
Apollo 11

Apollo 11

Réalisé à partir d'images 70mm inédites récemment découvertes et plus de 11 000 heures d'enregistrements audio, Apollo 11 plonge au cœur de la plus célèbre mission de la NASA et des premiers pas de l’Homme sur la Lune. Ce film est un voyage en immersion aux côtés des astronautes et du centre de contrôle de la mission et permet de vivr..

Nataly Fish

Mission Apollo 11, le 1er pas de l'homme sur la Lune

Mission Apollo 11, le 1er pas de l'homme sur la Lune

Une superproduction exceptionnelle par les producteurs de "D-Day leur jour le plus long", "11 septembre dans les tours jumelles". La plus extraordinaire des aventures humaines dans l'espace comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue.

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11 Mission Lune

Apollo 11 Mission Lune

Neil Armstrong a mis le pied sur la lune pour la première fois en juillet 1969, Apollo 11 a été salué comme le triomphe suprême de la technologie américaine. Mais derrière l'agitation du drapeau se cache une histoire très différente. Aujourd'hui, près de quarante ans plus tard, les hommes de cette mission révèlent ce qui s'est réelleme..

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11 ½

Apollo 11 ½

«Oui, nous savons pour les photographies.» Des scientifiques les ont prises tandis qu’ils cherchaient les drapeaux américains plantés sur la lune durant les six missions opérées là- bas. Les clichés montrent que cinq d’entre eux sont toujours à leurs places. Seul le drapeau d’Apollo 11 semble avoir été déplacé.

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11: A Night to Remember

Apollo 11: A Night to Remember

This is one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Commemorating the 40th anniversary of NASA's 1969 moon landing, this documentary uses news coverage from the BBC archives to recount the excitement of the historic event. Led by science reporter James Burke and astronomer Sir Patrick Moore, the BBC team captures all the drama of the mom..

Nataly Fish

Secret Space UFOs: Apollo 1-11

Secret Space UFOs: Apollo 1-11

The UFO phenomenon has been recorded far beyond the boundaries of Earth with hundreds of sightings during the Apollo missions 1-11. James Fox, Darcy Weir, Mike Bara and Richard Dolan discuss this hidden history of UFOs in space and structures on the Moon. A history of NASA's early Apollo missions as astronauts endeavor to set foot on the moon and g..

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11: Quarantine

Apollo 11: Quarantine

Summer 1969. The astronauts of Apollo 11 successfully land and walk on the moon. The crew will now quarantine for 21 days following contact with lunar material.

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11: First Steps on the Moon

Apollo 11: First Steps on the Moon

La NASA, soucieuse d'être la première à envoyer des hommes sur la lune, accélère le programme Apollo.

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11: L'uomo sulla luna

Apollo 11: L'uomo sulla luna

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11: For All Mankind

Apollo 11: For All Mankind

Documentary of Apollo 11 mission from NASA footage.

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11 : retour vers la lune

Apollo 11 : retour vers la lune

Le 21 juillet 1969, le monde entier retient son souffle : un homme va pour la première fois marcher sur la Lune. Comme près de 600 millions de téléspectateurs sur Terre, les Français suivent en direct les trois astronautes américains d’Apollo 11 : Armstrong, Aldrin et Collins. À l’occasion du 50e anniversaire de cet événement histor..

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11: Men on the Moon

Apollo 11: Men on the Moon

The most complete record ever available of this historic mission. This documentary chronicles America's "one giant leap for mankind" from launch to landing with comprehensive footage from the film and videotape records of Apollo 11, the landmark event of man's achievement in the 20th Century. Features all TV transmissions, all 16mm on-board film, m..

Nataly Fish

First Moonwalk: The Restored Apollo 11 EVA

First Moonwalk: The Restored Apollo 11 EVA

The complete Apollo 11 moonwalk television as restored by NASA and Lowry Digital in 2009-2010. Assembled from multiple feeds and sources, each chosen as the best quality record of the EVA, it is the result of several years of search and work on the part of a team of Apollo veterans and volunteers working together to create the very best presentatio..

Nataly Fish

Apollo 11: First Steps On the Moon

Apollo 11: First Steps On the Moon

A unique documentary, profiling this historic mission through the eyes of all three astronauts and several top Nasa officials who participated in it.

Nataly Fish

The Eagle Has Landed: The Flight of Apollo 11

The Eagle Has Landed: The Flight of Apollo 11

A 1969 documentary on the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon made by NASA, telling the story of the historic first landing of men on the Moon in July, 1969. It depicts the principal highlight events of the mission from launching through post-recovery activities of Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, and Michael Collins. Through television, ..

Nataly Fish

Man on the Moon: The Epic Journey of Apollo 11

Man on the Moon: The Epic Journey of Apollo 11

Walter Cronkite anchors a CBS news report on the Apollo 11 moon landing, during which astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human being to set food on the lunar surface.

Nataly Fish

Journey to the Moon: The 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11

Journey to the Moon: The 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11

Celebrate one of humanity's most astonishing accomplishments with this documentary that chronicles the Apollo 11 space program, which culminated on July 20, 1969, when American astronauts landed on the moon.

Nataly Fish

Hazardous Journey - The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

Hazardous Journey - The Apollo 11 Moon Landing

July 1969. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin are 240,000 miles from earth facing the most hazardous venture in the history of space flight; the first human landing on another world. They'll succeed, abort, or die in the attempt.

Nataly Fish



Moonscape is a free and freely downloadable high-definition documentary about the first manned Moon landing. Funded and produced by space enthusiasts from all over the world, it shows the full, unedited Apollo 11 landing and moonwalk, using only the original TV and film footage and the original audio and photographs. All this material has been sc..

Nataly Fish

Apollo: The Forgotten Films

Apollo: The Forgotten Films

Recently discovered footage reveals the secret history of NASA's first landing on the moon, and using this brand-new evidence, former astronauts and experts challenge everything known about the Apollo missions.

Nataly Fish

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