
The Cell Phone

The Cell Phone

2008 short film

Nataly Fish

Phone Home

Phone Home

While grieving the unexpected loss of his girlfriend, a man receives a chilling call. It's her.

Nataly Fish

Phone Call

Phone Call

Inside a motel room a young woman records a voice message directed to her lover, while she retraces some moments of their story.

Nataly Fish

The Phone Message

The Phone Message

The Phone Message

Nataly Fish

Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone

Nataly Fish

Don't Answer The Phone

Don't Answer The Phone

A young girl is home alone when she gets weird phone calls from someone who is closer then she thinks.

Nataly Fish

Phone Whore

Phone Whore

A feature-length docu-drama based on Cameryn Moore’s award-winning stage play of the same name. It is an honest and entirely authentic glimpse into the daily life and work of a phone sex operator. Cameryn Moore delivers a thoroughly convincing performance of her own experience as a phone sex operator and explains the way in which it has shaped he..

Nataly Fish

waiting by the phone

waiting by the phone

One woman living in an apartment for two, Dani struggles to live while coping with the tragic truth about her sister.

Nataly Fish

Phone Gate

Phone Gate

A masterful, thought-provoking, pretentious film, with beautifully-chaotic visuals, about the nightmarish, moral madness of the friend group. A true story accurately re-enacted by an award winning cast.

Nataly Fish

The President's Cell Phone

The President's Cell Phone

An old man who is a simple worker decides that he wants to buy a cell phone. He goes to buy some second hand ones but by accident the president's used cell phone is the one which he buys.

Nataly Fish

Phone Home

Phone Home

You’d think a phone call direct from Mars would stir a bit more excitement than this.

Nataly Fish

Phoneheads : Live at Tonhalle

Phoneheads : Live at Tonhalle

Live At Tonhalle is the new album by the Duesseldorf based electronic duo Phoneheads performed live by the Duesseldorf Symphonic Orchestra, a band assembled exclusively for this event and singer Cleveland Watkiss from London. The CD will be released together with a DVD including a video of the complete concert, bonus material and videoclips.

Nataly Fish

The Phoney Cannibal

The Phoney Cannibal

Ham fears he has accidentally killed his landlady so he and Bud go on the run, disguised as a missionary and a cannibal.

Nataly Fish

Phoney Cronies

Phoney Cronies

Three klutzy moving men end up in a museum that may or may not be haunted - slapstick hijinks ensue.

Nataly Fish

Phoney Baloney

Phoney Baloney

A $5,000 reward is put out for the capture of a notorious wolf. Two of the wanted posters are put on the trees where the Fox and the Crow live. When they see the posters, each thinks the other is the wanted one, and they try to capture each other for the reward money. After many attempts, they end up at a police station where their mistake is point..

Nataly Fish



A vigilante infiltrates the personal lives of selected individuals through their phone lines.

Nataly Fish

Phoney Express

Phoney Express

Stagecoach driver Flip must deal with a holdup and an abduction.

Nataly Fish

Don't Hang Up the Fucking Phone Curtis

Don't Hang Up the Fucking Phone Curtis

In the world of altered perception, the cat is king!

Nataly Fish

Phone Call

Phone Call

A daily ritual of calling home, accelerates from a bad network to a bad mood. Dhruv hung up the phone call on his mother out of frustration and that's when his Mother decided to step out of the house.

Nataly Fish

The Phoney

The Phoney

Rupert, the son of world-renowned artist Luther Milo, longs to create art of his own but is shackled by the need to care for his ailing father. Long-time friend and gallerist, Gab, suggests that the world has woken up to the fact it’s just two blobs on a canvas, and has simply become worthless. This prompts Rupert to consider all of his options ..

Nataly Fish

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