
Playmobil: Princesse d'un jour

Playmobil: Princesse d'un jour

La princesse Elisabeth mène une vie de rêve : elle a des parents attentionnés, habite dans un joli château, et possède une garde-robe à faire envier toutes les top-modèles. Mais Elisabeth rêve d'autre chose… Elle voudrait devenir une cavalière émérite ! Et son souhait va devenir réalité grâce à sa rencontre avec la jolie Pina. Les ..

Nataly Fish

The Violin Player

The Violin Player

A celebrated violin player, Karin, has to end her stellar career after a car accident makes her fingers stop working their magic. She starts teaching students who are twenty years younger than her, only to find herself falling in love with Antti, one of her students. They are not an easy match, both being passionate about the music and overly ambit..

Nataly Fish

Players' Club

Players' Club

Nataly Fish

PIMP, Even Players Must Praise Him

PIMP, Even Players Must Praise Him

They called him Darke Gable and some called him the greatest PIMP that ever lived, but when a local church declares war against prostitution and a mob boss places a contract of $ 10 million upon his head, Darke discovers that even players must praise God.

Nataly Fish

Night Players

Night Players

A husband and wife face their marriage's dead end.

Nataly Fish

The Tamburitza Players

The Tamburitza Players

It’s the winter of 1942. A freight train on the section of the Slavonian railway Vinkovci-Nova Gradiska is under a special Gestapo escort. Fleeing misfortune and evil brought by war, the last wagon is the place of encounter of politicians, war smugglers, deserters and tamburitza players.

Nataly Fish

Two Players from the Bench

Two Players from the Bench

Ante and Dusko are two Dream Team players. Besides being a Croat and a Serb who fought on opposite sides in the war, both used to be volleyball players. Today, they live normal lives, one in a remote craggy region, the other in Banja Luka. There is little chance of them ever meeting again. The International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague has indi..

Nataly Fish



The play is about the Game, about creativity, which this time turned into the form of a brilliant speck. Skillfully, talentedly and artistically, the victim of the same players as himself, Ikharev does not suffer a catastrophe, because his "Adelaide Ivanovna" remains with him. Tool and mascot of his game. His secret manuscript ...

Nataly Fish

Costume Players

Costume Players

Whenever Ami and her step-brother, Hiroshi accept one another in bed, the telephone rings; advising them of their parents’ death. 12 months later, Ami resides with Hiroshi and his spouse, Mariko. Apparently, they are delighted but there is indisputable pressure among Ami and Mariko. One day, Mariko gets angry at Ami for always following into thei..

Nataly Fish

Les Tombeurs

Les Tombeurs

Arthur, 17 ans, étudie au CDI de son lycée. Sarah, en face de lui, lui jette des regards intéressés. Rien ne les préparait à ce qui les attend, derrière la porte.

Nataly Fish

The Players

The Players

The subject of this eventful documentary film is the ice hockey team of the HIFK multi-sport association, based in Helsinki. The team overwhelmed its opponents and easily won the Finnish Championship season of 1968–1969. The Players is not a conventional sports documentary, but a skilfully executed, musical experiment in form and rhythm.

Nataly Fish

The Hockey Players

The Hockey Players

Nataly Fish

Players, or Oleg Will Come Out Now

Players, or Oleg Will Come Out Now

Oleg Menshikov is one of the most unsolved actors in both cinema and theater. A trail of rumors and opinions accompanies each of his new work. There are many more people who have heard about his theatrical works than those who were lucky enough to see them. Some people adore him and others do not forgive the slightest mistakes. Pyotr Shepotinnik wa..

Nataly Fish

Baseball Players Acting On The Stage!

Baseball Players Acting On The Stage!

At the baseball club of Yame Kita High School in the southern part of Fukuoka Prefecture, fierce competition for positions was always fought. In the qualifying that led to the spring selection tournament (Koshien), the team was beginning to get jerky due to the unexpected defeat. At that time, the main players such as Ace are ordered by the directo..

Nataly Fish

Profession : Agent de joueurs

Profession : Agent de joueurs

Offrant un rare aperçu du monde impitoyable des agents de footballeurs, ce documentaire suit Jörg Neblung, un vétéran du secteur jonglant entre clients et contrats.

Nataly Fish

Mr. & Mrs. Player

Mr. & Mrs. Player

Chinese Feng Shui master Carson was a "Natural Born Player", taking names and breaking hearts. Fate had it that he would meet his match, the hot veterinarian Chi-Ling. It was love at first sight but neither could stand the other's fickle nature lest the affair might have ended as soon as it began. Chi-Ling's roommates, Big S and Small S came up wi..

Nataly Fish

The Chess Player

The Chess Player

En 1934, Diego Padilla gagne le championnat d'Espagne d'échecs et rencontre une journaliste française, Marianne Latour, dont il tombe amoureux. À la fin de la guerre civile, Marianne convainc Diego de vivre en France avec leur fille, où peu après Diego sera accusé d'espionnage par les nazis et emprisonné dans une prison SS. En prison, Diego ..

Nataly Fish

Partition inachevée pour piano mécanique

Partition inachevée pour piano mécanique

Début du XXe siècle. Anna Petrovna, veuve d'un général, réunit famille et amis dans sa maison de campagne. Sofia, jeune mariée, y retrouve Misha, son amour de jeunesse devenu instituteur. Feront-ils fi des conventions pour vivre leur amour au grand jour ?

Nataly Fish

By Player

By Player

The film is a series of vignettes from Taiji Tonoyama's life and film clips, interspersed with a dialogue to camera by Nobuko Otowa, addressing the camera as if she is addressing Tonoyama himself, recollecting events in his life. The film focuses on Tonoyama's alcohol dependence and his various sexual relationships, as well as his film work with Sh..

Nataly Fish

The Player

The Player

Hazem is a spoilt young man and a womaniser who takes advantage of his father's wealth to know more and more girls and stays away of commitment. When his father discovers what Hazem is doing, he starts to look for an appropriate wife for his son. Salma, is the lucky candidate who is desperately trying to change her husband's behaviour.

Nataly Fish

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