


Un regard sur la vie de la légendaire pilote américaine Amelia Earhart, qui a disparu alors qu'elle survolait l'océan Pacifique en 1937 pour tenter de faire le tour du monde.

Nataly Fish



The multi-award-winning dance film Amelia (2002), directed and choreographed by Edouard Lock and performed by the acclaimed dance company La La La Human Steps, explores the use of point technique using extended intertwining solos, complex partnering sequences and extreme speed to generate powerful performances with unexpected moments of tender emot..

Nataly Fish



Amélia is a woman with an extremely exhausting workday, after not reconciling her professional and personal life, hallucinations and nightmares start to take over Amélia's daily life, leading her to realize that she is being haunted by the Creature.

Nataly Fish



Inês Costa tells the story of her grandmother, a seamstress during the dictatorship of the Estado Novo, through a unique combination of real images and animation.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



Fictional story based on Sarah Bernhard's visit to Brazil in 1905. The actress, experiencing a personal and professional crisis at the time, is induced by her personal Brazilian maid, Amélia, to make a performance in Rio de Janeiro. After arriving, she is forced to stand the company of Amélia's exotic sisters.

Nataly Fish



Amelia acquainted with Fandy. Peters mother Amelia Amelia wants to match with Jeff, son of his cousin, but was stopped by his father. Aminuddin, Amelia's father and told him to meet Fandy Fandy and hope to marry Amelia. Fandy disappointed and went to the outside and this led Amelia agreed to marry Jill. Amelia infected with AIDS of Jeffery. Jeffery..

Nataly Fish

Amelia's Children

Amelia's Children

Orphelin depuis sa naissance, Edward découvre à l’âge adulte qu’il a un jumeau et une mère qu’il ne connait pas. Avec sa petite amie Ryley, il part les rencontrer dans leur magnifique demeure isolée au cœur d’une région recluse. Les retrouvailles passées, le jeune couple se rend compte que les apparences sont trompeuses : la famille..

Nataly Fish

Amelia 2.0

Amelia 2.0

After his wife Amelia suffers an aneurysm that leaves her bedridden and slowly dying, police officer Carter Summerland searches for a way to revive her. He's approached by Wesley Enterprises pioneering a new program to extend life through robotics, they get caught in a public debate over human’s relationship with technology and her right to exist..

Nataly Fish

Per favore, occupati di Amelia

Per favore, occupati di Amelia

Nataly Fish

The Break-In On Amelia Street

The Break-In On Amelia Street

Ross Fableton, an extroverted, confident, but hypercritical college student (22), wants nothing to do with his new, introverted, and standoffish stepbrother Ryan (20), and the feeling is mutual. When their parents go on vacation in an attempt to force the stepbrothers to interact, Ross and Ryan's sniping and pettiness reaches a boiling point - just..

Nataly Fish

Expedition Amelia

Expedition Amelia

L'explorateur Robert Ballard tente de résoudre le mystère de la disparition d'Amelia Earhart alors que lui et une équipe d'experts se rendent dans l'atoll éloigné du Pacifique nommé Nikumaroro à la recherche de son dernier lieu de repos.

Nataly Fish

La decisión de Amelia

La decisión de Amelia

Amelia is a young nursing assistant who finds herself without a job; her friend Cecilia proposes that she replace her in the care of an elderly millionaire who is looking for a person to help him.

Nataly Fish

Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight

Amelia Earhart: The Final Flight

In 1928, Amelia Earhart gains fame by undertaking a transatlantic flight as a passenger. In 1937, she and her navigator Fred Noonan undertake her longest flight: a round-the-world attempt. However, the plane disappears in the process.

Nataly Fish

Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart

La biographie suit la vie de la célèbre pilote Amelia Earhart, notamment son mariage avec un célèbre éditeur et sa disparition lors d'un vol en 1937.

Nataly Fish

Will Amelia Quint Continue Writing 'A Gnome Called Shorthouse'?

Will Amelia Quint Continue Writing 'A Gnome Called Shorthouse'?

They write so many innocent words, but what are the authors of your children's stories really like?

Nataly Fish

Who Misses Amélia

Who Misses Amélia

While dealing on the arousing curiousity of your new neighbohrs. Amelia receives an unusual letter from a foreign country, an invitation to face the profusion of time's mishap.

Nataly Fish

Something About Amelia

Something About Amelia

La honte et la peur ont gardé Amelia Bennett silencieuse au sujet de l'agression sexuelle qu'elle subit aux mains de son père, Steven. Mais comme Amelia commence à croire que Steven pourrait faire du mal à son jeune frère de la même manière, elle se libère de son terrible secret. Confrontée à cette nouvelle horrible, la femme de Steven, G..

Nataly Fish

Amelia's 25th

Amelia's 25th

Aspiring actress Amelia begins her 25th birthday by breaking up with her boyfriend, and things only go downhill from there. After visiting a dubious psychic for advice, Amelia sets off on a bizarre adventure to find money for rent and possibly love.

Nataly Fish

Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence

Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence

The disappearance of Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan on July 2, 1937 is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of all time. Years later, former FBI Executive Assistant Director Shawn Henry investigates new, astonishing evidence behind the disappearance of America’s first female aviator.

Nataly Fish

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