


Daniel Aguila's son recounts memories of the Philippines as he searches for his father.

Nataly Fish

Eagle and Jaguar, The Legendary Warriors

Eagle and Jaguar, The Legendary Warriors

In a post-apocalyptic future in which water has almost disappeared, two young survivors travel back in time to find the mythical power of the prehispanic God of water, and so be able to create the vital resource. However, when they arrive at the present they discover that the power is in the hands of an unscrupulous businessman who had always wante..

Nataly Fish

Sgt. Bobby Aguilar: You Only Have One Life!

Sgt. Bobby Aguilar: You Only Have One Life!

Sgt. Bobby Aguilar is a good depiction of a young and dedicated soldier wherein he is devastated by a corrupt military organization, a gambling lord and an irresponsible father.

Nataly Fish

Águila o sol

Águila o sol

At birth, three children are abandoned in a convent. They are Polito Sol and his siblings, Adriana and Carmelo Águila and they grow up to become the "Águila o Sol" trio. Many years later, Don Hipólito, Polito's father becomes rich and decides to search for his son. In the end he finds Polito and the Aguila siblings.

Nataly Fish

Le Royaume de sang

Le Royaume de sang

Une mystérieuse confrérie d'hommes politiques va signer un contrat mirobolant pour la construction d'une centrale nucléaire. Les riverains menacés restent impuissants face à l'hégémonie de cette organisation. Mais un justicier veille sur la cité Violent et sans pitié, il ne laisse sur les corps de ses victimes qu'une simple carte signée R..

Nataly Fish

Los alegres Aguilares

Los alegres Aguilares

Identical cousins with mismatched Odd Couple personalities.

Nataly Fish

El águila descalza

El águila descalza

Shmuck makes a superhero costume, rides his bike to crime scenes. He gets involved with something big involving US capitalists taking over local Mexican businesses.

Nataly Fish

Águilas de América

Águilas de América

Nataly Fish

El águila negra en la ley de los fuertes

El águila negra en la ley de los fuertes

Masked rider clears up the mysteries surrounding the ownership of two haciendas and the disappearance of a young heiress' father.

Nataly Fish

Here are the eagles!

Here are the eagles!

Two itinerant cowhands hire on at a ranch owned by a woman, end up fighting two bad-hats who rustle la patrona's cattle and set fire to her stables.

Nataly Fish

White Eagle

White Eagle

The happiness of a child is marred by the harsh attitude of the captain of a boat.

Nataly Fish

Aguilas de acero

Aguilas de acero

Two Air force pilots are best friends in that competitive, always picking fights with each other way.

Nataly Fish

Oyendo águilas

Oyendo águilas

After shooting his first film, Marco understands a few things: mystery is only an early stage of the process and behind it lives an apparent normality, dull at times, comfortable but exhausting. However, below it are voices that continues to scream, unresolved tensions and unexplained impulses. Why do we do it? Where does the need to express oursel..

Nataly Fish

Águila roja

Águila roja

Nataly Fish

Escuadron Aguila

Escuadron Aguila

Nataly Fish

El aguila negra en 'El vengador solitario'
El águila negra vs. los diablos de la pradera

El águila negra vs. los diablos de la pradera

Mexican feature film

Nataly Fish

El águila real

El águila real

Nataly Fish

El águila negra contra los enmascarados de la muerte

El águila negra contra los enmascarados de la muerte

El Aguila Negra (Fernando Casanova) -a mix of Zorro with The Lone Ranger- has a new problem to deal with. Sectarian group known as "The Masked of Death", formed by seven masked men, is threatening a small village in the Mexican country. They are murdering and kidnapping the villagers, and occasionally stealing. Raúl (Casanova), a kind young man an..

Nataly Fish

Pepe Aguilar: Live En Vivo

Pepe Aguilar: Live En Vivo

One of Latin music's superstars, Pepe Aguilar delivers a Grammy-winning concert performance from the Gibson Amphitheatre in Los Angeles. Combining traditional Mexican sounds with contemporary pop and backed by both mariachis and a rock band, Aguilar creates a sound all his own. Songs include "El Toro Serrano," "Por una Mujer Bonita" and "El Gustito..

Nataly Fish

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