
Angelo bianco

Angelo bianco

In a country in Southern Italy, on the border between Campania and Lucania, a baron reduced to poverty tries to give order to events: what has happened in recent years? It all seems to have started with the double disappearance of a woman and her elderly husband during a magic show. Stories and memories stratify and interpenetrate each other, leadi..

Nataly Fish

Angelo Bianco

Angelo Bianco

Nataly Fish

The White Angel

The White Angel

In this sequel to Nobody's Children, Guido still longs for Luisa, who has become a nun. Then he meets Lina, a chorus dancer who is a dead ringer for his former lover.

Nataly Fish

L'angelo bianco

L'angelo bianco

Nataly Fish

L'Ange blanc

L'Ange blanc

Ce film noir est construit autour du personnage de Barbara Stanwyck. Elle postule pour un emploi de nurse dans un hôpital puis obtient son diplôme d'infirmière. En travaillant chez un particulier, elle découvre une sordide machination : deux enfants sont victimes d'un chauffeur (Clark Gable) qui utilise leur mère alcoolique, sous son emprise. ..

Nataly Fish

The White Angel

The White Angel

In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.

Nataly Fish

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