
Griffes jaunes

Griffes jaunes

1941, peu avant l'attaque de Pearl Harbor. Rick Leland, renvoyé de l'armée américaine pour vol, ne parvenant pas à s'engager dans l'armée canadienne car il est "fiché", s'embarque sur un navire japonais en partance pour Yokohama. Là, il fait la connaissance d'Alberta Marlow et du docteur Lorenz. Ce dernier affiche ses sympathies pour le Japo..

Nataly Fish

Across the Pacific

Across the Pacific

Following the Spanish-American War, a soldier is given the assignment of finding the leader of a band of rebels in the Philippines. In order to do this, he must romance Roma, a cabaret spy working for the rebels. This does not please the daughter of his commanding officer, whom he is romancing.

Nataly Fish

Across the Pacific

Across the Pacific

The Escott family, on their way to Montana, is attacked by Indians. Army Lt. Joe Lanier finds little Elsie Escott, the only survivor,

Nataly Fish

Steam Across the Pacific Northwest

Steam Across the Pacific Northwest

The mighty 4449 was painted black with BNSF decals to head up a BNSF Employee Appreciation Special in July, 2000. Running in excursions over former Burlington Northern trackage, the Daylight treated enthusiastic throngs of spectators to the sights and sounds of thundering steam power. Starting in Vancouver, Washington, we follow the train across th..

Nataly Fish

Transpac: A Century Across the Pacific

Transpac: A Century Across the Pacific

Roy Disney produced this historical documentary that chronicles 100 years of the Transpacific Yacht Race. Originated by a Hawaiian king and fraught with danger, the prestigious sailing race starts in Los Angeles and ends in Honolulu, crossing unpredictable Pacific waters for 2,225 nautical miles. The film traces the race's history in concert with H..

Nataly Fish

Seul sur l'océan pacifique

Seul sur l'océan pacifique

Kenichi Horie, japonais d'une vingtaine d'années, n'a qu'une idée en tête : traverser seul à bord d'un petit voilier le Pacifique pour rejoindre San Francisco, symbole pour lui des Etats-Unis. Mais le Japon a une politique très fermée et les petits bateaux ont interdiction de sortir de la zone nautique japonais. Après avoir préparer son voy..

Nataly Fish

Rainbow Across the Pacific Ocean

Rainbow Across the Pacific Ocean

Schoolgirl Mitsuko tries to protect half-Chinese transfer student Yu-Lian from bullies. That night, she discovers Emily, an old American doll. Given to a Japanese child during an exchange in 1921, it was hidden from the "doll burnings" of the anti-Western war period and saved by a brave young girl (Mitsuko's grandmother). At the next day's show-and..

Nataly Fish

Tonnerre sur le Pacifique

Tonnerre sur le Pacifique

Durant la seconde guerre mondiale, le combat des aviateurs américains, avec leur nouvel appareil, le B 29, dans la zone de l'île de Guadalcanal...

Nataly Fish

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