
After the Winter

After the Winter

Five childhood friends from a small Montenegrin town have gradually moved away to different corners of the former Yugoslavia, yet they remain in contact, aware that their long-time friendship continues to play a fundamental role in their lives.

Nataly Fish

After the Winter

After the Winter

Después del invierno (After the Winter) is a modern fable. We discover through three characters in extreme situations the human ability to succeed in any situation.

Nataly Fish

Au-delà de l'hiver

Au-delà de l'hiver

Dans un petit village isolé, un vieux couple de Taiwanais est en attente de quelque chose. Ils se cachent derrière les gestes de la vie quotidienne, espérant que tout sera oublié.

Nataly Fish

The Winter Comes After Autumn

The Winter Comes After Autumn

Nataly Fish

After Winter, the Tamaki Family…
Winter After Winter

Winter After Winter

During the Japanese occupation of Manchuria, an aging father attempts to maintain his family line. With all able bodied men are being forced into labor by the Japanese, he stops at nothing to ensure his daughter-in-law produces a male heir.

Nataly Fish

Après l'hiver, le printemps

Après l'hiver, le printemps

Family farmers in southwest France practice an ancestral way of life under threat in a world increasingly dominated by large-scale industrial agriculture.

Nataly Fish

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