
After - Chapitre 4

After - Chapitre 4

Le quatrième et dernier volet des aventures de Tessa et Hardin. Une révélation sur le passé de Tessa ébranle le couple qu'elle forme avec Hardin. Parallèlement, une vérité choquante sur leur famille respective surgit. Les deux amants ne sont pas si différents l'un de l'autre. Tessa n'est plus la gentille fille qu'elle était lorsqu'elle a..

Nataly Fish

Héritage et vieux fantômes

Héritage et vieux fantômes

À la mort du Général O'Leary, son héritier, un Anglais, hérite d'un château en Irlande. À l'opposé de son oncle défunt, il se montre si avare et intéressé qu'il devient impopulaire, et que les habitants du village décident de le supprimer. Après diverses tentatives infructueuses pour le tuer, deux villageois ont la même idée : le fa..

Nataly Fish

Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After

Two window cleaners help a girl who is trying to get to Hollywood.

Nataly Fish

BTS 4th Muster: Happy Ever After

BTS 4th Muster: Happy Ever After

BTS 4th Muster: Happy Ever After was BTS's 4th Muster fan club event. It took place from January 13, 2018 to January 14, 2018 in Seoul, South Korea.

Nataly Fish

Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After

A story of forbidden love in Japan when sparks fly between Paniz and Miyuki at a house party. Turns out, Paniz is a visiting English teacher at the same school where Miyuki is a transfer student. The film unfolds an emotional journey for the two women as the trials and tribulations of a modern unconventional love in a traditional society take their..

Nataly Fish

Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After

A film actress is drawn into a fantasy world by a mysterious stranger who wears a mask to hide his ugliness.

Nataly Fish

Happy Ever After

Happy Ever After

A short film that picks up where Disney's Cindadrella leaves off: the ball is over, the wedding finished, no more butterflies in the stomach. 'Cindy' and her prince are now at the point in the narrative where things get serious: Life decisions are coming up, buying a house is within reach, and even if everything seems to be going perfectly at first..

Nataly Fish

Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants

Ils se marièrent et eurent beaucoup d'enfants

Trois hommes, la quarantaine, s'interrogent sur leur vie. Vincent vit avec Gabrielle et Georges avec Nathalie. Ils ont l'impression d'étouffer et envient la liberté de Fred, un célibataire qui sort avec de belles filles. Lui rêve de donner enfin un sens à sa vie. Mais Vincent vit une histoire avec une autre femme. Personne n'est au courant, sa..

Nataly Fish

BTS Japan Official Fanmeeting Vol.4 ~Happy Ever After~

BTS Japan Official Fanmeeting Vol.4 ~Happy Ever After~

BTS Japan Official Fanmeeting Vol.4 ~Happy Ever After~ was BTS's 4th Japan Official fan club event. It took place from April 18, 2018 to April 24, 2018. The DVD was released on November 28, 2018 and the Blu-ray on December 26, 2018

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After or Why the Dinosaurs Died Out

Happily Ever After or Why the Dinosaurs Died Out

A young woman from a Russian small town is writing a frank book about all her many loves. Living in a touching search for a new love and facing constant failures in relationships, she tries to answer the question whether her happiness depends on having a man next to her. the tragicomedy about relationships, deception, betrayal, fears and the endles..

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Roy has been learning pole dancing without telling his wife Chloe. In addition to the lack of personal space at home, he is also looking for a passion and the joy of self-exploration. Chloe, who works hard, and Roy, who hangs out to practise dancing, are becoming more and more alienated. Is it marriage or ignorance of each other that kills them?

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Une femme qui aime l'homme quoi qu'il arrive, et un homme qui ne peut pas exactement exprimer ses sentiments et se contente de renverser la table - par irritation, colère et parfois amour. Est-ce qu'être ensemble deviendrait un cauchemar, ou un amour qui les soutiendrait pour vivre avec bonheur et espoir pour un avenir meilleur ?

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

The film is an inquiry into contemporary forms of alternative models of partnerships. For many protagonists, polyamory, open marriage or long-term lover-to-lover relationships present a fulfilling life style, but also a struggle with misunderstanding of the society or conflicts within their own relationships. The director follows the development of..

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Nan Au-Yeung (Michelle Wai) and Sze Tso-chi (Ken Hung) share the same birthday, go to the same school, love photography, and are just as competitive. But they did not know of each other’s existence until they “crossed swords” at a debate tournament. And they both felt as if the fairytale prince and princess finally found each other. Later in ..

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Jin Wenou falls out with his business-minded father when he decides on painting instead of studying business. Mary, his fiancée, finances him to get his own studio. One day his dying father wishes to see Mary. Unable to contact her, Wenou gets Wanping to stand in. Wenou's father miraculously recovers upon seeing Wanping. He is infuriated when Weno..

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

A housewife begins a passionate relationship with a bisexual transvestite. Unwittingly, she is pulled into his dangerous and criminal world.

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

A collection of classic fairy tales such as Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood, with a nod and a wink to contemporary times. The film offers characters such as the 'ugly sisters' Paris and Hilton, an updated relationship between Red Riding Hood and the big bad wolf, homosexuality and corny humor. Also musical scenes in which the characters sing ..

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

An unrelenting personal report of a faltering relationship in the aftermath of Egypt's Arab Spring.

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

Two lesbians who are 32 years together. Still in love and still sexually active.

Nataly Fish

Happily Ever After

Happily Ever After

A short comedy about a prince and his beloved stable boy who are left not knowing what to do when the fairytale book ends. They summon the book's narrator to guide them through this confusing new world of love...and sex.

Nataly Fish

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