
Against the Sun

Against the Sun

A WWII pilot, bombardier, and radioman find themselves adrift on a lifeboat without food or water after being forced to ditch their plane during a scouting mission.

Nataly Fish

Men Against the Sun

Men Against the Sun

An adventure story dealing with the building of a railway in Africa at the turn of the century.

Nataly Fish

Seven Against the Sun

Seven Against the Sun

In February of 1941, South African troops are in action against the Italian forces on the northern frontier of Kenya. An Italian invasion, aimed at pushing the Allied Forces out of Central and East Africa, is imminent. The South African Command realizes it has no forces at its disposal capable of stopping the Italian objective, so they resort to a ..

Nataly Fish

Against the Sun

Against the Sun

Tymofiy Sautkin, a potter from Kyiv, is trying to escape from daily routine and his quarrelsome wife. He finds himself on an island, where he sculpts an ideal woman out of clay. However, time passes, and he comes back home…

Nataly Fish

Hercule contre les fils du soleil

Hercule contre les fils du soleil

Echoué sur une côte d'Amérique latine, Hercule découvre alors une tribu Inca aux pratiques sanguinaires dont les rebelles tentent de s'insurger contre les rituels barbares de leur chef tyrannique.

Nataly Fish

The Sun Against My Eyes

The Sun Against My Eyes

A man gets home and finds his wife dead. In a silent impulse he takes her body and plunges on the road. This man had never left his hometown, Brasília. When his wife dies, he leaves pushed by this emotional collapse, and submerges the road and it’s fortuity, searching to reconstruct his own reality. She survives in his memory. The road and its e..

Nataly Fish

Character of the Wind or how to defend against dazzling suns

Character of the Wind or how to defend against dazzling suns

Inga does not dwell on the past and she does not dread the future. It makes no difference to her whether she is free or trapped, alive or dead. The only things that matter - that drive all of her actions - are sensory impressions.

Nataly Fish

Godzilla contre Megalon

Godzilla contre Megalon

Devant l'accroissement de la pollution des mers, le roi de Seatopia décide de prendre des mesures : envahir le monde de la surface en envoyant le monstre Megalon. Pour aider Megalon, des agents sont envoyés dérober un robot qui servira de guide d'attaque au monstre : Jet Jaguar. Megalon détruisant tout sur son passage, on décide d'appeler Godz..

Nataly Fish

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