


Stop Motion short film about everyday (dis) illusions.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Love is a Tender Illusion

Love is a Tender Illusion

At the airport, Lei Peng met a gentle girl who was highly similar to his ex-girlfriend, and he also met Shu Dai, a strange man who tried to match them up. The two parties reached a contract to "pretend to be a couple". A series of sweet and funny farce unfolded. It’s all calm, what's wrong, an astonishing truth surfaced, pointing directly to the ..

Nataly Fish

I Am Illusion

I Am Illusion

We think that we know people with whom we communicate all our lives, we know who they are and what they are capable of. But these are just images that we have drawn in our heads that have nothing to do with reality. You can never be completely sure which person is in front of you, what her weaknesses are, and how many personalities she hides in her..

Nataly Fish

An Illusion of My Mind

An Illusion of My Mind

An author's struggle between what he wants to write and what others might want to read culminates into a surrealist novel.

Nataly Fish

Azulejo ou l'illusion visuelle

Azulejo ou l'illusion visuelle

The Great Lisbon Earthquake of 1755 is narrated with brief allusions. Inspired by a mural on historic ceramic tiles, a poetic metaphor is developed about decline and rebirth and accompanied by appropriate guitar music.

Nataly Fish

Strawberry Banana Part 1: The Illusion of Choice

Strawberry Banana Part 1: The Illusion of Choice

In this short film written and directed by Sean Taylor, an unnamed mysterious company preys on vulnerable and traumatized people through fabricating visions of deceased loved ones.

Nataly Fish

The Lost Glory -Beautiful Illusion-

The Lost Glory -Beautiful Illusion-

Inspired by Shakespeare's Othello. It is the summer of 1929. With the end of World War I well behind it, New York in America is lapping up the good times. Otto Goldstein has managed to achieve the American Dream, becoming the envy of all, in this city where people from a variety of countries and social classes come to seek their dreams, hopes and p..

Nataly Fish

The Night Illusion

The Night Illusion

A group of young people wants to settle in an abandoned village and revive it

Nataly Fish

The Great Illusion

The Great Illusion

A nostalgic serviceman battling against the recruits of today.

Nataly Fish

State Fair

State Fair

The children of Iowa farmers find love, with mixed results, at the state fair.

Nataly Fish

Kanon Nakagawa Starring Nao Toyama 2nd Concert 2014 Ribbon Illusion

Kanon Nakagawa Starring Nao Toyama 2nd Concert 2014 Ribbon Illusion

A follow up to the original concert, Ribbon Revolution, new songs from Nao Toyama are performed.

Nataly Fish

Posted Grudge Spirit Footage Vol.52: Illusion Edition

Posted Grudge Spirit Footage Vol.52: Illusion Edition

This is the 52th installment of the “Posted Grudge Spirit Footage” film series.

Nataly Fish

Fool's Paradise

Fool's Paradise

L'ascension d'un homme simple d'esprit et muet qui, à la descente d'un bus, devient à son corps défendant une star d'Hollywood.

Nataly Fish

Les paradis perdus

Les paradis perdus

Paris, 1968. Overnight, Isabelle, a young high school student, comes home in shock after what she saw in the streets. Her parents decide to take her to the countryside to escape the disorders. From then on, Isabelle has only one thing in mind: get back to Paris. Instead, her life will take a whole different direction.

Nataly Fish

La foire aux chimères

La foire aux chimères

Génial graveur de billets de banque inimitables, Frank Davis, homme intègre jusqu'à ses cinquante ans qu'il a vécu esseulé et en proie à la risée de ses collègues parce qu'à moitié défiguré par d'anciennes brûlures, se met à jouer, puis fabriquer des faux billets pour combler Jeanne, jeune femme aveugle qui travaille dans un cirque, l..

Nataly Fish

La fille de mes rêves

La fille de mes rêves

Un couple marié rêve de gens qu'ils veulent être ensemble pendant le sexe, et bientôt ils décident de trouver une troisième personne pour de bon.

Nataly Fish

Delusion is Not Good!

Delusion is Not Good!

The summer holidays are long and boring, so a small, romantic projection is just the right thing to bring a little movement into the lives of Nana, Alisa and Anzu. Which of the girls will get the mysterious koji in the end?

Nataly Fish

Pornotropic : Marguerite Duras et l'illusion coloniale

Pornotropic : Marguerite Duras et l'illusion coloniale

Soixante-dix ans après la parution de « Un barrage contre le Pacifique », et alors que le passé colonial de la France suscite toujours des débats houleux, ce documentaire propose une relecture éclairante du chef-d’œuvre subversif de Marguerite Duras.

Nataly Fish

Satan Tempts with Love

Satan Tempts with Love

A crime movie directed by Rudolf Jugert.

Nataly Fish

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