
Pigskin Parade

Pigskin Parade

Suite à un malentendu, la prestigieuse université de Yale invite une modeste université du Texas à disputer un match de football américain au profit d'œuvres de bienfaisance. Gonflée à bloc, l'équipe texane compte bien ne pas se laisser faire.

Nataly Fish

Le Jour où le cochon est tombé dans le puits

Le Jour où le cochon est tombé dans le puits

Hyo-Seop, un écrivain sans grand talent, aime Pokyung, une femme mariée. Min-Jae, ouvreuse dans un cinéma, est amoureuse de Hyo-Seop. Elle occupe toutes sortes d'emplois pour subvenir aux besoins de ce dernier. Mais Hyo-Seop ne l'aime pas et se contente de lui emprunter régulièrement de l'argent. Pokyung, pour sa part, est mariée à Tong-Woo ..

Nataly Fish

Lesbian Guinea Pig

Lesbian Guinea Pig

Thinking she has some time to herself, Logan relaxes and lights a joint, only to be interrupted by Ruby arriving home with the shopping once again. Logan, oblivious to Ruby’s feelings, attempts to make casual conversation but Ruby isn’t interested. Tensions boil over leading to revelations which will affect their friendship forever.

Nataly Fish

pretty piggies love chappell roan

pretty piggies love chappell roan

you know what they say about putting lipstick on a pig

Nataly Fish



A group of unemployed and marginalised souls eke out a living by drawing welfare and occupying an derelict squat in an apocalyptic inner city Dublin. Among the undesirables are a gay man estranged from his wife, a pimp and his prostitute, a destitute businessman, and a paranoiac. The makeshift family soon find themselves subject of intimidation fro..

Nataly Fish

Three Little Pigskins

Three Little Pigskins

The stooges are mistaken by a gangster for the "Three Horsemen of Boulder Dam", famous football players. Hired to play for his team, they blow the big game and get it in the end. Lucille Ball has a nice part as a gun moll.

Nataly Fish

La polka des cochons

La polka des cochons

Vêtu d'un smoking, le Grand Méchant Loup annonce le programme de la soirée : l'histoire du Grand Méchant Loup et des trois petits cochons, sur la musique des Danses hongroises de Johannes Brahms. On assiste à la construction de la maison de chaque cochon, les deux premiers cochons dansent et jouent, le loup arrive et, déguisé en gitane, les ..

Nataly Fish

The Guinea Pig

The Guinea Pig

A working-class boy wins a scholarship to a public school, as part of a post-World War Two experiment in bringing boys of different social classes together.

Nataly Fish

The Sidelong Glances of a Pigeon Kicker

The Sidelong Glances of a Pigeon Kicker

After a young man graduates from a prestigious college, he rebels by preferring a carefree existence rather than the life of fighting the rungs within the treacherous American corporate ladder. For his means of survival he becomes a New York cab driver.

Nataly Fish

L'héritage de Porky

L'héritage de Porky

Porky Pig et sa famille héritent de la succession de l'oncle Salomon, mais s'ils meurent, tout va à l'avocat, qui se transforme en un monstre de style M. Hyde dans un effort pour tuer les cochons.

Nataly Fish

Clay Pigeon

Clay Pigeon

An ex-soldier is recruited by the FBI to go undercover in L.A. and find other ex-soldiers who are part of a drug-dealing gang.

Nataly Fish

Une note salée

Une note salée

Porky Pig et Daffy Duck doivent une somme faramineuse au Broken Arms Hotel. Le gérant contrecarre leurs efforts pour s'échapper sans payer leur facture.

Nataly Fish

Pigs 2: The Last Blood

Pigs 2: The Last Blood

Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by Nowy, a former police colleague. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with ..

Nataly Fish

La Môme Pigalle

La Môme Pigalle

À Paris, Lucien Esposito dit "Lulu le plastique" a été condamné pour le hold up d'une bijouterie. Son amante, Arlette Simon (Claudine Dupuis) aussi, pour complicité pour ne pas avoir parlé. Elle sait où sont cachés les bijoux ! Le butin d'une valeur de 100 milions n'a pas été retrouvé. Après 3 mois, Arlette est libérée pour bonne cond..

Nataly Fish

Peppa Pig: The Golden Boots

Peppa Pig: The Golden Boots

Peppa Pig loves jumping up and down in puddles wearing her golden boots. Unfortunately, Mrs Duck takes a liking to Peppa's boots and runs away with them! With the help of her friends, Peppa must travel across land, sea, and even into space to track down the golden boots before the big Puddle Jump competition.

Nataly Fish

Pig Killer

Pig Killer

Inspired by the terrifying story of Robert 'Willy' Pickton, the pig farmer cum prolific lady killer whose horrific crimes shocked the world, PIG KILLER graphically depicts the rape, torture, slaughter and dismemberment of forty-nine young women on a pig farm. With his herculean hog, Balthazar, by his side, Willy and his menagerie of colorful cohort..

Nataly Fish

American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon

American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon

The Catholic Church is trying to save an innocent soul from the ravages of satanic possession. Wave after wave of holy men are sent to confront the possessed.

Nataly Fish

Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women

Learned Pigs and Fireproof Women

Based on Ricky Jay's book of the same title, this TV special was made up of a combination of magic, juggling, amazing feats, stunts and performances, including a musical performance on wine glasses, a human calculator who could determine cube-routes of numbers in her head and an antique acrobatic clockwork doll.

Nataly Fish

Girls at Sea

Girls at Sea

Women have joined the military in Denmark but may still not serve in the navy. This makes the lives of the sailors difficult when three women get trapped on board of a navy vessel do to an surprise exercise at sea. Trying to hide the three women leads to comical situations.

Nataly Fish

The Thrifty Pig

The Thrifty Pig

The Three Little Pigs sell Canadian war bonds.

Nataly Fish

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