
Blood surf

Blood surf

Cecily, une réalisatrice de films, se rend en Australie avec Zack, son producteur, ainsi qu'avec Bog et Jeremy, deux amateurs de sports extrêmes. Ceux-ci prennent, en effet, un malin plaisir à surfer au milieu des requins... Rien ne semble leur faire peur jusqu'à ce que leur route croise celle d'un énorme crocodile affamé.

Nataly Fish

Les Dents de la mort

Les Dents de la mort

Quelque part dans le trou du cul de l'Australie, un crocodile géant, venu du fond des âges, fait des ravages parmi la population locale. On lui prête des pouvoirs extraordinaires et certains aborigènes vénèrent la cruelle créature comme un dieu. Mais les accidents mortels se succèdent. Un ranger expérimenté, Steve Harris et deux aborigèn..

Nataly Fish



Au fin fond de la campagne anglaise, Lisa et Charlie se préparent pour leur mariage dans un manoir Tudor. Mais un crocodile en colère les attend, bien décidé à gâcher leur grand jour.

Nataly Fish

Le Chemin de la gloire

Le Chemin de la gloire

The story of Australian Indigenous boxer Lionel Rose from his first amateur boxing matches up until his first title fight in Japan.

Nataly Fish

Krai Thong

Krai Thong

This film tells the legendary tale of hero Krai Thong, who used his extreme force, strength of will and superhuman skills when entering a battle to confront the largest crocodile in the world. This fierce monster, Chalawan, has the power of turning into a human being when he enters his golden cave. Chalawan, in human guise, went into town one day a..

Nataly Fish

Almost Holy

Almost Holy

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine's social and political institutions faced massive change, including an increasingly corrupt government and crippled infrastructure. A number of the nation's youth wound up homeless and addicted to a lethal cocktail of injected cold medicine and alcohol. In the early 2000s a pastor from Mariupol named ..

Nataly Fish

Senka the African

Senka the African

After visiting the zoo and reading Chukovsky's book, pioneer Senya falls asleep. In a dream, he flies to Africa with Crocodile Crocodilovich.

Nataly Fish

Krai Thong 2

Krai Thong 2

Thai filmmaker Sompote Sands returns with a sequel to "Krai Thong", in which a man can turn himself into a horrific man-eating crocodile.

Nataly Fish

Double Crosser

Double Crosser

Peter O'Brian (The Stabilizer, The Intruder) goes up against a french mob boss. Cue car chases, explosions, creepy blind kids and finally, an explosion.

Nataly Fish

Expedition Croc Attack

Expedition Croc Attack

a documentary about crocodiles

Nataly Fish

Manche hatten Krokodile

Manche hatten Krokodile

Nataly Fish

O Voo do Crocodilo - O Timor de Ruy Cinatti
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