
A Wind from the South

A Wind from the South

A lighthouse keeper and her late brother's best friend live together in a lighthouse, waiting for the south wind to scatter the ashes of the deceased.

Nataly Fish

A Wind from the South

A Wind from the South

Set in Ireland, the story centers on a day in the life of Shevawn, an innocent, 30-year-old dreamer who is domineered by her innkeeper brother. An American tourist with a troubled marriage gives Shevawn's life new meaning.

Nataly Fish

A Wind from the South

A Wind from the South

"A dialogue, in Guarani and Spanish, between two brothers trying to decide how to survive the war waged by Stroessner's troops in their isolated land. With a stunning soundtrack and a visual language that defies narrative, the film confronts us with the fundamental question of whether survival is to be found in migration or armed opposition." - Fro..

Nataly Fish

Wind from the South

Wind from the South

Néfissa, étudiante à Alger, rentre l'été dans son village du sud. Son père veut la marier au maire mais elle souhaite continuer ses études. Affrontant son père et l'opinion des villageois qui ne la comprennent pas, elle décide de fuir vers Alger. Le berger Rabah la découvrant blessée et perdue dans les montagnes, la fait soigner par sa m..

Nataly Fish

Heroin. Wind from the South

Heroin. Wind from the South

The annual opium production in Afghanistan is equal to 150 billion single doses! This is 25 times more than the population of the globe. At the same time, even if all heroin production in Afghanistan is destroyed now, the current situation is that its reserves will last for future generations for at least another 100 years! At the same time, accord..

Nataly Fish

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