
Entrée d'Artistes

Entrée d'Artistes

“Entrée d’Artistes” is an astonishing documentary about jazz, swing and dance music in Luxembourg between the Twenties and the Sixties. The first orchestras performed at the fair, at the Alpha, at the International,… ; jazz, considered “negro” music and banned during the Nazi occupation, was prerogative of cabaret,… “Entrée d’Ar..

Nataly Fish

Tom tend un piège à Jerry

Tom tend un piège à Jerry

Tom conçoit les plans d’une souricière. Pendant qu'il dort, Jerry modifie ceux-ci…

Nataly Fish



Luca is the pre-eminent artist of his generation and at the peak of his career, lauded, feted and collected by all. He is the ultimate showman however, his fortune and fame have left him agoraphobic and crippled by depression. He hasn't left his house in five years, he's a virtual recluse who battles daily with his demon. When a chance encounter br..

Nataly Fish

Hayao Miyazaki et le musée Ghibli

Hayao Miyazaki et le musée Ghibli

Le musée Ghibli est un musée commercial ouvert en 2001, il est consacré aux réalisations du Studio Ghibli situé dans la banlieue de Tokyo. Ce documentaire produit par Isao Takahata, ami et collaborateur de longue date de Hayao Miyazaki, présente en détail le musée, ses 3 niveaux et ses salles d'exposition.

Nataly Fish

Art Museum by the Zoo

Art Museum by the Zoo

Durant son congé de service militaire, Lee Seong-Jae rentre chez lui pour s’apercevoir que sa fiancée l’a quitté et que Shim Eun-Ha, une jeune cinéaste vidéo, occupe son appartement. Obligés de cohabiter ensemble, ils vont écrire un script intitulé « Art Museum By The Zoo » pour gagner un concours de scénario.

Nataly Fish

Science Fiction: A Journey Into the Unknown

Science Fiction: A Journey Into the Unknown

This documentary is a history and review of science-fiction and fantasy programs on TV.

Nataly Fish

A Visit to the Armor Galleries

A Visit to the Armor Galleries

In the 1920s the Metropolitan Museum of Art began to explore filmmaking as part of its educational program, and in 1924 it released two films about Arms and Armor. In preparation for this new undertaking, Bashford Dean, the head of the Arms and Armor department, sought the advice of Hollywood professionals D. W. Griffith and John Barrymore. "A Visi..

Nataly Fish

The Immortals: The Wonder of the Museo Egizio

The Immortals: The Wonder of the Museo Egizio

Kha, architect and builder of tombs for the pharaohs, must undertake the journey to the Underworld. Telling us the story of his voyage is Jeremy Irons, in the guise of a narrator. His words take us inside the secret world of Egyptian mythology, religion and funerary culture, interweaving the story with the history of the oldest museum in the world,..

Nataly Fish

L'Art d'exposer

L'Art d'exposer

Nataly Fish

Don't Eat the Pictures: Sesame Street at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Don't Eat the Pictures: Sesame Street at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

As the Metropolitan Museum of Art closes, Big Bird decides to leave his Sesame Street friends behind in search of Snuffy. Once locked inside for the night, educational hilarity ensues as Big Bird and Snuffy team up to help a small Egyptian boy solve a riddle - as the rest of the cast searches for their big, yellow friend.

Nataly Fish

Jane Doe, Miss détective : Le Tableau volé

Jane Doe, Miss détective : Le Tableau volé

Durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les nazis ont volé une toile de Vermeer au père de Hildy Bloome. Tout récemment, cette toile de maître a été retrouvée et rendue à sa propriétaire, très âgée. Une réception est donnée en cet honneur au musée d'art de Los Angeles. Mais durant la nuit, le tableau disparaît. Jane Doe est chargée de l..

Nataly Fish

La muse de l'artiste

La muse de l'artiste

April Littleton a délaissé la photographie d'art pour devenir une photographe de mode célèbre que le monde entier s'arrache. Son agent, Tyler, lui annonce qu'un grand groupe européen souhaite l'engager comme photographe exclusive à Paris pendant deux ans. Elle reçoit alors un appel de sa meilleure amie, Julia, lui demandant d'offrir des phot..

Nataly Fish

Le Grand musée

Le Grand musée

Le Grand musée pose un regard curieux et plein d'humour sur les coulisses de l'un des plus grands musées au monde, le Musée de l'Histoire de l'Art à Vienne. A l'occasion de la rénovation d'une aile du musée, le film nous plonge au coeur de cette institution colossale, et nous fait partager l'intimité de ses employés. Directeur général, ..

Nataly Fish

Santo in the Wax Museum

Santo in the Wax Museum

El Santo, the masked Mexican wrestler, investigates a series of kidnappings. He discovers that the mysterious Doctor Caroll is using the victims as part of his experiments to develop an army of monsters. Naturally, El Santo is able to overcome them all - with wrestling!

Nataly Fish

The Muse

The Muse

Takashima is a young struggling actor who wants to be a film director. The film follows his chance encounters and career highlights (and lowlights!) as he strives to reach the top, and details his attempt to create the perfect film.

Nataly Fish

Girl with a Pearl Earring: And Other Treasures from the Mauritshuis

Girl with a Pearl Earring: And Other Treasures from the Mauritshuis

The Girl with a Pearl Earring' by Johannes Vermeer is one of the most enduring paintings in the history of art. This beautifully filmed documentary goes in pursuit of answers to the unresolved riddles surrounding this extraordinary piece.

Nataly Fish

LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life

LIFE BEYOND II: The Museum of Alien Life

What if there was a museum that contained every type of life form in the universe? This experience takes you on a tour through the possible forms alien life might take, from the eerily familiar to the utterly exotic, ranging from the inside of the Earth to the most hostile corners of the universe. New research is upending our idea of life and whe..

Nataly Fish

Museum of the Revolution

Museum of the Revolution

The Museum of the Revolution in Belgrade is actually a building that remained unfinished for 60 years and 'inhabited' only by the homeless and marginalized. The director observes the precarious (but proud) daily life of a girl and her mother around the symbolic ruins of a utopia.

Nataly Fish

The Museum

The Museum

Elisa and Manuel are going on their first date at a paleontology museum. Even though Elisa is not interested in dinosaurs, she'll soon find out how interesting they are being next to Manuel. Their fun will be disrupted by a guard that will chase them, making them realize that the museum is hiding more than they could ever imagine.

Nataly Fish

Museum: Introduction

Museum: Introduction

Hitoshi Kudo is a journalist who covers various murder cases. One day, his daughter is kidnapped by the frog man. In order to safely rescue her, Kudo is cornered by one unreasonable instruction after another.

Nataly Fish

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