
We're Going the Same Way

We're Going the Same Way

At the non-places of this world lie the struggles of nobodies, to improve, overcome and survive. Their struggles suffocate them, they forget to live. They dislocate them, bring them together and pull them apart. Father and son share simple dreams and a lifetime on the road. Along an unromantic Silk Route they try to make some come true. Searching f..

Nataly Fish

Bring Me the Blood of the Werewolf

Bring Me the Blood of the Werewolf

Jake finds himself in a medieval village, which is possessed by the most iconic cavalcade of movie monsters: Count Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster and The Mummy! To make things even worse, Jake is hunted down by an angry mob when the light of the full moon transforms him into a bloodthirsty Werewolf! With the help of lovely lady Claudia, Jakewolf..

Nataly Fish

Hey, Hey We're The Monkees

Hey, Hey We're The Monkees

Documentary focusing The Monkees, the 1960s pop group originally created for a TV sitcom. Interviews with the band members, the show's creators, and musical collaborators and peers are featured.

Nataly Fish

Kinderen voor kinderen 33 - Hallo Wereld
The Boy Who Cried Werewolf

The Boy Who Cried Werewolf

Robert Bridgestone , un père divorcé, emmène son fils dans la cabane de la montagne familiale. Au cours d'une randonnée au clair de lune, les deux sont attaqués dans l'obscurité par un loup-garou. Pendant la lutte, le loup-garou tombe dans un ravin et est empalé sur une clôture en bois, mais pas avant de mordre Robert. Après enquête, ils ..

Nataly Fish

We Were Once Kids

We Were Once Kids

In the early nineties, before the massive gentrification of many of New York's then slums, several young people from very disparate backgrounds left their broken homes and ventured onto the brutal streets of the city. United by their love of skateboarding, they formed a family and built a unique lifestyle that eventually inspired Kids, a groundbrea..

Nataly Fish

An Erotic Werewolf in London

An Erotic Werewolf in London

Misty et Ruby sont un couple qui se rendent dans un bar lesbien dans le New Jersey. C'est là que leurs vies va changer avec l'arrivée d'une femme séduisante (Anoushka), qui mord Misty, commençant ainsi sa lente transformation en loup-garou. Elle devient un danger pour Ruby et pour n'importe quelle femme.

Nataly Fish

Don Juan ou si Don Juan était une femme...

Don Juan ou si Don Juan était une femme...

Jeanne est une jeune femme séductrice et sensuelle. Amoureuse de son cousin, prêtre, qu'elle entraine dans une débauche incestueuse, elle court de proie en proie: Pierre, professeur qu'elle entraine en Suède, paradis de l'amour libre en ces années 70, pour le perdre; Prevost et sa femme, la fragile Clara, qu'elle charmera dans une cabine du Ni..

Nataly Fish

While You Were Sleeping

While You Were Sleeping

A woman who has selective amnesia loses her husband to a car accident. Overwhelmed with sorrow, she traces his journey and faces the unexpected truth.

Nataly Fish

Personne Ne Parlera De Nous Quand Nous Serons Mortes

Personne Ne Parlera De Nous Quand Nous Serons Mortes

Lorsque son mari torero tombe dans le coma, la vie de Gloria bascule. Elle sombre dans l'alcoolisme et quitte Madrid dans l'espoir de faire fortune au Mexique. Devenue prostituée, elle assiste à un règlement de comptes entre policiers et mafieux mexicains. Vivante, elle rentre en Espagne avec un précieux carnet d'adresses qui devrait lui perme..

Nataly Fish

There Were Cowboys

There Were Cowboys

Infiniment déçu par son récent pèlerinage aux USA pour lequel il avait des attentes disproportionnées, Daniel, de retour en Suisse, reprend le cours de sa vie qu’il trouve bien morne et voit un jour apparaître devant lui un cowboy fantomatique qui lui confie une mission : voler une Chevy El Camino.

Nataly Fish

We Were Famous, You Don't Remember: The Embarrassment

We Were Famous, You Don't Remember: The Embarrassment

Formed in 1979 in Wichita, Kansas, the so-called "blister pop" band the Embarrassment played major U.S. cities and garnered praise from the likes of Allen Ginsberg, John Cale and Jonathan Demme, but their refusal to compromise their vision made success elusive. Through archival interviews and concert footage, this documentary draws a portrait of th..

Nataly Fish



A group of newly graduated highschoolers are terrorized by their friend, who, in a bike accident, has transformed into a werewolf.

Nataly Fish

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Computers... But Were Afraid to Ask

Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Computers... But Were Afraid to Ask

Do home computers scare you. confuse you—make you want to curl up in a ball and hide? As the computer revolution explodes into our lives, it's comforting to know there's palace to look for the answers to the practical questions you didn't want to admit you had. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Computers...but were afraid to ask is that ..

Nataly Fish

Legend of the Werewolf

Legend of the Werewolf

A travelling circus in 19th century France adopts and showcases a feral "wolf boy", who grows into adulthood only to kill the one-man band. He runs off to Paris, where he develops a jealous, overprotective crush on a prostitute, leading him to attack her client, incurring a pursuit by a determined police surgeon.

Nataly Fish

We're a Bounty Hunter Team!

We're a Bounty Hunter Team!

Fourth film from "Toei Hero Next" series featuring actors playing heroes of Toei tokusatsu series. This time, six cast of super sentai series "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger" star in a comedy film, "Oretachi Shokin Kasegi Dan." Directed by Koichi Sakamoto ("Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger").

Nataly Fish

If I Were You

If I Were You

The publicist Claudio and the housewife and choral teacher Helena have been married for many years, but they do not understand and respect the feelings and view point of the partner. Claudio sees Helena as a shopper and "little teacher of a choral" and Helena sees Claudio as an insensitive and rough man. On the night before the fiftieth anniversary..

Nataly Fish

Tomb of the Werewolf

Tomb of the Werewolf

A reality TV crew visits Castle Daninsky to search for a hidden treasure in the dungeons. Instead of finding treasure, they unearth a tomb and unleash a cursed servant.

Nataly Fish

If I Were You

If I Were You

When a woman tries to outwit her husband's sexy young mistress, the unexpected consequences include starring as King Lear in a very amateur production - with the mistress, an aspiring actress, playing The Fool.

Nataly Fish

Bride of the Werewolf

Bride of the Werewolf

After two women are attacked on a desolate road they take refuge at the home of a kind-hearted stranger named Saul who harbors the dark secret of lycanthropy. Can a professor experimenting with the secrets of the Pharaohs cure Saul, or will a battle between the Werewolf and a freshly reanimated Mummy be the end for them all?

Nataly Fish

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