
Love Letter So-renka

Love Letter So-renka

Nataly Fish

A Love Letter

A Love Letter

Through travel records I write a love letter.

Nataly Fish

My Last Love Letter For You

My Last Love Letter For You

Nataly Fish

Premeditated Love Letters

Premeditated Love Letters

Musicologist and professor Kosor wakes up in a hospital. He has survived a serious car accident. In a bed next to his lies the amiable economist Gajski, whose wife Melita regularly visits him. This unusually beautiful woman is the first person that Kosor sees after he gains consciousness and is completely enchanted by her. Kosor becomes obsessed by..

Nataly Fish

39 love letters

39 love letters

Madrid, early twentieth century. Julieta and Alberto are a couple who have been married for several years, but who are still as much in love as the first day. He is the half-orange she always wanted, and their bond of union is growing stronger. One day, Alberto, in the fear of losing her, decides to start writing to his beloved several letters of l..

Nataly Fish

Chère inconnue

Chère inconnue

Louise, dévouée à son frère paraplégique, souffre cependant de sa solitude affective. Elle passe une petite annonce dans un journal local, mais c'est un frère qui, sans le savoir, lui répond.

Nataly Fish

The Misused Love Letters

The Misused Love Letters

While on a longer business trip, a wannabe poet urges his beautiful but more simple wife to answer his overly swollen love letters. With no idea how to respond she forwards the letters to a new young school teacher to use his answers instead...

Nataly Fish

I Tried to Write a Love Letter With My Body

I Tried to Write a Love Letter With My Body

A personal letter written in the “feminine voices”, desires, struggles, conflicts, and assertive in its senses, feelings, and emotions permeates our daily existence.

Nataly Fish

A Little Love Letter

A Little Love Letter

Nataly Fish

The Love Letter

The Love Letter

Noa is a rookies commander in the army. One day she discovers a love letter from one of her female soldiers. While struggling to understand whether the letter is a joke or not, Noa will have to choose between her safe restrained world and her urge to feel, at least for a brief moment, loved.

Nataly Fish

Assistant Manager B and Love Letter

Assistant Manager B and Love Letter

Bang Ga-Young works as an assistant manager in the general affairs department at a shoe company. Even though she is 34-years-old and single, she has never had a boyfriend in her life. One day, she receives a mysterious love letter.

Nataly Fish

Love Letters of a Nun

Love Letters of a Nun

Spain 1640, the reverend superior nun Mariana, attends the death of her younger sister, Isabel's husband, who is overcome with hopelessness and heartache. Isabel then kisses and caresses the cadaver's exposed body as if he were still alive. Mother Mariana

Nataly Fish

A Love Letter to Husband

A Love Letter to Husband

The comedy film revolves around a blind Love letter (Prema Lekha) written by Swarna (Poornima) to Ananda Rao (Naresh), who works in the office of Melkote. He pledges to marry the girl who wrote the letter and tries to find her with the help of his friends. His father Parandhamayya (Suthi Veerabhadra Rao) is highly abusive and openly scolds him. His..

Nataly Fish

Love Letter to A Garden

Love Letter to A Garden

Rona insists upon returning a giant cactus from her home to the nursery - where she comes across an unexpected encounter.

Nataly Fish

Lettres d'amour en Somalie

Lettres d'amour en Somalie

In this epistolary film, the traveler gives us his impressions of Africa parallel to the expression of his amorous distress. The images of the present intertwine with the incessant echoes of lost love, combining intimate pain with the misery of a country torn apart by internal struggles and poverty.

Nataly Fish

Thinking All About Love: An Open Letter to Anyone Confused in 2024

Thinking All About Love: An Open Letter to Anyone Confused in 2024

Observations on love in the digital age.

Nataly Fish

Those Old Love Letters

Those Old Love Letters

A film about the life of Raimond Valgre, an Estonian songwriter and singer of the 1930s and 40s, the political changes of his country and his life after the war when his songs were considered not suitable for the Soviet way of life.

Nataly Fish

A love letter to the world

A love letter to the world

Youssef, 25 years old is haunted by his memories. Distracted between his love and his dreams, afraid from the future and trying to talk his heart out maybe he can find the peace he is searching for.

Nataly Fish

Ants and a Love Letter

Ants and a Love Letter

The 7th Toho Cinderella Audition New Generation Award winner, Minami Hamabe starring director Takahiro Miki's heartwarming short movie. In front of Fumika, who has the legend that if you write a love letter, you will fall in love ...

Nataly Fish

Love Letters of Baroness S

Love Letters of Baroness S

A married society woman strikes up a romance with a young musician. She introduces the man to high society. The society woman eventually decides to break off the relationship and the musician attempts to blackmail her.

Nataly Fish

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