de détruire Gaia, l'ordinateur central, afin de libérer ce monde qu'ils jugent trop contrôlé. Les membres de l'ESWAT Deunan Knute et Briareos Hecatonchires parviendront-ils ..

Nataly Fish

Johnny Pépin-de-Pomme

Johnny Pépin-de-Pomme

Dennis Day raconte la vie du célèbre pionnier John Chapman, qui parcourut l'ouest des États-Unis en plantant des pommiers.

Nataly Fish

Appleseed XIII: Ouranos

Appleseed XIII: Ouranos

Following World War V, a global-scale conflict fought with non-nuclear weapons that almost halved the earth's population, the city-nation of Olympus stands as a beacon of hope in a world of chaos.

Nataly Fish

Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina - East Meets West

Appleseed Saga: Ex Machina - East Meets West

Examining the anime phenomenon from the perspectives of both the Eastern and Western cultures, while exploring the similarities and differences in the ways that fans enjoy the art form. Short documentary, part of the "Appleseed Ex Machina" Special Edition.

Nataly Fish

Appleseed XIII: Tartaros

Appleseed XIII: Tartaros

Following World War V, a global-scale conflict fought with non-nuclear weapons that almost halved the earth's population, the city-nation of Olympus stands as a beacon of hope in a world of chaos.

Nataly Fish

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed

Shelley Duvall acted as host for this 1980s television series about legendary characters and historical events. This volume chronicles Jonathan Chapman (Martin Short), who loves two things: apples and his sweetheart, Betty Nature (Molly Ringwald). Following Betty's advice, he travels the countryside and sows apple seeds along the way, riling Smithv..

Nataly Fish

Who Was Johnny Appleseed?

Who Was Johnny Appleseed?

Author and historian Howard Means reveals the real story of the man who inspired the legend of Johnny Appleseed and the impact he had on pioneers settling the American frontier.

Nataly Fish

Rabbit Ears - Johnny Appleseed

Rabbit Ears - Johnny Appleseed

This is the touching story of the benevolent naturalist who roamed the Ohio valley in the early 1800's, planting apple orchards, making friends, and spreading goodwill along his way. Known to early settlers as a gentle soul with a reverence for all life, Johnny never missed a chance to save an abandoned animal or to savor a delicious apple pie.

Nataly Fish

Johnny Appleseed

Johnny Appleseed

The animated story of Johnny Appleseed, who introduced apple trees to many parts of North America, as well as nursing the nature around him.

Nataly Fish

Appleseed Lake

Appleseed Lake

A North Western - Appleseed Lake follows the story of Eddie Freeman and his attempts to make a life in a dead end town, a town named after a dried up lake whose apple trees have been cut down for redevelopment.

Nataly Fish

Johnny Appleseed: A Legend of Frontier Life

Johnny Appleseed: A Legend of Frontier Life

Retells the story of Johnny Appleseed against the background of pioneer America.

Nataly Fish

Disney's American Legends

Disney's American Legends

Meet the doers and dreamers who made America great -- including John Henry, the railroad builder who proved the value of believing in oneself. Journey with giant lumberjack Paul Bunyan as he clears the land for American settlers. Follow the trail of the beloved American Icon Johnny Appleseed, who planted apple trees which blossomed along the new fr..

Nataly Fish

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