
Cruz Diablo

Cruz Diablo

16th-century swashbuckler; evil nobleman usurps another man's title and properties and forces his daughter to marry a political ally. But Cruz Diablo will have revenge!

Nataly Fish

Harald Handfaste

Harald Handfaste

Harald Handfaste is a 15th century Swedish Robin Hood, who fights against foreign oppression. He becomes the leader of a band of highwaymen and they start dealing with the evil bailiff. However, the bailiff will stop at nothing to catch Handfaste and show the people who is in charge. He even attempts to marry Handfaste's beloved Karin, and when she..

Nataly Fish

The Young Landlords

The Young Landlords

Four teen-age New York residents try to raise cash to improve a dilapidated building they brought for a dollar.

Nataly Fish

Prince Des Voleurs

Prince Des Voleurs

Messire Allan Claire de retour des croisades où il a côtoyé le Roi Richard est sur le point d'épouser Lady Christabel. Alors qu'il traverse la Forêt de Sherwood avec sa sœur Lady Marian, il est attaqué par Robin des Bois et ses compagnons. Ce dernier reconnaît le noble seigneur et décide de l'aider à délivrer Lady Christabel. En effet, p..

Nataly Fish

An Arrow Escape

An Arrow Escape

Once again, Robin Hood rescues Maid Marian from a terr-u-ble fix. Some artists involved: Dan Gordon, Larry Silverman, Milton Stein, Carlo Vinci, "Connie" Rasinski. Robin Hood's jousting match is creatively staged, the animation largely by Rasinski and Vinci.

Nataly Fish

Rome, 1585

Rome, 1585

The leader of a gang of Spanish mercenaries falls for a beautiful princess. Thing get dicey, however, when an imprisoned leader is freed and comes calling.

Nataly Fish

Angels in the Attic

Angels in the Attic

The attic of Brad and Franky's apartment building holds a suitcase full of cash. Now, these two good-hearted Robin Hoods are on a mission of mercy to save some needy neighbors with gifts of money and presents. But the suitcase belongs to a bank robber and now the two young heroes must figure out a way to capture the thief and return the money while..

Nataly Fish

Il passatore

Il passatore

The story of the most infamous bandit in Romagna, who robbed from the rich to give to the poor.

Nataly Fish

Les Robins des pauvres

Les Robins des pauvres

Franck et Régis Delmas sont issus d'une modeste famille d'agriculteurs du Cantal. Leurs origines simples et généreuses les ont motivés à créer un groupe, nommé «les Robins des pauvres». Ainsi, les deux frères cambriolent des banques pour redistribuer l'argent aux plus démunis. Franck et Régis Delmas font l'unanimité au sein de la popul..

Nataly Fish

A Sword to Brando

A Sword to Brando

In a mediaeval feudal hamlet, young girls are being abducted by a sect of devil-worshipers, all of whose faces are masked by sinister skulls. Brando, the young hero of this film, saves two damsels from the ravages of the sect.

Nataly Fish

Jungle Drums of Africa

Jungle Drums of Africa

In Africa, a deceased medical missionary's daughter in Africa carries on her father's work. Before long, she finds herself in danger from crooks and a local witch doctor.

Nataly Fish

L'Invincible cavalier masqué

L'Invincible cavalier masqué

En 1670, alors que la peste, venue du Portugal, commence a se répandre en Espagne. Don Luis, un cruel seigneur, se cloitre dans son château et fait assassiner un représentant du gouvernement. Il prévoit de marier la fille de ce dernier à un de ses hommes. Heureusement, un justicier masqué entreprend de rétablir l'ordre dans la région .....

Nataly Fish

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