


Boats, children, adults; mysterious images in an impossible film that records fragments of an unfathomable world in which one can lose oneself, even pleasantly, letting oneself go in the sunsets, melting into the landscape. Amazonas also means lost world.

Nataly Fish



Celestino leaves for Brazil from the Andes in search of new opportunities, but he can't reach his destination. The migrant stays in the border and is force to work at the only laundry there. Captivity ends up revealing the true value of his freedom.

Nataly Fish



Composed by six films about the Amazon rain forest and its inhabitants, the high stakes, and the challenges they face. Each film presents a different perspective on a specific aspect of Amazonian culture.

Nataly Fish

Operation Hope - The Children Lost in the Amazon

Operation Hope - The Children Lost in the Amazon

The incredible true story of four children, who survive a plane crash deep in the dangerous Colombian Amazon. They are lost and alone for 40 days while the military and indigenous guard race against time to find them.

Nataly Fish

Le Teatro Amazonas : un opéra au cœur de l'Amazonie

Le Teatro Amazonas : un opéra au cœur de l'Amazonie

L'histoire du Teatro Amazonas de Manaus, un opéra situé au milieu de la forêt amazonienne, dont la construction, entre 1884 et 1896, a reposé sur l'exploitation de la main-d'œuvre des populations indigènes locales, donne un aperçu de la situation culturelle, sociale et politique du Brésil.

Nataly Fish

Club Amazonas

Club Amazonas

Many types of legal and social oppression cause people to leave their homelands, including misogyny, homophobia, and transphobia. The documentary Club Amazonas features two young transwomen from Honduras, Jessica and Angela, who seek tolerance and opportunity across the Mexican border while pondering the freedom and security promised by the U.S..

Nataly Fish

Amazon Queen

Amazon Queen

A dream vacation of a lifetime quickly turns into a hijacking, endangering passengers and crew, on a boat journey down the Amazon River and into the Brazilian rainforest. Desperate criminals storm aboard, pursuing a lost fortune in the jungle. Now under threat, and with food and fuel running low, the once idealistic tourists - now hostages - must u..

Nataly Fish

Amazon: Longest River in the World

Amazon: Longest River in the World

Documentary by Portuguese Silvino Santos, about the Amazon, its flora, fauna, its inhabitants and among other wonderful images from the beginning of the 20th century with alternating close-up shots of caimans, jaguars and tropical flora with footage of Indigenous rituals--including some of the earliest known moving images of the Indigenous Witoto p..

Nataly Fish

Kilma, Queen of the Amazons

Kilma, Queen of the Amazons

A sailor escapes a mutiny on his ship and finds himself stranded on a jungle island--with a tribe of gorgeous amazon women.

Nataly Fish

River of Evil

River of Evil

A young girl, seeking to unravel the mystery of her father's death, travels through the Amazon jungle into a nightmare of danger.

Nataly Fish

Naked Amazon

Naked Amazon

A group of explorers travels the unexplored regions of the Amazon.

Nataly Fish

The Metropolitan Opera: Florencia en el Amazonas

The Metropolitan Opera: Florencia en el Amazonas

Inspired by the magical realism of Gabriel García Márquez, Mexican composer Daniel Catán’s 1996 opera tells the enchanting story of a Brazilian opera diva who returns to her homeland to perform at the legendary opera house of Manaus—and to search for her lost lover, who has vanished into the jungle.

Nataly Fish

Origin of The Night (Amazon Cosmos)

Origin of The Night (Amazon Cosmos)

The nearly two-hour film Origin of The Night (Amazon Cosmos) (shot between 1973–1977 and finished in 1982), which references a myth of the indigenous Tupi people, is a meditation on the South American rain forest that was filmed in its entirety along the Rhine near Düsseldorf Airport. In it, the dichotomies of day and night, new and old worlds, ..

Nataly Fish

Kapax del Amazonas

Kapax del Amazonas

Nataly Fish

Amazonas, Amazonas

Amazonas, Amazonas

A brief look at Amazonas, its population, their costumes, the rich nature and its importance to Brazil and the world.

Nataly Fish

Teatro Amazonas

Teatro Amazonas

Teatro Amazonas is an elaborate, intriguing formalist experiment investigating the cinematic gaze and cultural exchange, and offering an unconventional ethnographic record of its Amazonian subjects engaged (and disengaged) in the act of spectatorship.

Nataly Fish

72 Hours with an Amazon Tribe

72 Hours with an Amazon Tribe

This is the community of indigenous Saparas of the Ecuadorian Amazon, it is a kind of documentary about their culture and my experience in this village.

Nataly Fish

Donde nace el Amazonas

Donde nace el Amazonas

Nataly Fish

Amazonas, el camino de la cocaína
Pirañas en el Amazonas

Pirañas en el Amazonas

A couple in love arrives at the Caquetá Municipality, where they will find different situations. Colombian film never released, so far only 10 minutes have been found and restored.

Nataly Fish

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