
Actors and Actresses

Actors and Actresses

Many people believe that acting is red carpets, star-studded festivals, expensive dresses, and luxurious tuxedos. But what is behind the glamour and glitz? What does it take to become an actor? The path to glory is long and arduous. Not all talent is destined for fame. Not all talent deserves fame. A lucky few reach the top, become recognisable, we..

Nataly Fish

A Great Actor

A Great Actor

Soo-Young, who originally prepared to take a state examination, suddenly decides to be an actor and goes to the theatrical company. He wants to find a breakthrough with his acting career but he feels hasty and desperate because he started late. This theatrical company is preparing an experimental play and starts to gather actors . Mi-Ran, who is in..

Nataly Fish

Je ne suis pas un grand acteur

Je ne suis pas un grand acteur

Durant les préparatifs précédant la représentation d’une pièce de la commedia dell’arte, un acteur se présente en retard, jonglant entre l’envie de quitter sur le champ sa profession et celle de monter sur scène une dernière fois.

Nataly Fish

Les Acteurs Provinciaux

Les Acteurs Provinciaux

Un jeune metteur en scène arrive dans une petite ville de province. Krzysztof, l’acteur principal de la troupe pense qu’il détient enfin le moyen de se faire connaître et de rejoindre un théâtre plus prestigieux. Très rapidement, ses espoirs sont déçus mais de plus en plus obnubilé par son rôle, il délaisse totalement sa vie privée ..

Nataly Fish

Lan Ling 40th: Experimental Actors Studio

Lan Ling 40th: Experimental Actors Studio

Founded in 1980, Lan Ling Theater is the first experimental theater company in Taiwan and the main promoter of the small theater movement. The troupe was disbanded in 1991. Since then, every ten years, everyone starts to re-perform together. In April 1983, “Experimental Actors Studio" premiered in Taipei. In May 2018, they delivered four performa..

Nataly Fish

Un comédien sans paradoxe

Un comédien sans paradoxe

An actor, passing from the box to the stage, successively interprets seven different characters.

Nataly Fish

Two Stars in the Milky Way

Two Stars in the Milky Way

This is a silent film from China made in 1931. It is about two leads in a film, Yan (Raymond King) and Ying (Violet Wong). They meet after hearing Ying sing while another movie is being shot. You, of course, don't get to hear the song, but it catches people's attention. Once they meet and work together, they fall in love. Is it forever?

Nataly Fish

My Parents, My Favorite Actors

My Parents, My Favorite Actors

Real memories get confused with invented ones, while the movie's director investigates his parent's past in a work that wanders between fiction and documentary.

Nataly Fish

A Serious Actor

A Serious Actor

A Serious Actor

Nataly Fish

Child Actor

Child Actor

Looking to reconcile with her past, a Hollywood born and raised actress visits her younger self as a child actor under the wing of her toxic stage mom in order to understand the root of her heart condition.

Nataly Fish

Actor's Wheel

Actor's Wheel

A little brother and sister who sell lottery tickets won one of their tickets and in a situation where the father and two children imagine a peaceful life in the future, the father is killed in a fight and imprisoned. The small family falls and the little brother and sister fall apart. After many adventures that happen to each of them, finally, all..

Nataly Fish

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