


Un psychopathe est libéré de prison après avoir purgé une longue peine pour meurtre. Errant dans la ville, il retrouve le monde avec une seule idée en tête : tuer à nouveau. Excité par le nouveau terrain de jeu qui s’offre à lui, le psychopathe s’apprête à frapper...

Nataly Fish



Randolph Tiefenthaler and his wife Rebecca have bought a beautiful 1920s house and move in with their children. The only condition for the sale was that the former owner's brother would be allowed to continue living in the basement.

Nataly Fish



A surreal depiction of anxiety.

Nataly Fish



Seitz has been abusing his underage daughter for years and is the father of her first child. He is a brutal perpetrator of violence and has several relevant criminal records. When Tanja confides in her new boyfriend, he persuades her to go to the police. Seitz is sentenced and threatens to beat Tanja to death while still in court. Tanja and her boy..

Nataly Fish



When fear no longer exists, Bobby is here to provide you with some primal instinct. In a our real world, which is always in turmoil, we take drugs to gain relief and peace. But in this fictional world of total peace, we take drugs to experience turmoil, so we can be more human again.

Nataly Fish



An aspiring horror movie writer searches for love in a world of heartache, desperation and fluffy toys.

Nataly Fish



The Øyens' leave their 5 year old daughter to the babysitter, who later that night receives some mystical phone calls.

Nataly Fish



Angst tells the story of two lovers deeply connected yet mired in games that test the limits of their affection.

Nataly Fish



Mikail had to flee Chechnya for being homosexual. Unexpectedly meeting his old childhood-friend Daud in Germany, Mikal is not only faced with a renewed friendship, but a recurring fear of persecution.

Nataly Fish



A man with severe anxiety faces harsh consequences after turning to pills to cope.

Nataly Fish



From the day André was born, he was harassed by the wind, which resulted in a fear of it.

Nataly Fish



Nothing of what we have created or discovered has distinguished us from the other animals as formidably as we would have wished. We have simply created a world of illusions, without which we will not ourselves survive. This film is just that.

Nataly Fish



ANGST is a psychological study in the form of a film. An emotionally deeply rooted, yet mentally terrorizing relationship between an empath and a sociopath, serves as a microcosmic example to analyze the inexplicable phenomenon of aeons: LOVE.

Nataly Fish



Mental health experts discuss the causes of anxiety, its sociological effects and what can be done about it.

Nataly Fish



In Fear, documentary filmmaker Michiel van Erp creates a collage of inhabitants of the city of Amsterdam who struggle with various anxiety disorders. Today, more patients with anxiety disorders seek professional help than those who suffer from depression, making anxiety the number one mental illness in the Netherlands. This film will show how a sma..

Nataly Fish



Mikail had to flee Chechnya for being homosexual. Unexpectedly meeting his old childhood-friend Daud in Germany, Mikal is not only faced with a renewed friendship, but a recurring fear of persecution.

Nataly Fish

Tous les autres s'appellent Ali

Tous les autres s'appellent Ali

Dans un café fréquenté par des travailleurs immigrés, Emmi, veuve d'une soixantaine d'années, fait la connaissance d'Ali, un Marocain plus jeune qu'elle. Ali s'installe chez elle dès le lendemain, puis ils se marient. Les enfants d'Emmi, ses voisins, ses collègues, tous sont scandalisés par cette union. Le couple est mis à l'écart, mais v..

Nataly Fish

German Angst

German Angst

3 segments, 3 réalisateurs, un fil rouge : Berlin, ses habitants et leurs angoisses. Une jeune fille séquestre des hommes responsables de violences envers les femmes. Une amulette magique ayant sauvé une petite fille polonaise pendant la guerre retrouve ses pouvoirs lorsqu'un couple d'aujourd'hui est victime de néo-nazis. Un homme accepte de..

Nataly Fish

Le salaire de la peur

Le salaire de la peur

Afin d'empêcher une explosion qui ferait des centaines de victimes, une équipe clandestine est formée pour transporter de la nitroglycérine à travers un désert parsemé de dangers.

Nataly Fish



Oskar Roehler's drama Der Alte Affe Angst (Angst) is about the dissolution of a couple. Robert (Andre Hennicke) and Marie (Marie Baumer) have little in common other than their sex life. Since Robert is going through a bout with impotency, they are having a very rocky time. Robert learns that his father, whom he is estranged from, has died. This dis..

Nataly Fish

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