
Pedro Aznar: Música en el Salón Blanco

Pedro Aznar: Música en el Salón Blanco

In 2005, the Argentine government had the White Room of the Casa Rosada, one of the most solemn places in the presidential palace, where ceremonies such as the taking of oaths of Ministers and Secretaries of State, presentation of credentials of Ambassadors of foreign states, are held. , wake room for high personalities and, even, on some occasions..

Nataly Fish

O cão louco de Mário Pedrosa

O cão louco de Mário Pedrosa

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Pedro Mariano - Ao Vivo

Pedro Mariano - Ao Vivo

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Oh No Pedro

Oh No Pedro

A story of a young man who has lost his words, his thoughts, and his gender identity. Those eyes are always sharp as knives, yet the secret inside him is no longer hidden, waiting to be free by himself.

Nataly Fish

Pedro Osmar, Prá Liberdade Que Se Conquista
72 Dias com Pedro

72 Dias com Pedro

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Pedro Paulo & Alex - Ao Vivo em Umuarama
Pedro M, 1981

Pedro M, 1981

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Chuva de São Pedro

Chuva de São Pedro

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Pedro Sob a Cama

Pedro Sob a Cama

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Mestre Pedro de Aurora - Pra Ficar Menos Custoso
Direito Constitucional - Pedro Lenza
Pedro, Ana e a Verdade

Pedro, Ana e a Verdade

The film surrounds a misunderstood event that ends up changing completely the lives of the characters.

Nataly Fish

Pedro Aznar: Quebrado Vivo

Pedro Aznar: Quebrado Vivo

Pedro Aznar's Concert with songs from his record Quebrado. Recorded live at the Teatro Coliseo, Buenos Aires. August 15, 2008.

Nataly Fish

All About Desire: The Passionate Cinema of Pedro Almodovar

All About Desire: The Passionate Cinema of Pedro Almodovar

A rare look at the the career of film director Pedro Almodóvar, especially his early works, with interviews with the director himself and his stars and admirers.

Nataly Fish

El Retablo de Maese Pedro

El Retablo de Maese Pedro

El Retablo de Maese Pedro is a small one-act opera by Manuel de Falla with puppets and real characters inspired by an episode of Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes.

Nataly Fish

Pedro Canhoto, O Vingador Erótico
Pedro Navaja

Pedro Navaja

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Pedro Teixeira da Mota: Impasse

Pedro Teixeira da Mota: Impasse

Nataly Fish

Pedro Calapez: Trabalhos do Olhar

Pedro Calapez: Trabalhos do Olhar

An expedition through the painter's work, following his work at his studio and observing some of his recent exhibitions as well as several other works for public display.

Nataly Fish

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