


En Europe, il y a 20 000 ans, durant l'ère Paléolithique supérieur, un jeune homme part braver une nature dangereuse et inhospitalière afin de retrouver le chemin de sa tribu.

Nataly Fish



While sulking in his home after a breakup, a young man is visited by the spirit of a famous alpha-male influencer. From his teachings, he learns the ways of being a “true” male… for better or worse.

Nataly Fish



Alpha shows the tense relationship between a son and his mother. Chiel is unable to associate with the religion of his mother and is resisting actively. Vera loses control over her adolescent teenager. Then, one evening, the pastor comes by to solve the conflict.

Nataly Fish



Ola Balogun's first feature film was made in France and focuses on a group of young Black intellectuals and artists. At the centre is Alpha, whose scepticism about fixed appellations is also expressed in his own chosen name. In his Parisian garret, the characters debate politics, art and philosophy and negotiate Black identity and cultural heritage..

Nataly Fish



Alpha is a about 3 young criminal friends that split up in a certain moment of their life due to a failed robbery. Eight years later they come back together each of them choosing different life-styles.

Nataly Fish



A 40 year old painter, who lives in a wooden and bamboo house on stilts in the middle of a polluted lake on the outskirts of Dhaka City. Alpha's house serves as his painting. Dogs, roosters and birds also share the space with him. There are many moments when he feels a oneness with nature and with the birds and animals that surround him. He also fe..

Nataly Fish



Francisco forces his boyfriend David to sneak out with him to their vacation rental pool to have sex.

Nataly Fish



The closing minutes of an anti-Semitic encounter between two women. One is about fifty years old and the other is in her early twenties. What appears to be a promise of perfect harmony brings the connection to its destruction.

Nataly Fish



An elderly inventor's life is forever changed when his humanoid robot child takes on a life of its own.

Nataly Fish



What starts as an animal lab experiment leads, in the future, to the development of artificial beings capable of carrying out the most varied and complex of tasks. Before being delivered to their customers, the manufacturer develops a kind of final quality control test, supervised by a technician, where certain skills (like learning the customer�..

Nataly Fish



Trent Dixon, a recently graduated frat-stud, is convinced that he's destined to be a pornstar.

Nataly Fish



Over the course of three interrogations, a man discovers a hidden truth to his existence.

Nataly Fish



One of a series of three films on mathematics conceived and produced by the Eames Office with Ray Redheffer, professor of Mathematics at UCLA. A stop-motion animation film, it begins with an algebraic expression, elaborates on it, and then reduces it to its original form. Told without narration, the film was designed to be supplemented with the exp..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Appleseed Alpha

Appleseed Alpha

Abandonnés après une énième guerre mondiale, deux mercenaires - Deunan et son partenaire cyborg, Briareos - sont envoyés en mission aux abords d’une ville ravagée par les combats. Pendant l’opération, ils croisent le chemin d’Iris et Olson, deux citoyens de la ville utopique d’Olympe qui ont peut être un plan pour sauver le monde, m..

Nataly Fish

Alpha et Omega

Alpha et Omega

Deux loups sont capturés et emmenés à des milliers de kilomètres de chez eux. Bien déterminés à retrouver leur meute, ils devront surmonter leurs différences, entamer un périple semé d’embuches et trouver l’amour au passage…

Nataly Fish

AEIOU - Alphabet rapide de l'amour

AEIOU - Alphabet rapide de l'amour

Anna est une comédienne taciturne de soixante ans, confrontée à son obsolescence et condamnée à des rôles ingrats. Adrian est un adolescent solitaire, kleptomane et en échec scolaire. Chargée de lui donner des cours d’éloquence, en vue d’une performance théâtrale, Anna prend Adrian au sérieux, à la grande surprise de celui-ci. Les ..

Nataly Fish

Alpha et Omega 2 : Une nouvelle aventure

Alpha et Omega 2 : Une nouvelle aventure

Kate et Humphrey, devenus parents, s'apprêtent à fêter leur premier Noël avec leurs trois louveteaux. Lorsque le plus jeune d'entre eux disparaît, ils décident de se lancer à sa recherche, sous la menace d'une tempête de neige.

Nataly Fish

Alan Partridge : Alpha Papa

Alan Partridge : Alpha Papa

Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa décrit les (més)aventures d'Alan Partridge, présentateur de radio et de télévision qui voit la chaîne pour laquelle il travaille être rachetée par une grosse société de médias. Suite à quoi il essaie de sauver sa carrière publique, tout en négociant un virage potentiellement violente des manifestations à la..

Nataly Fish

Alpha et Omega 4 : La Légende de la Caverne Hantée

Alpha et Omega 4 : La Légende de la Caverne Hantée

Runt,le louveteau Omega de Kate et Humphrey, part en douce explorer la caverne hantée. Quand il y découvre une louve qui a été mise à l’écart de sa meute, il rassemble tout son courage pour l’aider, et découvre les joies d’être présent pour une amie dans le besoin.

Nataly Fish

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