
Alien Origin

Alien Origin

A movie created from "found footage" of a lost military expedition that exposes the origins of life on earth.

Nataly Fish

Memory : The Origins of Alien

Memory : The Origins of Alien

Le documentaire fait la part belle à des intervenants prestigieux et invite le public à découvrir les influences et la suite de causalités ayant permis à Alien, le chef-d’œuvre de Ridley Scott, de voir le jour, tout en revenant sur son impact incommensurable.

Nataly Fish

Alien Origins

Alien Origins

Lloyd Pye is at the forefront of research into human origins from alien sources. His Intervention Theory proposes that human DNA is not of this world. Using remarkable scientific analysis, Lloyd Pye makes a strong case in this presentation filmed at the International Scientific and Metaphysical Symposium in Australia. A double feature, also include..

Nataly Fish

Ancient Alien Origins

Ancient Alien Origins

Researchers discover that Aliens from another world assisted in the evolution of man and were the genesis of a very real bloodline that remains intact today. The Aliens left Earth millennia ago, but the signs are growing daily.

Nataly Fish

Alien Origins: Beings of Light

Alien Origins: Beings of Light

Truths have been hidden from us for hundreds of years. In antiquity, a few had glimpsed the secrets that history has long forgotten but were silenced before they could reveal the most secret knowledge of all - the true origins of mankind. We have made contact with beings from another world as well as entities from other dimensions. These beings pos..

Nataly Fish

Origins Unknown: The Alien Presence on Earth

Origins Unknown: The Alien Presence on Earth

The alarming surge of UFO sightings, alien encounters and military disclosures over the last decade have established a foreboding reality - that in our very near future the human race will be confronted with the presence of a superior Extraterrestrial race. Powerless to resist or combat these beings, we as the human race will be sentenced to our in..

Nataly Fish

Science at the Edge: Our Alien Origins

Science at the Edge: Our Alien Origins

Are we truly alone in the cosmos? Our young planet was bombarded by ice and organic matter from space... Could our own origins actually be extraterrestrial? Are our neighboring planets teeming with living things... and does life reach all the way to the stars? JOIN TODAY'S TOP ASTRONOMERS IN A SEARCH THAT SPANS THE UNIVERSE! Science at the Edge..

Nataly Fish

ETs Among Us 2: Our Alien Origins, Antarctica, Mars and Beyond

ETs Among Us 2: Our Alien Origins, Antarctica, Mars and Beyond

This sequel to the award-winning "ETs Among Us" covers uncharted territory: a history of Antarctica and ongoing UFO connections, secret history of Mars and parallels with Moon and Antarctica, underwater ET bases, and our extraterrestrial origins. Award-winning researcher Linda Moulton Howe exposes shocking revelations of a secret Navy whistleblower..

Nataly Fish

Memory - les origines d'Alien

Memory - les origines d'Alien

1979. A peine sorti en salles, «Alien», de Ridley Scott, devient un classique instantané de la science-fiction. Pour créer ce chef-d'oeuvre, l'équipe du film s'est inspirée des mythologies grecque et égyptienne, des tableaux de Francis Bacon, des romans de HP Lovecraft, des comic books et de la parasitologie. Ce sont le travail collectif et ..

Nataly Fish

The Alien Within

The Alien Within

Crew of an undersea mining platform falls prey to mysterious and dangerous parasite. The parasite has the ability to affect people's minds, so survivors can't be certain who is safe and who is infected.

Nataly Fish

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