
Ma fille

Ma fille

Vittoria, dix ans, vit avec ses parents dans un village reculé de Sardaigne. Un jour de fête, elle rencontre Angelica, une femme dont l’esprit libre et l’attitude provocante tranchent avec le caractère posé de sa mère, Tina. Vittoria est fascinée, mais sa mère ne voit pas d’un bon œil ses visites de plus en plus fréquentes à la ferm..

Nataly Fish

Because You're Mine

Because You're Mine

A famous opera singer falls for his sergeant's sister at boot camp.

Nataly Fish

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

Eenie Meenie Miney Moe

Raul, a tow truck driver in Miami Beach, learns that every choice has its rewards and consequences.

Nataly Fish

Mine to Keep

Mine to Keep

Former playboy Victor Olney becomes jealous of his wife's love soon after he and Constance are married. He is especially hostile toward Clint Mowbray, a former suitor. When Mowbray implies that there was an affair between Olney and a dancer who was injured at Olney's bachelor party, Constance leaves her husband to nurse the girl back to health. Oln..

Nataly Fish

This Land is Mine

This Land is Mine

An animated short set to the tune of Pat Boone's Exodus Song satirizing the history of the land called Israel/Palestine/Canaan/the Levant.

Nataly Fish

Mémoire d'enfant

Mémoire d'enfant

Child of Mine suit le couple sans enfant Tess (Whalley) et Alfie Palmer (Dunbar), qui adoptent deux sœurs du Canada dont la mère a été assassinée par un intrus inconnu. La sœur aînée Heather (Hannah Lochner) a du mal à accepter la mort de sa mère, et Tess commence à se demander si c'est Hannah elle-même qui a tué sa mère et voyage ave..

Nataly Fish

Minecraft: Through the Nether Portal

Minecraft: Through the Nether Portal

Minecraft: Through the Nether Portal takes you on a journey through the ever-evolving, epic game of Minecraft. Its popularity is opening up a whole new world for this generation, with millions of new players signing up each week. With exclusive interviews from industry experts and Minecraft’s biggest YouTube players, Dan TDM and Ali-A, we look at..

Nataly Fish

Matt Shepard Is a Friend of Mine

Matt Shepard Is a Friend of Mine

La vie de Matthew Shepard, jeune étudiant ouvertement gay sauvagement assassiné en 1998, racontée par ses amis et ses parents.

Nataly Fish

Vengeance Is Mine: Reinventing 'Man on Fire'

Vengeance Is Mine: Reinventing 'Man on Fire'

A documentary on the making of the 2004 film "Man on Fire," mixing movie clips, behind-the-scenes shots and interviews of cast and crew. The program covers the flick’s genesis and very long path to the screen, adaptation concerns and changes from the original story, the choice of Mexico as a location, research into real-life kidnapping and variou..

Nataly Fish

Ah si papa savait ça !

Ah si papa savait ça !

Lorsque Frank et Anne Michaelson ont envoyé leur fille Mollie à l'université, ils pensaient que les garçons allaient peut-être poser un problème. Mais ils n'imaginaient pas qu'elle serait impliquée dans des manifestations politiques. Les choses s'aggravent lorsqu'elle part faire des études d'art à Paris et qu'elle y rencontre Henri, un jeu..

Nataly Fish

Coal Miner's Daughter: A Celebration of the Life and Music of Loretta Lynn

Coal Miner's Daughter: A Celebration of the Life and Music of Loretta Lynn

CMT’s tribute delivers tears, heartfelt tributes and emotional performances to honor the life, legacy & music of country music icon Loretta Lynn Lynn’s closest friends, family and fans gather in celebration and remembrance at Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry House.

Nataly Fish

Pour la peau d'une femme

Pour la peau d'une femme

Jane est violée par quatre hommes. Après une enquête et un procès bâclés, ses tortionnaires sont libérés et décident de se venger en agressant une amie de June, Amy. Les deux femmes refusent l'aide de la police qui n'a pas réussi à arrêter les quatre sadiques. Elles décident de faire justice elles-mêmes en unissant leurs forces pour s..

Nataly Fish

The Soup

The Soup

Francesco et Giovannino, deux vagabonds de la banlieue de Rome, forcés de fouiller dans les ordures à la recherche perpétuelle de nourriture, se rencontrent et deviennent amis. En raison d’un malentendu, ils sont arrêtés et enfermés au commissariat où est détenu le Maestro, un mendiant spécialisé dans l’évasion des restaurants de la ..

Nataly Fish

A Story Like Mine

A Story Like Mine

Most people have an opinion about e-bikes and often it fails to consider the bigger picture. Sometimes you just need to hear A Story Like Steve Winter and his opportunity to rediscover something thought to be lost. E-bike access to trails is a highly debated topic for many reasons.

Nataly Fish

Landmine of Mine

Landmine of Mine

A man steps on a landmine and pays with his life.

Nataly Fish

She's a Pervert & She's All Mine

She's a Pervert & She's All Mine

Hina Takigawa may appear to be a regular high school student at an all-girls institution, but she actually has a perverted secret. When school ends for the day, she likes to go to a nearly hidden zone in a park to pee and masturbate due to the adrenaline rush she gets from the possibility of being caught. One day, Hina's boyfriend, Yonezu, follows..

Nataly Fish

Make Mine Freedom

Make Mine Freedom

This Cold War-era cartoon uses humor to tout the dangers of Communism and the benefits of capitalism.

Nataly Fish

A Body Like Mine

A Body Like Mine

Through post-porn, performance and wrestling, Puck tries to figure out her place in the world.

Nataly Fish

Out of Darkness: The Mine Workers' Story

Out of Darkness: The Mine Workers' Story

OUT OF DARKNESS: THE MINE WORKERS' STORY is a documentary by Academy Award-winning director Barbara Kopple (HARLAN COUNTY, USA). Historical film footage and photographs are integrated with first-hand accounts of UMWA history and of the Pittston strike of 1989-90.

Nataly Fish

The Mine with the Iron Door

The Mine with the Iron Door

This epic Western-melodrama was based on the popular novel by Harold Bell Wright. Two old prospectors, Thad Grove and Bob Hill find an infant in the cabin belonging to Sonora Jack, a notorious bandit. The girl, Marta, grows to womanhood.

Nataly Fish

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