
Armenia, My Love...

Armenia, My Love...

The destiny of a happy Armenian family will change forever in 1915, Ottoman Empire, (Armenian land), now Turkey and whose beautiful dreams will become memories in the eyes of the most famous Armenian American painter, who lives to paint the story of his shattered childhood.

Nataly Fish

Visages d'enfants

Visages d'enfants

Un homme vient de perdre son épouse et reste seul avec ses deux enfants : Jean, qui a à peu près dix ans, et sa sœur Pierrette, âgée de cinq ans. Le père se remarie assez rapidement avec une jeune veuve du village, elle-même mère d'une petite Arlette. Averti tardivement, et toujours sous le choc du décès de sa mère, Jean prend très mal..

Nataly Fish

Gyeong-ah's Daughter

Gyeong-ah's Daughter

Kyung-ah travaille comme aide-soignante et vit seule. La seule personne sur laquelle elle peut compter est sa fille, Yeonsu, mais il est difficile de la revoir après son indépendance. Pendant ce temps, Yeonsu, qui souffrait de son ex-petit-ami, se dispute à nouveau avec lui et rentre chez lui. Après le départ de Yeonsu, Kyung-ah reçoit un mes..

Nataly Fish

Un bébé devant ma porte

Un bébé devant ma porte

Violet, 20 ans, élève seule son enfant, Charlie. Renvoyée de son travail, sans argent, sans logement, sans aucune aide de sa famille et malade, elle ne voit pas d'autre solution que de laisser Charlie devant la porte de la chroniqueuse et écrivaine Peyton Mac Gruder, dont elle a entendu les propos bienveillants à la radio. Peyton ne veut pas d..

Nataly Fish

Take Care of My Mom

Take Care of My Mom

Nataly Fish

The Little Adventurer

The Little Adventurer

In an effort to erase his disgrace, the mischievous Kim Hwan starts a movement to build birdnests but the old park keeper gets injured in his efforts. In order to get money for the park keeper's hospital fees, Hwan gets on his friend Chil-sung's boat to catch some fish. However, Hwan gets caught up in the tide and drifts off to sea where he is resc..

Nataly Fish

Anita La Fête des Mères

Anita La Fête des Mères

In Anita's world, it's good to grow up and have adventures. Inseparable from her dog Pantufa and cat Pom-Pom, she is a sociable girl who lives surrounded by good friends. Anita likes sports, trying new things and in each episode she experiences a new challenge, where she discovers a little more about the world around her. For this dreamy and curiou..

Nataly Fish

Where's Mama's Boy?

Where's Mama's Boy?

William Hung, who shot to fame with an off-key audition on "American Idol," makes his film debut in this martial arts musical comedy. Auntie Foon (Nancy Sit), a music hall owner in Imperial China, searches for her long-lost son, as well as husbands for her 12 daughters. Enter kindly singer Ma (Hung), who could be Foon's son. The fun family film als..

Nataly Fish

ウルトラマンタロウ ウルトラの母は太陽のように
Une femme dont on parle

Une femme dont on parle

Hatsuko dirige une maison de geisha à Kyoto, elle est veuve. Sa fille Yukiko revient de Tokyo après une tentative de suicide, quand son amant l'a abandonné. Hatsuko est la maîtresse du jeune docteur Matoba, qui s'occupe des geishas de la maison. Le médecin est attiré par Yukiko, qui d'abord le méprise, comme tout ce qui concerne la maison de..

Nataly Fish

Nagasaki : Memories of my Son

Nagasaki : Memories of my Son

Nobuko travaille à Nagasaki comme une sage-femme. Son fils est mort trois ans plus tôt des suites du bombardement atomique. Le 9 août 1948, son fils réapparaît soudain face à elle. Puis les apparitions de Kôji se font plus nombreuses, lui rappelant des moments agréables du passé. Ces moments bizarres mais heureux semblent éternels.

Nataly Fish

Les têtards à la recherche de leur maman

Les têtards à la recherche de leur maman

The narrated film describes the adventures and misadventures of a group of tadpoles in search of their mother.

Nataly Fish

A Rescue from Hades

A Rescue from Hades

Three generations of the Luo family fasted and chanted Buddha's name. However, Mr. Luo died young. Luo's mother complained and began to kill animals and eat meat. When Luo Bu grew up, her family property was wiped out by her uncle. Oppose and remarry someone else. After Luo's mother died, she went to hell. Luo Bu received God's instructions and fol..

Nataly Fish

The Sunshine Boy

The Sunshine Boy

A Mother's Courage (aka The Sunshine Boy) is a moving, compassionate portrayal of a mother's desperate quest to understand the perplexing condition that controls her son. A journey through different countries, where every stop-over opens a new path into the depths of autism - and places her son in a strikingly different perspective as it reaches th..

Nataly Fish

When My Mom Died, I Wanted to Eat Her Ashes

When My Mom Died, I Wanted to Eat Her Ashes

When Satoshi was little, his mother Akiko always took good care of him. She was gentle, but mentally strong. However, two years ago she was diagnosed with cancer and now it's Satoshi's turn to comfort and care for her. However, despite his best efforts, she passes away. A year after Akiko's passing, Satoshi, his father Toshiaki and his older brothe..

Nataly Fish

No Matter How Much My Mom Hates Me

No Matter How Much My Mom Hates Me

Taiji has been estranged from his mother Mitsuko for years. Due to a meeting with his friend, he looks back at his past with his mother. After not seeing her for years, Taiji sees Mitsuko again. He tries to regain his mother's love.

Nataly Fish

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