
Which Witch is Which?

Which Witch is Which?

The Ranger is throwing a big Halloween party and Buttons and Rusty wanna come, but instead they gotta thwart the evil plans of two criminals camping out in the park.

Nataly Fish

Witchcraft II: The Temptress

Witchcraft II: The Temptress

Witch from the first Witchcraft movie stalks the now teenage child. She attempts to kill his friends in order to slowly corrupt him to Satan. However the boy is able to defeat the evil Satanic witch, and not enter into Evil with her

Nataly Fish

House of a Witch

House of a Witch

A witch, cloaked in the guise of a villager, navigates life amongst unsuspecting humans.

Nataly Fish

The Witch

The Witch

Nataly Fish

When the Witches Came to Town

When the Witches Came to Town

A 30th anniversary retrospect of the 1986 filming of the movie The Witches Of Eastwick which was filmed on location in Cohasset, Ma.

Nataly Fish

WitchSlayer Gretl

WitchSlayer Gretl

Vingt ans après sa rencontre avec la sorcière, un Hansel adulte revient dans la forêt hantée, en quête de vengeance.

Nataly Fish

The Witches and the Grinnygog

The Witches and the Grinnygog

An ancient church is being dismantled and moved to a new location, stone by stone. One of the gargoyles from the stones falls into the possession of a mother who takes the stone man back to her family. Soon after, four strangers show up in the village and the Sogood & Firkettle children seem to be the only ones who question the mysterious things th..

Nataly Fish



Des travaux publics profanent la tombe d'une sorcière qui se réveille 300 ans après sa mort. Elle va chercher à se venger des descendants de ceux qui l'ont condamnée au bûcher...

Nataly Fish

Simon, King of the Witches

Simon, King of the Witches

Un sorcier habitant les égouts de Los Angeles découvre que ses pouvoirs sont plus puissants qu'il ne le croyait. Un groupe d'adeptes va se joindre à lui...

Nataly Fish

The Witcher Bestiary Season 1, Part 1

The Witcher Bestiary Season 1, Part 1

La forme cauchemardesque du Kikimora. La soif de chair humaine du Striga. Plongez dans les mythologies de certains des nombreux monstres qui rôdent sur le continent.

Nataly Fish

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters 2
Le marteau des sorcières

Le marteau des sorcières

Une vieille femme est surprise à voler une hostie consacrée pendant la messe pour guérir une vache qui ne donne plus de lait. Le curé y voit signe de sorcellerie et demande à la seigneurie locale d'ordonner un tribunal d'inquisition pour juger les coupables au grand dam du clergé de la ville persuadé qu'il n'y a là qu'ignorance et superstit..

Nataly Fish

Adventures Beyond: Witches Ghosts & Phantoms

Adventures Beyond: Witches Ghosts & Phantoms

From the Adventures Beyond, an exploration into the world of the paranormal.

Nataly Fish

Amish Witches: The True Story of Holmes County

Amish Witches: The True Story of Holmes County

A television reality crew has arrived in town to document facts about an isolated Amish sect. Filming is interrupted when the grandmother of their host family, a shunned witch, dies and is denied a Christian burial. When paranormal activities begin to plague the family, they ask the crew to document it. But they never foresee the dangers that the s..

Nataly Fish

The Witching of Ben Wagner

The Witching of Ben Wagner

A new family moves into town and their son, Ben, meets a mysterious girl named Regina, who is rumoured to be a witch.

Nataly Fish

Witch's Night Out

Witch's Night Out

A witch, disgruntled by the fact that no one takes Halloween seriously anymore, decides to stir things up and disrupt the social gathering in her old house as well as turn a couple of kids who love monsters into actual monsters.

Nataly Fish

How the Magic Was Created: Little Witch Academia Work Log

How the Magic Was Created: Little Witch Academia Work Log

A look at the making of the Little Witch Academia short film that eventually led to the creation of the series of the same name.

Nataly Fish

Darkside Witches

Darkside Witches

In 1589, six innocent women were accused from the inquisition of witchery in the small ligurian mountain.

Nataly Fish

Witch's Brew

Witch's Brew

When two micro-brewers screw over the town witch, she curses their latest batch of beer. From that point on, everyone who drinks it suffers a gruesome ironic death. WITCH'S BREW is the fourth feature film from Midnight Crew Studios.

Nataly Fish

The Witchmaker

The Witchmaker

Un chercheur psychique et ses assistants enquêtent sur une série de meurtres de belles jeunes femmes.

Nataly Fish

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