


Relecture moderne et dynamique de la pièce La Ronde, d'Arthur Schnitzer. Une histoire d'amour chorale où les destins de personnages d'horizons différents s'entrecroisent.

Nataly Fish



360 is the first in a series of urban interventions. I shot it with one continuous movement of a super-8mm camera held at arms length, outdoors. The original super-8mm film was blown up to 16mm. The first screening consisted of the two films (copy and original) projected one on top of the other. The projected image of the original encrusts itself w..

Nataly Fish

U2 : 360° - Live At The Rose Bowl

U2 : 360° - Live At The Rose Bowl

U2 360° At The Rose Bowl était l'avant-dernier concert de U2 sur la tournée U2 360° l'an dernier autour de la sortie de l'album No Line on The Horizon nommé aux Grammy Awards. Cette performance au Stade Rose Bowl de Pasadena a été le plus grand concert de l'année 2009 du célèbre groupe irlandais et également son plus gros concert améric..

Nataly Fish

U2 Live Tour 360° - Paris 11 et 12 Juillet 2009

U2 Live Tour 360° - Paris 11 et 12 Juillet 2009

Le groupe de pop-rock irlandais U2 s'est produit les 11 et 12 juillet 2009 au Stade De France. A l'occasion de sa tournée intitulée 360°, et de son nouvel album No Line In The Horizon, le quartet à vu très grand pour en mettre plein la vue aux fans : une scène centrale et un écran géant à 360 degrés, qui permet à tous les spectateurs d'a..

Nataly Fish

3600 Seconds

3600 Seconds

Sandra's life suddenly changes after her parents divorce. When everything gets better and Sandra's problems disappear, her new friend, Leon goes missing. Even worse, she finds that Leon has been keeping a secret from her.

Nataly Fish

360 Degrees

360 Degrees

The story of a boy on a boxing ring. As he's growing up and getting older he is fighting a much stronger opponent.

Nataly Fish

Butterfly 360°

Butterfly 360°

The 360° project tells the story of a peaceful environment featuring a rare case phenomena where a swarm of butterflies is nurturing itself by eating the nectar of flowers showing the beauty but also the fragility of a complex ecosystem. The video installation is configured to work as an interactive 360° experience where the spectator can view th..

Nataly Fish

360° Calmness

360° Calmness

The biggest problem of the 19-year-old high school student Jana is the relentless everyday-life and time. She don't want to think about the remaining time until the next event. For her own interests, she prefer to use the time as she would like. But she becomes the victim of her own strategies..

Nataly Fish

Canon Creative Park Jungle 360

Canon Creative Park Jungle 360

Unique 360 stop motion video with moving camera; entirely made of handmade paper printouts.

Nataly Fish

Love 360

Love 360

The plot of Love 360 revolves around the couple Ram and Janaki, who face countless obstacles in the path of their true love.

Nataly Fish

360 Ascent

360 Ascent

Les grimpeurs de classe mondiale Janja Garnbret et Domen Skofic abordent la plus haute route artificielle du monde, à plusieurs longueurs, en escaladant la plus haute cheminée d'Europe, à la centrale électrique de Trbovlje en Slovénie.

Nataly Fish

Insanity Max: 30 - 360 Abs

Insanity Max: 30 - 360 Abs

(Deluxe) A 360-degree attack on your abs and core...on the floor, in plank, and more!

Nataly Fish

360° Geo - Les métallos de Chicago

360° Geo - Les métallos de Chicago

Après trente ans d'activité, Gary 13, le plus grand haut-fourneau des États-Unis devient dangereux. En mai 2005, il se fend et provoque la mort de deux personnes. Les 27e et 28e victimes de sa carrière. US Steel décide de le remplacer par un successeur aussi bardé de superlatifs que les conditions qui accompagnent les travaux : +38 en été, ..

Nataly Fish

Lapin 360

Lapin 360

Delia Peletier has been paid to have a child for a wealthy man who wants an heir. She has the baby and turns it over to her "employer," but subsequently decides she wants the child back. She hires three men to kidnap the child. The quartet hides out in the house of Bernard Lapin, a nuclear scientist they believe to be away on business. Lapin return..

Nataly Fish

Escape 360

Escape 360

One man, one camera, one goal...to capture the essence of adventure. An experimental, often abstract new type of filmmaking process creating color rich visuals combined with a lush soundtrack that grounds the project. A unique cinematic experience.

Nataly Fish

Utopía 360°

Utopía 360°

Nataly Fish

Los Auténticos Decadentes | ADN Experiencia 360°


For her thesis project, Eva Jiřička decided to plant flowers in the abandoned flowerbed on the sidewalk in front of the Academy of Fine Arts. She later invited the evaluation committee outside and asked them to board a rented bus. The bus then made a full three-hundred-sixty-degree turn on top of the flower bed, involving all of the participants ..

Nataly Fish

360° - Géo - Le cercle polaire en hélico

360° - Géo - Le cercle polaire en hélico

La Sibérie, contrée d'immensité et de solitude : neuf mois durant, l'hiver y impose sa loi, interrompu par un été très court et très chaud. Il est bien difficile, voire impossible de parcourir de grandes distances dans la toundra, gelée et enneigée l'hiver et transformée en marécage au printemps. Le seul moyen de se déplacer est alors l..

Nataly Fish

Buckingham Palace Allotment: Topical Budget 360-2

Buckingham Palace Allotment: Topical Budget 360-2

The royal family contributes to the war effort by harvesting turnips in the grounds of Buckingham Palace. Included on the BFI DVD "A Royal Occasion".

Nataly Fish

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