
A Night with the Stars

A Night with the Stars

For one night only, Professor Brian Cox goes unplugged in a specially recorded programme from the lecture theatre of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. In his own inimitable style, Brian takes an audience of famous faces, scientists and members of the public on a journey through some of the most challenging concepts in physics. With the help ..

Nataly Fish

Sword Art Online - Progressive - Aria of a Starless Night

Sword Art Online - Progressive - Aria of a Starless Night

« Ce jeu est impossible à terminer. La seule chose qui nous différencie, c’est le lieu et la façon dont nous mourrons. » Un mois s’est écoulé depuis que le jeu de la mort Sword Art Online a ouvert ses portes et emprisonné dix mille âmes. Kirito, un joueur solo qui s’est juré de ne se fier qu'à lui-même pour progresser, va faire l..

Nataly Fish

La Nuit de San Lorenzo

La Nuit de San Lorenzo

Une jeune femme se souvient de ces jours noirs où la moitié du village avait fui les Allemands à la recherche d'alliés mystérieux dont l'arrivée se faisait attendre.

Nataly Fish

Starry Starry Night

Starry Starry Night

Xiao Mei est une jeune fille de 13 ans qui a été élevée par ses grands-parents dans les montagnes. Quand elle revient vivre auprès de ses parents en ville, elle aspire à une vie simple et sans soucis avec pour passion se coucher dans l'herbe la nuit et regarder le ciel étoilé. Mais ses parents rencontrent des problèmes de couple et laisse..

Nataly Fish

Starry Is the Night

Starry Is the Night

As Cai Mei, a single 40 year old woman and a social worker starts a relationship with a teen-ager Tian-Ah, she remembers her relationship when she was young with her professor, a married man older than her.

Nataly Fish

The Science of Doctor Who

The Science of Doctor Who

For one night only, Professor Brian Cox takes an audience of celebrity guests and members of the public on a journey into the wonderful universe of the Doctor, from the lecture hall of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Drawing on the latest theories as well as 200 years of scientific discoveries and the genius of Einstein, Brian tries to answ..

Nataly Fish

Comme une étoile dans la nuit

Comme une étoile dans la nuit

Alors qu'Anne et Marc ont décidé de faire un enfant, Marc découvre qu'il est atteint de la maladie de Hodgkin. Ce film n'est pas l'histoire d'une maladie, c'est l'histoire d'un amour, un amour qui fait échec à la tristesse et à la peur de la mort, un amour qui se nourrit de l'adversité pour se transformer en force véritable. Anne et Marc at..

Nataly Fish

Night of the Shooting Stars

Night of the Shooting Stars

Working long hours in the emergency room, nurse Kana Aoshima befriends musician and frequent hospital patient Shogo Amami. Shogo's therapy visits for his muteness and blindness happen to frequently coincide with Kana's shift, which enables the nurse to get to know the handsome artist well enough to start falling in love with him. Fate intercedes, h..

Nataly Fish

Night Train to the Stars

Night Train to the Stars

“Night Train to the Stars” is a biography of the fascinating life of Kenji Miyazawa, one of Japan's most beloved fantasy novelists. Miyazawa is an idealist pledging with his friend Kanai to work for the improved life of farmers. Troubled by his family’s interest in money making and social status, he leaves home after graduating high school to..

Nataly Fish

The Starry Night

The Starry Night

Nataly Fish

La nuit sans étoiles

La nuit sans étoiles

Can you tell if yours is a colour or black and white dream ? If yours is a silent or sound dream ? If ther’s a voice off or actual sound ?

Nataly Fish

The Starry Night

The Starry Night

A brother and a sister come to visit their grandmother in the countryside to attend their father's funeral. It takes just a few days of being in the middle of nowhere for things to get out of control.

Nataly Fish

The Starry Night

The Starry Night

The starry night' tells about the love that becomes clearer as time goes by, through the process of organizing his own life, loving an old lover.

Nataly Fish

Starry Night Departure

Starry Night Departure

A Taiwanese language film.

Nataly Fish

Stars of Long Nights

Stars of Long Nights

World War II. The fascists kill a boy and invite his mother to identify the body, but she refuses.

Nataly Fish

The Star Farther Than Night

The Star Farther Than Night

Single-8 film by Tachibana Kaoru, sound.

Nataly Fish

The Journey of Stars Into the Dark Night

The Journey of Stars Into the Dark Night

Set in Mindanao, young Faisal, after both his parents were killed due to a ransom kidnapping, carries a bag filled with dollars and attempts to elude soldiers with his 2 new companions Amrayda and Fatima who are also in need of safety as violence and turmoil escalates in their parea.

Nataly Fish

Norman the Snowman: On a Night of Shooting Stars

Norman the Snowman: On a Night of Shooting Stars

Norman and the boy decide to go on an adventure to see the stars filling the sky as shooting stars will reach the town soon. What they don’t know is it will get too cloudy to see anything up there. It’s about their small and yet heartwarming journey.

Nataly Fish

One Night of Stars / La Esmeralda

One Night of Stars / La Esmeralda

One Night of Stars The setting is in the middle of the Edo Period during the reign of Yoshimune Tokugawa. Kinosuke Amano is the second son of the Lord of the Mikazuki clan, based in a lush green village nestled among mountains in Kyushu. He is a free-spirited youth, who slips out of the castle every night and is enchanted by looking at the stars. ..

Nataly Fish

Night Walks Along the Star Lanes

Night Walks Along the Star Lanes

A resident of the Vyatka village of Bezdenezhnye, a pensioner Viktor Odintsov, dreamed of the starry sky from an early age. But he was able to take up astronomy and build three observatories on his estate only now, after completing his service in military aviation. And everything would be fine, but his dearest wife is constantly trying to pull her ..

Nataly Fish

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