


An experimental film that follows the protagonist through when she woke up, and was forced to wear different colors by the people around her that represents the society. These colors represent different genders. She became confused and bewildered to what she really is.

Nataly Fish

Break Free

Break Free

An artistic interpretation of how violence can affect self freedom.

Nataly Fish

Une styliste à Noël chez les alpagas

Une styliste à Noël chez les alpagas

Jess quitte son emploi dans une grande enseigne de mode à New York dans l'intention de gagner un concours avec sa propre ligne de tricots de luxe durables. Elle fait équipe avec Andrew, un père célibataire et un éleveur d'alpagas.

Nataly Fish

Alpaslan'ın Fedaisi Alpago

Alpaslan'ın Fedaisi Alpago

Nataly Fish

Alpamys Goes to School

Alpamys Goes to School

A funny story of a six year old Kazakh boy who really wants to start going to school in order to join his seven year old friend.

Nataly Fish

Kaliyil Alpam Karyam

Kaliyil Alpam Karyam

Kaliyil Alpam Karyam movie tells the story of Vinayan (Mohanlal) who comes from a rich family. His parents and his brother and sister are all modern. But Mohanal grew up eccentric and likes different things in life. He follows the teaching of Gandhi.He took a degree, and when a job opportunity came to be a postal inspector in a rural village , he j..

Nataly Fish

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