


Neige, divorcée et mère de trois enfants, rend régulièrement visite à Émir, son grand-père algérien qui vit désormais en maison de retraite. Elle adore et admire ce pilier de la famille, qui l’a élevée et surtout protégée de la toxicité de ses parents. Les rapports entre les nombreux membres de la famille sont compliqués et les ran..

Nataly Fish



A rat is subjected to a gene-splicing experiment that yields surprising results.

Nataly Fish



RMC Sport dévoile "ADN", son film de 27 minutes sur le fiasco du PSG en huitièmes de finale retour de Ligue des champions contre le Real Madrid (3-1). Malgré deux buts d'avance et une domination dans le jeu, les Parisiens ont fini balayés par Karim Benzema.

Nataly Fish



Un film qui prend la mesure d'une rencontre, la rencontre avec les autoportraits de David Nebreda. ADN met en scène l'impact de cette rencontre sur le cinéma de Judith Cahen et sa propre démarche d'auto-représentation.

Nataly Fish



In which the artist shows a 3D scan of her lower lip, confronting her fragile health.

Nataly Fish

ADN, la menace

ADN, la menace

Dans la jungle de Bornéo reposent les restes d'une créature légendaire, un monstre vieux de plusieurs milliers d'années. Grâce aux dernières innovations technologiques, le Dr Carl Wessinger arrachera cet amas d'ossements au néant. Ce qui n'était qu'un squelette constitue aujourd'hui la plus terrible des menaces pour l'homme…

Nataly Fish

L'ADN, nos ancêtres et nous

L'ADN, nos ancêtres et nous

Comment, grâce à la génétique, les chercheurs ont pu remonter le fil de l’histoire de l’humanité jusqu’à son origine. Une fabuleuse épopée scientifique doublée d’une réflexion stimulante sur le genre humain.

Nataly Fish

GSP: L'ADN d'un champion

GSP: L'ADN d'un champion

À 26 ans, il remporte le championnat du monde, mais perd son titre dès sa première défense. Déterminé, GSP remonte aussitôt sur le ring et regagne son titre. Après s'être remis sur pieds d'une blessure au genou qui a mis sa carrière en péril, il dispute un combat légendaire contre Carlos Condit. Il défait par la suite son rival de long..

Nataly Fish

Mystère ADN : qui est mon père ?

Mystère ADN : qui est mon père ?

Une jeune femme cherche à découvrir grâce à un test ADN quel homme est vraiment son père : Tommy le rebelle, Ian, le meilleur ami de sa mère, ou Mitch, le coup d'un soir.

Nataly Fish



The real duration of the film is barely one second. The time that an idea takes to be born in our mind. The time that a fleeting hallucination lasts. This hallucination is that of Neanderthal man who thinks he sees, at the moment his mate was giving birth, a baby from the modern world, erasing for a fleeting second the slow evolution of the species..

Nataly Fish

Adnan's Father

Adnan's Father

Sayid wants to keep his status as a father and the family patriarch in a new linguistic and cultural setting, despite his sons progress in assimilating into the danish language culture.

Nataly Fish

Etel Adnan: Words in Exile

Etel Adnan: Words in Exile

The film reconstructs through an array of visual fragments, a multiplicity of languages, of peoples and their identities, the unique portrait of the poet and painter Etel Adnan.

Nataly Fish

Football Manager: Adnan Dinçer

Football Manager: Adnan Dinçer

The documentary offers a different view of recent history through events that have not been told to date, starting from the job search and personal story of 75 years old Adnan Dinçer, the 'idealistic' football manager who has been driven out of the system despite his 40 years of experience and successes.

Nataly Fish

ADN: La prueba

ADN: La prueba

Married couple's son is hit by a car and killed. Their marriage comes very close to falling apart, and while they're working back toward their relationship, they learn about a son born to a former girlfriend of the husband's; the child may be his. And then...

Nataly Fish

Leftenan Adnan

Leftenan Adnan

This is a film about a Malaysian soldier, Lt. Adnan, who gave his life in defending Malaya from the Japanese invasion during World War II. It exemplifies an example of the patriotic spirit that should be in every Malaysian. Lt. Adnan was a courageous individual who was willing to give everything, including his life, for the people and nation. He al..

Nataly Fish

Adnan Sempit Balik Raya

Adnan Sempit Balik Raya

Adnan returns home to his village to celebrate Hari Raya with his uncle, Pak Chah. Upon returning, he was shocked to find out that his old friend, Fatimah, who when they were young was once fat has turned out to be slim and beautiful.

Nataly Fish

Adnan Sempit

Adnan Sempit

Known as Nan Sempit by his friends, Adnan (Shaheizy Sam) is an orphan and a 'mat rempit' who decides to move to the big city in Kuala Lumpur after being treated unfairly by his aunt's family. During his stay in KL, Adnan lives with his elder brother Macha (Cat Farish) and works as a dispatch guy at a private company. He develops a friendly relation..

Nataly Fish



The story of an imaginative ten year old Syrian refugee boy who has had to flee his home country with his mother after the rest of their family were killed and their neighbourhood destroyed. Now settled in the UK, he must use all his creativity to break through his mother's PTSD or risk losing her forever.

Nataly Fish

Adnan Sempit 3

Adnan Sempit 3

The third instalment of "Adnan Sempit" sees Adnan married to his childhood love, Nadia, and Bobby married to Wawa. Adnan, is also getting the hang of running his own business. However, the two couples soon realise that there is more to getting married than just sharing a home with someone.

Nataly Fish

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