
The Padma Boatman

The Padma Boatman

Based on the timeless literary work by Manik Bandyopadhyay, Padma Nadir Majhi was directed by Gautam Ghosh. The movie illustrates the tumultuous lives of the fishermen and their families, living by the river Padma. Beautiful shots of the river, Ghosh's flair for realism and brilliant display of acting skills by noted actors of Bangladesh and West B..

Nataly Fish

The Last U-Boat

The Last U-Boat

Near the end of WWII a lone U-Boat is sent from Germany to Japan carrying plutonium needed for a Japanese A-Bomb. During the long journey, news arrives on the radio that Hitler killed himself and Germany has surrendered. This causes a rift in the crew, the Nazi Party members wanting to continue to Japan since they are still at war, while the other..

Nataly Fish

Papa les petits Bateaux...

Papa les petits Bateaux...

Richissime héritière, Vénus de Palma est enlevée par quatre malfrats qui espèrent s'enrichir en demandant une rançon. Mais ils sont trop maladroits pour mener à bien leur mission. Marc, le leader du groupe, se prend ainsi trop au sérieux, alors qu'un rien l'effraye. Profitant de son charme irrésistible et de leur incompétence, la jeune fe..

Nataly Fish

The Cannery Boat

The Cannery Boat

Describes the oppressed life of the crab fishermen and their final revolt which is bloodily suppressed by the Royal Navy.

Nataly Fish

The Boat

The Boat

In an isolated fishing village, Esmerina is married to a fisherman and has 26 children. The oldest son secretly desires to leave to see the world beyond the sea. The daily routine of this family is suddenly altered when a mysterious boat runs aground on the beach entering Ana, a girl who survived the shipwreck.

Nataly Fish

The Boatswain and The Parrot

The Boatswain and The Parrot

Animated story about the adventures of boatswain and his parrot.

Nataly Fish

Rock the Boat

Rock the Boat

An illustration of a traditional French Canadian song in the form of progressing cutouts and still pictures.

Nataly Fish

U-864, l'arme secrète d'Hitler

U-864, l'arme secrète d'Hitler

Lorsque l'épave d'un sous-marin disparu en 1944 est découverte en Norvège, Ellen Ludwig, 85 ans, et sa petite-fille, se rendent sur place. Sur le chemin, Ellen raconte son histoire. En 1945, alors qu'elle faisait partie de la résistance, elle tomba amoureuse d'un espion anglais, et fut obligée de séduire un officier allemand.

Nataly Fish

Gone with the Boat

Gone with the Boat

"Gone with the Boat" tackles the subject of death and explores how people find their right positions in the world.

Nataly Fish

The boat, the river and the people

The boat, the river and the people

An old boat is a silent witness of how the lives of the characters on board are fleetingly intertwined on a predetermined day.

Nataly Fish

La Régate

La Régate

Alexandre a quinze ans et vit seul avec son père, dans les coups et la violence, en révolte contre tous. Pour échapper à ce quotidien sans répit, Alex se réfugie dans son sport favori, l'aviron, et n'a qu'une obsession, gagner seul et à tout prix les championnats de Belgique. Son entraîneur, Sergi, et Murielle, la jeune fille dont il est am..

Nataly Fish

La barque des morts

La barque des morts

How do souls travel to the afterlife ? What should the ferryman do ? Morgane, the water fairy, knows this (according to Per Jakez Hélias).

Nataly Fish

The School and the Boat

The School and the Boat

Every day, at sunrise, the Sítio Porto Alegre School students arrive by boat for another school day. As Professor Rui seeks to catch the attention of the 3rd grade children, new principal Leidi and school boatman Raimundo try to solve the lack of fuel problem caused by the little money sent by the government. These are rainy days in Curralinho tow..

Nataly Fish

The Boat and the River

The Boat and the River

Vera is a religious woman who takes care of a vessel in the port of Manaus. She needs to deal with Sister Josi with whom she disagrees about how to handle the boat and how to live life.

Nataly Fish

The Boatman's Daughter

The Boatman's Daughter

The film concerns the misfortunes of an innocent woman, Ah Ling, who lives with her father in Hangzhou, where they rent a boat transporting passengers across the West Lake. Ah Ling is in love with Tie’er, a factory worker who takes her boat every day. The peaceful life is disrupted by the appearance of a playboy artist from Shanghai.

Nataly Fish

The Little Boat

The Little Boat

Animated film by Kouji Nanke.

Nataly Fish

The Boat

The Boat

Three young men living in the city with a love for killifish head to a mountain in Nara to float a small boat they found down a river. Experience the pleasure of a laid-back drive set to relaxing music expanding into an anthem of life and the cosmos.

Nataly Fish

The boat next to the Sun

The boat next to the Sun

A boat that was sailing faces the loss of it's only company: the Sun.

Nataly Fish

The Boatswain

The Boatswain

Carlos lives isolated deep in the mountains of the Sierra Maestra in Cuba, after an entire life of working in the high seas. His day to day life takes place between memories of another time, work in the field and his animals, the only travelling companions of this man who is a castaway on land.

Nataly Fish

The Boat

The Boat

A global flood is approaching, but Lesha will be able to escape, because he has a boat. However, on his grief, a hunter enters the game, who considers the boat to be his property, and who is trying with all his might to take it away. On the way to the finale, in addition to the hunter, Lesha meets other equally wonderful characters who react with c..

Nataly Fish

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