
World Premiere - Jared Hess: A Non-Linear Look at the Director of Napoleon Dynamite
Karnan Napoleon Bhagat Singh

Karnan Napoleon Bhagat Singh

A larceny leads to murder and Roopesh Raghavan, a young man who has cleared police recruitment tests and awaits posting.

Nataly Fish

Napoleon and Me

Napoleon and Me

28-year-old Haruko Oohara works as a sales assistant at WEB Production Company. She has never experienced true happiness. She has a crush on her co-worker Shingo Iwata. One day, while Haruko Oohara is installing a dating game, Napoleon appears on the screen. Napoleon tells her that he will help her find true happiness.

Nataly Fish

The Little Napoleon

The Little Napoleon

Nataly Fish

Invitation to the Ball: Victims of the Russian Napoleon

Invitation to the Ball: Victims of the Russian Napoleon

A documentary about Oleg Sokolov, an associate Professor at St. Petersburg state University, who killed a graduate student, Anastasia Eshchenko. In the film, for the first time, Sokolov's previously silent victims — his former girlfriends and students, as well As Anastasia's relatives-spoke up. The film was created as part of the non-fiction cycl..

Nataly Fish

For Napoleon and France

For Napoleon and France

Directed by Enrico Guazzoni.

Nataly Fish

Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and Glory~ (Shinjin Koen)

Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and Glory~ (Shinjin Koen)

2014 Takarazuka Star Troupe Shinjin Koen (Newcomer's Performance) production of Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and Glory~

Nataly Fish

Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and Glory~

Napoléon, the Man Who Never Sleeps ~At the End of His Love and Glory~

2014 Takarazuka Revue Star Troupe production. This is the story of a hero, a man who rescued France from the chaos of revolution. His name was Napoléon Bonaparte. Having climbed to unparalleled heights after conquering Europe and becoming the first Emperor in the history of France, what was this hero seeking? Whom did he love? The truth behind thi..

Nataly Fish

La ferme des animaux

La ferme des animaux

Lassés des mauvais traitements, les animaux de la Ferme du manoir se révoltent contre Mr Jones, le fermier. Ils le chassent et proclament une nouvelle société où tous les animaux sont égaux. Mais quelques-uns dans la ferme décident bientôt que certains sont plus égaux que d'autres…

Nataly Fish



Napoléon Bonaparte va être sacré Empereur en 1802. La victoire d'Ulm vient d'être remportée et l'aigle est à son zénith. Une nouvelle campagne se prépare. La bataille aura lieue. Ce sera Austerlitz, la victoire la plus complète de l'Empereur des Français.

Nataly Fish

Carmen from Ronda

Carmen from Ronda

Antonio is the leader of an underground armed group fighting in the village of Ronda against Napoleon's troops which have imposed French rule in 1808 Spain. Micaela is madly in love with Antonio but he is devoted to Carmen, the region's most beautiful gypsy who lives and sings at a local inn.

Nataly Fish



L'histoire d'amour vécue entre Napoléon Bonaparte, futur Empereur, et de Désirée Clary, future Mme Bernadotte et reine de Suède.

Nataly Fish

L'Auberge des plaisirs

L'Auberge des plaisirs

En 1809, Napoléon vient de demander la main de Marie-Louise d'Autriche, mais des complots s'ourdissent contre lui: Le Comte Hadrien d'Am-Bras regroupe dans son chateau tous les ennemis de l'Empereur, et Pauline Bonaparte tente d'empêcher l'union de son frère avec Marie-Louise afin que celui-ci meurt sans héritier.

Nataly Fish

Train de luxe

Train de luxe

Dans les années 1930, aux États-Unis. Un producteur de Broadway fait d'une inconnue une vedette. Pour échapper à sa tutelle, elle part à Hollywood où elle triomphe. Pendant ce temps, lui décline. Ils se retrouvent dans le train de Chicago à New-York...

Nataly Fish

The Emperor's New Clothes

The Emperor's New Clothes

Napoleon, exiled, devises a plan to retake the throne. He'll swap places with commoner Eugene Lenormand, sneak into Paris, then Lenormand will reveal himself and Napoleon will regain his throne. Things don't go at all well; first, the journey proves more difficult than expected, but more disastrously, Lenormand enjoys himself too much to reveal the..

Nataly Fish

Sharpe's Revenge

Sharpe's Revenge

Sharpe is framed as the thief who stole Napolean's gold, and he must clear his name to avoid execution. Meanwhile his wife Jane - urged on by a friend - makes some questionable choices.

Nataly Fish

Le retour des agents très spéciaux

Le retour des agents très spéciaux

L'organisation criminelle THRUSH a volé la bombe H975 et réclame 350.000.000 dollars, payables dans les 72 heures par son ancien adversaire : Napoléon Solo. L'évènement oblige l'agence U.N.C.L.E. (United Network Command for Law and Enforcement) à réactiver les deux agents de sa section II, Solo et Illya Kuryakin, qui ont tous deux quitté se..

Nataly Fish

Bruc, la légende

Bruc, la légende

6 juin 1808. Les montagnes du Montserrat près de Barcelone. Alors que la France de Napoléon domine l’Europe, l’armée espagnole dirigée par le jeune Juan inflige à l’Empereur une sévère défaite. Napoléon envoie alors à Barcelone son meilleur élément Maraval pour tuer Juan…

Nataly Fish

1812. Ballad of the Uhlans

1812. Ballad of the Uhlans

The Year is 1812. On the eve of the decisive battle of Borodino, Napoleon's secret agent steals a Russian battle plan. This fact is known to General Kutuzov (Head of Russian forces), thanks to a young nobleman Alexey Tarusov. Tarusov joint to the the regiment of Russian lancers, and finds new friends like Lieutenant Gorzhevsky, Prince Kiknadze and ..

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Sant'Elena, piccola isola

Sant'Elena, piccola isola

The last days of Napoleon on the island of Saint Helena.

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