
Crash and Burn, Honey

Crash and Burn, Honey

Cimon has a drag-persona named Miss Inga issues, a place to run and hide when life is hard. One day a bachelor party very he performs goes very wrong and Cimon must face reality.

Nataly Fish



The GPU secret service develops and conducts in 1923-24 an operational game aimed at the elimination of the Savinkov anti-Soviet underground.

Nataly Fish

A Life in the Balance

A Life in the Balance

A Keystone Kops short about a landlord discovering three "anner-kist" tenants building a bomb.

Nataly Fish



Convict Van Duff engineers a large-scale prison break; the six survivors hide out in a forgotten mine working near the prison, then set out on a long, dangerous journey by foot, car, train and truck to retrieve Duff's bank loot. En route, as they touch the lives of "regular folks," each has his own rendezvous with destiny.

Nataly Fish

Elon Musk's Crash Course

Elon Musk's Crash Course

Ce documentaire suit le programme Autopilote de Tesla, ainsi que les décès qu'il a entrainés et qui n'ont pas été reconnus publiquement.

Nataly Fish



March 27, 1977. At 2:00 in the afternoon, a thick fog rolled into the usually quiet Los Rodeos Airport in Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. On the runway sat two fully loaded jumbo airliners. An explosion at a nearby airport had redirected air traffic to the undermanned airfield at Tenerife. Within three hours 583 people would be dead. This film rec..

Nataly Fish

Le crash mystérieux

Le crash mystérieux

Sam Mc Bane enquête sur les circonstances du crash d'un avion de la compagnie qui l'emploie. Son enquête se révèle délicate car le pilote de l'avion n'est autre que son meilleur ami…

Nataly Fish

Generation Crash - We East Millennials

Generation Crash - We East Millennials

What was it like to grow up in East Germany in the nineties and noughties? The two-part documentary tells a chapter that has so far been missing from the collective memory of the post-reunification period. And this despite the fact that the sometimes traumatic experiences of the young people in the East continue to shape their lives to this day.

Nataly Fish

Epic Crash

Epic Crash

Utaemon Ichikawa plays the role of Hikoshiro Navate, who has a strong sense of justice and opposes power and tyranny with his will and spirit.

Nataly Fish

Crash Landing On You: Live in Seoul
Short Cuts:

Short Cuts: "Crash" de David Cronenberg

“Crash” by David Cronenberg animated and summarized in 1 minute by Marie Deboissy.

Nataly Fish

An Uninvited Guest

An Uninvited Guest

A crazed and dangerous man barges into Eun Jin's home while she's alone. His actions and behavior are strangely similar to that of her husband. Eun Jin's neighbor comes by with rice cakes, and she too is taken hostage. The strange man is scary, but he reveals even scarier things about Eun Jin's husband.

Nataly Fish

The Great European Disaster Movie

The Great European Disaster Movie

2014-2015: 17. The Great European Disaster Movie Authored documentary by Italian director Annalisa Piras and former editor of The Economist Bill Emmott, which explores the crisis facing Europe. Through case studies of citizens in different countries, the film explores a range of factors that have led to the present crisis, economic and identity ch..

Nataly Fish

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