


Ce qui commence comme une enquête de routine se transforme rapidement en une course de cœur pour sauver des millions d'une mort certaine dans ce thriller tendu et captivant. Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park, ER) "fait un début de réalisme impressionnant" (The Hollywood Reporter) dans ce jeu mortel de chat et de souris dans lequel les enjeux ne p..

Nataly Fish

La Dernière grenade

La Dernière grenade

Au Congo, dans les années 60, le commandant Harry Grigsby dirige une équipe de mercenaires. Un jour, sa petite armée, à bout de force, se retrouve encerclée par l'ennemi. Harry décide de faire appel à son vieil ami Thompson, lui-même mercenaire. Quelques heures après avoir émis son message, il entend l'hélicoptère de Thompson arriver. A..

Nataly Fish

Duo pour une mort noire

Duo pour une mort noire

Terreur à Miami. On retrouve un corps décapité et, sur un mur, en lettres de sang, ce message macabre : "J'ai soif ". Meurtre rituel ? L'affaire est confiée aux deux inspecteurs de service, Pete Giuliani et Katherine Hall. Le chef d'un groupe d'immigrés nigériens vient les trouver : selon lui, le responsable de cette hécatombe n'est pas un h..

Nataly Fish

Breaking Point

Breaking Point

The Mafia tries to take revenge against a man who testified against them in court.

Nataly Fish

Deadly Embrace

Deadly Embrace

A beautiful but horny and neglected Beverly Hills wife hires a hot young stud as a gardener. It eventually gets through to her husband that some hanky-panky may possibly be going on, and he begins to spy on her.

Nataly Fish

Dance Music

Dance Music

AKA as Break Dance and Smurf (1984) Dir. Vittorio De Sisti From IMDB: This film, promoted in Germany by Bravo Magazine to exploit the breakdance craze, actually featured very little breakdancing other than some (presumably second unit) footage of the notorious breakdancer, Mr. Robot.

Nataly Fish



Millwood City engineer Scott Daniels, moved from Houston, investigates a series of mysterious fires. Scott's and Lourie Harper's only son Jesse, who hated the move or dad's youth home, fakes a fever and invites his new girlfriend Carmen. She's reporter Allison Saunders, Scott's high-school ex's, daughter and finds Jesse unconscious, overtaken by fu..

Nataly Fish

Getting Wasted

Getting Wasted

An uptight military school gets a dose of hippie-infused rebellion when a group of students gather in support of the 1960s uprising going on around them. When a few students decide to bring the more liberal, artsy side of the revolution onto campus, they face opposition from much of the school's staff.

Nataly Fish



"2053" - This is the number of nuclear explosions conducted in various parts of the globe. "This piece of work is a bird's eye view of the history by scaling down a month length of time into one second. No letter is used for equal messaging to all viewers without language barrier. The blinking light, sound and the numbers on the world map show w..

Nataly Fish

Booby Trap

Booby Trap

A crazed military explosives expert heads for Los Angeles with an RV full of explosives, intending to blow up a rock festival and kill all the "hippies". An army officer is sent to stop him.

Nataly Fish

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Volcano's Last Big Eruption

Himitsu Sentai Gorenger: The Volcano's Last Big Eruption

When Magman makes a blunder that finally makes him lose the Black Cross Furher's trust, he begins a rampage against EAGLE with Navarone Fortress, the Gorenger must finally stop them. It features the destruction of Volcano Mask General Magman and his Mobile Fortress Navarone, as well as the Gorenger Machines, and the first appearance of his successo..

Nataly Fish

They Were Known Only By Their Faces

They Were Known Only By Their Faces

Explosions are raging in one of the ports in the territory occupied by the German fascist invaders. An old and experienced military leader, Admiral Reinhardt, arrives to investigate these emergencies. Together with the head of the Gestapo, SS Standartenfuehrer Hübe, he takes all measures to suppress the activity of the partisans, raids and arrests..

Nataly Fish

Oh, Bomb!

Oh, Bomb!

During the mayoral election, two ex-prisoners decide to replace the lucky pen of an annoying candidate with a mini-bomb.

Nataly Fish

Schlagende Wetter

Schlagende Wetter

After the revelation that Georg has seduced her, Maria is driven away by her father. Georg, fearing the wrath of Maria's father, has swiftly abandoned the girl and left for the mining town of Sankt Anton, where he expects to hide easily amongst the large population of colliers. Maria must care for herself, and ends up in Sankt Anton, where she atte..

Nataly Fish



A short documentary that tells the story of the causes and effects of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Utilizing audio recreations and rare photographs and videos, including the use of U.S. Military training reels to visually display the bombing of Hiroshima, this story is told like you have never seen it before.

Nataly Fish

Three Seconds to Zero Hour

Three Seconds to Zero Hour

“I like shady dealings,” purrs undercover superspy Yabuki en route to infiltrating a sadistic, trigger-happy gang of international jewel thieves. Gone renegade from the shadowy espionage bureau that honed his killer instincts to a razor’s edge, the implacable Yabuki teams up with fellow mercenary crime fighter Yamawaki. Together, they follow ..

Nataly Fish

Special Bodyguard 5

Special Bodyguard 5

An amnesiac Wingren is inexplicably forced on a recurring death mission that requires him to find the whereabouts of a stolen virus. He is full of anger and strong resistance and resistance, but as he goes deeper into the mission, his memory slowly recovers, and when he thinks of his mission, he will face even more difficult challenges, survival or..

Nataly Fish

Ancient Clothing Store

Ancient Clothing Store

Nataly Fish

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