
15 Minutes

15 Minutes

Le policier Eddie Flemming est connu de tous les médias de New York pour être le meilleur dans sa spécialité. Lorsque deux cadavres sont découverts dans un appartement ravagé par le feu, il est contraint de faire équipe avec Jordy Warsaw, un enquêteur de la brigade des incendies criminels, homme discret qui méprise la presse et la course a..

Nataly Fish



Inspiré de faits réels. 1976 à Djibouti, dernière colonie française. Des terroristes prennent en otage un bus d’enfants de militaires français et s’enlisent à une centaine de mètres de la frontière avec la Somalie. La France envoie sur place pour débloquer la situation une unité de tireurs d'élite de la Gendarmerie. Cette équipe, a..

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes

15 Minutes

While on their way to sign divorce papers that will finalize the end of their marriage, car trouble leaves Jill and Aiden stranded in the middle of a parking lot. With a fifteen minute wait until roadside assistance arrives, Jill and Aiden are left to fill the time together. Still unwilling to give up on them as a couple, what unfolds next are a se..

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes

15 Minutes

A quarter-hour glimpse of the tedious, daily life at sea. Days turn into months, and each day is a copy of a copy. How long exactly is fifteen minutes?

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes

15 Minutes

A Melbourne girl wakes up to realize she has 15 minutes until her train leaves. Panic!

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes at 400 Degrees

15 Minutes at 400 Degrees

Two years after losing his wife, John (Richard Riehle) finds solace in an unusual connection. John spends his free time engaging in an online relationship with a woman (Elizabeth Gillies) who makes him feel connected to his late wife by helping John recreate her recipes. When a masked robber (John Gemberling) appears during their session one night,..

Nataly Fish

Scandal: 15 Minutes of Fame

Scandal: 15 Minutes of Fame

Trois femmes, une actrice en herbe, une journaliste et une avocate, élaborent un plan pour s'enrichir mutuellement. L'actrice simulera une accusation de harcèlement sexuel contre un homme politique et bénéficiera de beaucoup de publicité, le journaliste aura le scoop et l'avocat aura la réputation de défendre l'actrice. L'arnaque se déroule..

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes of Shame

15 Minutes of Shame

Monica Lewinsky and filmmaker Max Joseph (Catfish) examine the human price of public shaming and cyber-harassment, profiling people who have experienced them first-hand – while investigating the bullies, bystanders, and experts in between.

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes Over Low Heat

15 Minutes Over Low Heat

Nataly Fish

Every 15 Minutes

Every 15 Minutes

Every 15 minutes a life is taken by a drunk driver.

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes of Faye

15 Minutes of Faye

A self-absorbed idiot hellbent on becoming famous tries to charm his ex-girlfriend, who is now a celebrity rock star, by pretending he's still in love with her.

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes of Fame

15 Minutes of Fame

Comedy - When a filmmaker friend asks to use their apartment for his movie, Nodoubt and his friends jump at the chance, but their excitement is short-lived. Stardom grows dimmer by the minute as the ugly side of show business (and friendship) takes over. - Markee Adams, Paula Bel, Priscilla Bonnet

Nataly Fish

Around New York in 15 Minutes

Around New York in 15 Minutes

People waving goodbye to ship. High angle of intersection. People hurried off ferry. Pov on elevated. Views from? People on street & pov from trollies. Skating in central park & windy day on street with snowdrifts. Street scenes. Ice. Winter pedestrians. Ship sailing.

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes of Tolerance

15 Minutes of Tolerance

A woman lost in a mall parking lot tries desperately to find her way out. As she wanders aimlessly between parked cars, she struggles to maintain her sanity and resolve a decaying relationship via her cell phone, discovering the hard way how much she may have contributed to being the victim of her own labyrinth.

Nataly Fish

30 Years and 15 Minutes

30 Years and 15 Minutes

Romania is on the last place in Europe in terms of highway kilometers, but on the first place in the number of deaths in road accidents. Entrepreneur Stefan Mandachi builds 1 meter of highway on his private property.

Nataly Fish

76 Minutes and 15 seconds with Abbas Kiarostami

76 Minutes and 15 seconds with Abbas Kiarostami

Kiarostami as we have never really known him before, despite the transformative power of his many movies. Filmmaker and close friend Samadian avoids the talking heads of so many artistic memoirs to offer more candid clips of Kiarostami the man: lover of poetry, convivial with friends, engaging landscapes on and off screen, laughing with other artis..

Nataly Fish

Persia before Khomeini - The history of Iran in 15 minutes

Persia before Khomeini - The history of Iran in 15 minutes

This documentary has been re-edited out from CHRONOS-documentaries "The Heirs of Cyrus the Great" (1974), "Politics of Oil" (1980) and super-8 home movies by Irmgard and Bengt von zur Mühlen

Nataly Fish

15 Palestinian Minutes in Palestine

15 Palestinian Minutes in Palestine

First film by artist and filmmaker Emily Jacir.

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes - The Dvor Massacre

15 Minutes - The Dvor Massacre

The Danish soldiers in Camp Dannevirke were assigned by the United Nations to monitor the ceasefire between the Serbs and the Croats. They were only allowed to use weapons in self-defense. In the summer of 1995, the Croatian Army ceasefire broke. Once there was no longer a ceasefire to monitor, the soldiers were ordered to stay inside their camp an..

Nataly Fish

15 Minutes with Evert Taube

15 Minutes with Evert Taube

Swedish writer and troubadour Evert Taube flips through his memory album, tells stories and sings.

Nataly Fish

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