
Spreading the Seeds

Spreading the Seeds

Raška č’byla is an authentic type of onion which was initiated by the grandfather of Melania Trump. The people of a small village are very proud of it and are eagerly promoting its qualities.

Nataly Fish

The Beating Seed

The Beating Seed

Two energies that exchange glances, yield to a passion that vibrates in harmony. Both are transmuted, revealing themselves as witnesses that with a gesture of love it is possible to deserve the world.

Nataly Fish

The Water Seed

The Water Seed

A short animated film by Tadanari Okamoto.

Nataly Fish

La petite pousse

La petite pousse

Pour se coudre de jolies robes, une jeune fille capture des motifs fleuris à l'aide d'un drap magique. Chaque nuit, des fourmis déplacent sa maison de champ en champ. Un jour, une graine tombe dans sa bouche, une petite pousse lui sort du nombril...

Nataly Fish

War of the Seeds

War of the Seeds

A Precious Hotel in the woods, where Japanese soldiers, yangbans, sangnomists, pro-Japanese, and independents come to visit. The hotel's owner, Mi-hwa, saves her Shin-ae and Yeon-hwa's lives, allowing them to stay at her hotel and do her job. She takes revenge on Seong-gyu for taking her child's life. First, she serves Sung-gyu with all her heart..

Nataly Fish

Les graines que l'on sème

Les graines que l'on sème

Accusée d’avoir tagué « MACRON DÉMISSION » sur un mur de son lycée, Chiara n’est pas sortie vivante de sa garde à vue. Bouleversés, ses camarades de classe décident alors de prendre la parole...

Nataly Fish

When The Seedlings Grow

When The Seedlings Grow

Huseyin and his family living in Kobane make a living from selling yogurt. Huseyin and his daughter Zelal set off to the city to sell yogurt. One day, they miss the bazaar time and start walking around the streets, trying to sell the yogurt.

Nataly Fish

Seeds in the Dryland

Seeds in the Dryland

A simple story of a farmer & his son. It is dry season but they need to plant in order to survive. However, their positive outlook help them to think of other solution.

Nataly Fish

Seed Of the Isthmus

Seed Of the Isthmus

A rural boy comes back to his town to discover that nothing is as it used to be.

Nataly Fish

Borrowing Seeds From The Past

Borrowing Seeds From The Past

Nataly Fish

ALEVRINO “The Seed of Everything”

ALEVRINO “The Seed of Everything”

A fantastic adventure with thrilling action. Fifty fantastic characters in fifty amazing locations. Who’s chasing whom? Where is Happiness? Where is Aglaia? Why do we live? Why do we love?

Nataly Fish

Patouille, des grains en parachute

Patouille, des grains en parachute

Patouille est un petit être merveilleux qui vit au rythme des végétaux. Aux côtés de son ami Momo, il découvre les spécificités incroyables des plantes.

Nataly Fish

The Love of a Grape Seed

The Love of a Grape Seed

Short film by Jae-Yeong Heo, Soo-gil Lee, and Derek Son Tae-woong.

Nataly Fish

Study for a Film: Origins or Seeds on the Margin

Study for a Film: Origins or Seeds on the Margin

Found footage of the 1926 film "Les Fonts by Ribas y Compañía" (my grandfather) as opposed to subjective filming of my present in Les Fonts. A parody, a game of contrasts between cultivated flowers, domesticated to serve patriarchy, and wild flowers, which grow on the margins of thought.

Nataly Fish

Les Racines de la destruction

Les Racines de la destruction

Découvertes par une société de biotechnologie, des graines provenant du jardin d’Éden sont reconnues scientifiquement comme ayant le pouvoir de favoriser le développement de l'environnement. Mais, mal utilisées, les précieuses graines se mettent à provoquer des catastrophes naturelles en série. Avec l'aide d'une experte en plantes, Jack ..

Nataly Fish

Seeding of a ghost

Seeding of a ghost

A Hong Kong taxi driver suffers after being cursed by a sorcerer he accidentally hit with his cab. After the driver's wife is raped and killed by teenage hooligans, he pleads with the sorcerer to lift the hex and restore his wife to the land of the living. Otherworldly zombie chaos ensues.

Nataly Fish

Harvest and Seed

Harvest and Seed

The banned and unseen Harvest and Seed is a sardonic look at the conditions of a poverty-stricken Iranian village after the so-called agrarian reforms of the early 1960s, which amounted to a corrupt land grab rather than an equitable redistribution of wealth. This film recorded in village in south of fars, Shiraz, Esmaeel abad

Nataly Fish

Mauvaises herbes

Mauvaises herbes

Waël, un ancien enfant des rues, vit en banlieue parisienne de petites arnaques qu’il commet avec Monique, une femme à la retraite qui tient visiblement beaucoup à lui. Sa vie prend un tournant le jour où un ami de cette dernière, Victor, lui offre, sur insistance de Monique, un petit job bénévole dans son centre d’enfants exclus du sys..

Nataly Fish



Lorsqu'il était enfant, Ped est tombé amoureux de sa camarade de classe Ern, mais il a perdu tout espoir lorsqu'elle a déménagé à Bangkok. Maintenant au lycée, Ped et Ern sont réunis après que l'adolescente soit revenue dans sa ville natale. Koong, son meilleur ami, l'attire dans un plan en partie pour être cool et attirer des filles. Ave..

Nataly Fish

La Graine

La Graine

Lucie et Inès s’aiment et veulent un enfant, mais il leur manque quelque chose… Après cinq tentatives de PMA (procréation médicalement assistée), elles partent pour un ultime essai en Belgique. Commence alors une quête folle pour trouver LA graine.

Nataly Fish

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