
7 Days 6 Nights

7 Days 6 Nights

Anand is a wannabe filmmaker who is tired of waiting for his first break. He faces a major setback in his personal life when his girlfriend Vinni moves to the US all of a sudden. Ahead of his friend Mangalam's wedding, he and the friend travel to Goa to spend a good time. There, Anand develops a bond with Rathika, a young girl working at a restaura..

Nataly Fish

Six jours sept nuits

Six jours sept nuits

A l'origine, cela devait être des vacances de rêves pour Robin Monroe, rédactrice-adjointe d'un grand magazine de mode new-yorkais et le richissime et romantique Frank Martin. Contrainte de rentrer immédiatement à New-York pour son travail, Robin est ramenée en coucou par le pilote baroudeur et bougon Quinn Harris mais leur avion s'écrase su..

Nataly Fish

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