
The Neighbour's Wife and Mine

The Neighbour's Wife and Mine

A playwright moves to a rural neighborhood to avoid the distractions of the city, but he discovers there are plenty of ways to get sidetracked in his new home, too.

Nataly Fish

My little Monster

My little Monster

Haru Yoshida est un lycéen. Il est considéré comme un enfant à problèmes avec un comportement imprévisible. Il n'a pas d'amis non plus. Shizuku Mizutani est une lycéenne qui étudie trop. Elle a froid et n'a pas d'amis. Haru Yoshida et Shizuku Mizutani sont assis côte à côte dans une salle de classe. Une petite chose fait que Haru Yoshida..

Nataly Fish

Un voisin qui vous veut du mal

Un voisin qui vous veut du mal

Deux ans après avoir perdu son mari, une jeune femme est bien décidée à prendre un nouveau départ dans la vie.

Nataly Fish

Not So Friendly Neighborhood Affair

Not So Friendly Neighborhood Affair

Set in Sarajevo in May 2021, the city's famous Old Town tries to recover after a difficult pandemic year. When a visitor from Zagreb comes looking for the best kebabs in town, a harmless gesture causes the disintegration of the business and private lives of several people.

Nataly Fish

Absolute Beauty: Beautiful Neighbor Sister

Absolute Beauty: Beautiful Neighbor Sister

Shuihua Loop is a 20 year old college student. A father and his brother refused to transfer to university, Yongjie. Instead of doing household chores every day, her deceased mother struggled daily. Zhuang Tai, Tai, and his classmate Chang Xiong love the childhood of this long chain. Loop replaced his father one day and ended up attending a meeting ..

Nataly Fish

Neighbor X

Neighbor X

The “ultimate love” that aims at “tolerance” and “symbiosis” will be sublimated and ask questions to the chaotic society of today.

Nataly Fish

Synoikia to Oneiro

Synoikia to Oneiro

A poor neighborhood of Athens, Asyrmatos, is the center of the world for the people who live there and try in every way to escape from poverty and destitution. A handsome released youth, Ricos (Alekos Alexandrakis), is trying to make money, at the same time that his lover, Stefi (Aliki Georgoulis), is seeing other men and her father, Nekrophoras (M..

Nataly Fish

Le voisin n° treize

Le voisin n° treize

Juzo est le souffre-douleur de son camarade de classe Akai. Un jour, Akai menace Juzo avec une bouteille d'acide au vitriol et lui brûle accidentellement le visage. Dix ans plus tard, Juzo emménage dans l'appartement n° 13 de l'immeuble où vit également la famille d'Akai.

Nataly Fish

Neighbor Girl Stalking

Neighbor Girl Stalking

After marrying an older husband, the new family who is full of dissatisfaction with the marital relationship. The neighbor's bachelor begins to get excited about looking at him. One day he calls a man looking at himself into his house. It develops into a hot relationship and even thinks of divorcing her husband.

Nataly Fish

You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor's Wife
Neighborhood Oppas

Neighborhood Oppas

Hee-joo, a high school student, meets the tutor that she likes and it made her push to study harder. Yeon-soo, upon seeing her best friend, Hee-joo change for the better, she felt hurt and asked her brothers to do unpleasant things to Hee-joo. She even let out rumors to make Hee-joo drop out of school. After dropping out, even if she took the coll..

Nataly Fish

Yaé, ma petite voisine

Yaé, ma petite voisine

Keitaro est un étudiant en droit et Yaeko est une lycéenne. Ils sont voisins, et leur amitié commence à se transformer en quelque chose de plus romantique. Puis, Kyouko, la sœur de Yaeko, rompt avec son mari et revient au pays. Kyouko est clairement intéressée par Keitaro et Yaé devient anxieuse.

Nataly Fish

Good Morning, Neighbor 10

Good Morning, Neighbor 10

The story revolves around two friends, Čedo and Trto. They are currently on good terms. As they are transporting wood for someone with their truck, all kinds of things happen to them along the way.

Nataly Fish

Funny Neighbors

Funny Neighbors

Jong-ho, a reporter at a local news paper accuses a dog-seller in his article. When he and his wife gather at a pub to celebrate his promotion, the dog-seller suddenly comes in. Minutes later their neighbor In-so enters with a weapon and things go out of control. In-soo holds everyone hostage telling them that he killed his father who abandoned him..

Nataly Fish



Ogrodowa Street in Lódz - just opposite a crowded shopping center, a state-of-the-art museum and a posh hotel - is where some of the city's poorest live, completely forgotten by the world. A heart-warming and funny portrait of people excluded from the mainstream of social life; people who might be more capable of sacrifice and love than those who ..

Nataly Fish



A funny story happens to a block's residents. Everything begins when Tofig comes back from soldiering. Mommy wants to marry off his only son. His future father-in-law is a professor. But this professor is not like others.

Nataly Fish

Le Salaire de la haine

Le Salaire de la haine

Pour s'emparer de la carte qui le mènerait à une mine d'or, un hors la loi n'hésite pas à employer des moyens d'une extrême violence: meurtres, rapt d'enfants, tortures... mais il échouera dans son entreprise... et justice sera faite.

Nataly Fish

Good Morning, Neighbor 9

Good Morning, Neighbor 9

A new sequel to the popular comedy.

Nataly Fish

Flood in YY Neighborhood

Flood in YY Neighborhood

A man with a tin of Van Houten Cocoa is treated to a splash of water.

Nataly Fish

Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor

This film tells several short stories that end up lapsing in the emergency room of a hospital, because it is dedicated to nurses. Cantinflas appears at the end of the film playing the role of Luis, a man who has five daughters and looks forward to a boy, but fate plays a trick and the child dies at birth, but history gives a nice twist and a messag..

Nataly Fish

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