
Wet Dog

Wet Dog

Based on a provocative autobiography, this story — set in a largely Muslim neighborhood in Berlin — follows a teenage gang member who is caught between hiding his Jewish identity and saving his life.

Nataly Fish

Chiens, à vous de crever

Chiens, à vous de crever

Octobre 1942. Le général von Paulus qui commande la 6ème Armée obéit aveuglement à Hitler qui exige, coûte que coûte, qu’il tienne Stalingrad et résiste par tous les moyens à l’encerclement des troupes soviétiques. Dans les rangs allemands, les soldats privés d’armes et de vivres commencent à prendre conscience de la folie mégal..

Nataly Fish

Dog Eat Dog

Dog Eat Dog

Silje wants to leave her boyfriend, but when she finds him in a half-hearted attempt to hang himself she has to reconsider, in fear of acting reckless.

Nataly Fish

Le Chien, le général et les oiseaux

Le Chien, le général et les oiseaux

Pour sauver Moscou des troupes napoléoniennes, un jeune général utilise les oiseaux de la ville pour l’incendier. Des années plus tard, à la retraite, et vivant à Saint-Pétersbourg, il voit ses nuits hantées par des cauchemars, et ses journées gâchées par les attaques incessantes des oiseaux qui le couvrent de fientes. Un jour, il trou..

Nataly Fish

The Pye-Dog

The Pye-Dog

The Pye-Dog, produced by Teddy Robin and written and directed by Derek Kwok, contained all the necessary ingredients for a story of friendship and camaraderie between a man and a boy. Both orphans, they bond together through school, but a secret one of them has of his true intentions threaten that established friendship, with a questioning of loyal..

Nataly Fish

Lazy like a dog

Lazy like a dog

A lazy and wasteful slacker who enjoys living off his hard-working brother reluctantly accepts to work as a debt collector. Now, he is in love, and for once in his life, he is good at something. Can the boss' daughter straighten him out?

Nataly Fish

Les Chiens

Les Chiens

Un jeune médecin vient de s'installer en region parisienne. Nombre de ses patients consultent apres avoir été victimes de morsures. Il apprend que, pour se protéger des agressions nocturnes, les habitants ont acheté des chiens de garde.

Nataly Fish

Jacob et les chiens qui parlent

Jacob et les chiens qui parlent

Jacob et sa cousine Mimi réussiront-ils à préserver leur vieux quartier et ses jardins publics ? Comment les chiens qui parlent viendront-ils à leur rescousse pour déjouer les plans du constructeur de gratte-ciel ? Une fable écologique pleine d’aventures qui fait rimer émotion et imagination.

Nataly Fish

Father Is a Dog

Father Is a Dog

A mentally-handicapped young man, a sex-obsessed tortured artist, and their responsible but somewhat prideful brother are all grief-stricken in the wake of their mother's death. The three brothers live with their father, a withdrawn and abusive parent who offers no consolation to his mournful sons. The dysfunctional family's dynamic is further comp..

Nataly Fish

Dog Barbos and Unusual Cross

Dog Barbos and Unusual Cross

This is the very first silent slapstick comedy short about adventures of Worldly, Coward, and Fool. What's more fun: fishing with worms, or dynamite? Three friends decided to have a blast! Unfortunately their dog Barbos just loves playing fetch. And this time that stick was used for blast fishing. Barbos saw people throwing a smoking stick in a wat..

Nataly Fish

Okita le pourfendeur : les Trois Frères chiens fous

Okita le pourfendeur : les Trois Frères chiens fous

Un yakuza, Gondô, sort de prison six ans après l'assassinat du chef de bande. Son clan est désormais réconcilié avec l'ancienne bande de l'homme qu'il a assassiné. Isolé, Gondô commence à tenir une maison de prostitution.

Nataly Fish

My Dog, My Lover

My Dog, My Lover

Bernardão is back to the joy of women and despair of their husbands.

Nataly Fish

A Dog Called Money

A Dog Called Money

Accompany PJ Harvey and Seamus Murphy on a journey through the creative process behind PJ Harvey's new album, conceived by their travels around the globe.

Nataly Fish

Dog and Cat

Dog and Cat

A dog wants to by a new hat from his local tailor (who is a cat). A story about why cats and dogs dosen't like each other.

Nataly Fish

Citizen Dog

Citizen Dog

Pott a quitté sa campagne natale pour tenter sa chance à Bangkok. Depuis qu'il a trouvé du travail en ville, il pleut des casques de moto, un ours en peluche lui adresse la parole, les personnages d'un roman photo prennent chair sous ses yeux, et surtout, il croise la route de Jinn, ravissante rêveuse, constamment plongée dans un livre tombé ..

Nataly Fish

Slum Dog Husband

Slum Dog Husband

Lacchi, a happy-go-lucky mall-business man's proposed marriage with his lover Mounica gets into trouble when father of his first wife Baby, who happens to be a dog files a case in court against Lacchi demanding alimony.

Nataly Fish

Stray Dogz 3

Stray Dogz 3

Tukasa works for Tadaomy’s loan shark company. He picks up more female debtors because of his appealing looks. One day, Erina appears in front of Tukasa. Erina used to be an idol and she now sings on the street.

Nataly Fish

Wild Dog

Wild Dog

Un agent secret hâbleur mais brillant dirige une opération qui vise à arrêter le responsable d'une série d'attaques menaçant la sécurité nationale de l'Inde.

Nataly Fish

The Dog Snatch

The Dog Snatch

On their first day of work as dog sitters, Rana and Marti suffer the theft of the French bulldog who was entrusted to their care by a wealthy lady. A fast-paced comedy full of hair-raising situations with cult potential that has plenty of surprises in store. The very own world of the Roman suburbs, which is rarely honored in cinemas, is also capt..

Nataly Fish

Cœur de chien

Cœur de chien

Un savant génial remplace l'hypophyse d'un chien par celle d'un clochard alcoolique. Le résultat bouleverse l'existence satisfaite et banale du scientifique.

Nataly Fish

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