
A Wednesday !

A Wednesday !

L'histoire d'un type d'apparence normale, qui appelle la police et leur annonce qu'il a déposé des bombes à plusieurs endroits de la ville, et qu'il les fera exploser si on ne répond pas à ses demandes. Pour prouver sa bonne foi, il leur annonce qu'il a caché une bombe dans le commissariat.

Nataly Fish

Wednesday Morning Two A.M.

Wednesday Morning Two A.M.

Lewis Klahr has started a new series of short animation films under the title of 'Couplets'. The project is intended to eventually result in a feature-length animation film. The theme is love, and each part focuses on a pop song. Wednesday Morning Two A.M., the powerful opening of this huge project, tells the story of a lost love. The music is by T..

Nataly Fish

A Little Poem for Wednesday

A Little Poem for Wednesday

16mm experimental short film.

Nataly Fish

MMXX: A Leap Year Starting on a Wednesday

MMXX: A Leap Year Starting on a Wednesday

A chronicle of 2020 as seen on the filmmaker's daily bicycle commute.

Nataly Fish

On a Wednesday Night in Tokyo

On a Wednesday Night in Tokyo

A regular Wednesday night in Tokyo's subway. The train is filled with more and more people...

Nataly Fish

The World Ended (On A Wednesday)

The World Ended (On A Wednesday)

In an Oslo apartment, four friends are discussing how they would react if the rest of the world would come to an end and they were the only survivors. The discussion gets heated and underlying conflicts surface.

Nataly Fish

La Fête du feu

La Fête du feu

Ce mardi est "Chahar shanbeh souri", une fête du feu plurimillénaire. Rouhi, une jeune aide-ménagère qui vit un bonheur complet et va bientôt se marier, est employée pour la journée chez un jeune couple. Elle découvre un foyer en pleine crise, dont la femme soupçonne son mari de la tromper avec une voisine...

Nataly Fish

A Really Crazy Wednesday

A Really Crazy Wednesday

Márcio steals a script and knocks coffee in it.

Nataly Fish

Mercredi 04:45

Mercredi 04:45

Afin de financer la rénovation du club de jazz qu'il a acheté il y a plus de 15 ans dans le centre d'Athènes, Stelios Dimitrakopoulos a emprunté une coquette somme d'argent à un prêteur sur gages roumain. Celui-ci qui réclame son dû, lui laisse 3 jours pour réunir l'argent, faute de quoi Stelios devra lui céder le local. Sur le qui-vive, ..

Nataly Fish



Luis Miguel, a 30-35 year old man, unemployed, lonely and with a boring life. He realizes that his Wednesdays are disappearing, or worse, someone is stealing them, and oddly enough there is an association behind all this trafficking in his days. After discovering it, Luis Miguel turns his sad life upside down and begins to fight against the associa..

Nataly Fish

Happy Wednesday

Happy Wednesday

A young man who claims to work in an office job must accept the consequences when his lie is discovered by his father who visited him in Jakarta.

Nataly Fish

Wednesdays Don't Exist

Wednesdays Don't Exist

Trois hommes et trois femmes se croisent à différents moments et lieux de Madrid au cours de leur vie quotidienne et de leurs occupations amoureuses.

Nataly Fish

Gone Wednesday

Gone Wednesday

This is a work depicting a man suffering from dissociative identity disorder, who is different on each day of the week, from the perspective of "I" on Tuesday.

Nataly Fish

The Wednesday Child

The Wednesday Child

History sometimes repeats itself. As a nine-year-old, Maja was abandoned by her mother and placed in an orphanage. Now it’s ten years later and she keeps returning to the institution – to visit her own four-year-old son. Will she be able to take control of her life despite the unfavorable circumstances and her own self-destructive tendencies?

Nataly Fish

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

1913: A young woman is raped by a priest and turns away from the Church as a result of the experience. 1924: She now is the owner of an expensive brothel, and she plays a small role on both sides of the Cristero Uprising, when foreign-born clergy were deported from Mexico.

Nataly Fish

Wednesday Wednesday

Wednesday Wednesday

Today is Wednesday.

Nataly Fish



Every Wednesday, 8 year old Kris accompanies 28 year old Willem to the swimming pool. They swim, go down the slide and have a lot of fun. But one Wednesday Willem confronts Kris with a frightening request...

Nataly Fish



2 years ago, during Akram's engagement party, her father is killed in a fight with one of the groom's close relatives. Currently, the murderer's execution date is coming up and Akram, her sister, and her two brothers have to confirm the execution request. However, a recent event has made three of them reconsider the request; a decision that is stro..

Nataly Fish



Jaanus spends the last day with his wife Karin at home. In the midst of common eiders, seagulls, fishing nets and summer breeze, they send Karin's soul to the eternity.

Nataly Fish

Wednesday, May 9

Wednesday, May 9

A man named Jalal publishes an unusual advertisement in one of Tehran’s morning papers to donate $10,000 to a needy person. The news gathers a large group of people. At the end of the day, he receives many application forms, and he eventually decides to choose one by chance. Those who have applied insist that what's been advertised is the only so..

Nataly Fish

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