
Saul and David

Saul and David

David of Bethlehem slays the giant and becomes a rival to King Saul.

Nataly Fish

La vie rêvée de David L

La vie rêvée de David L

« La vie rêvée de David L. » est un long métrage de fiction qui s’inspire d’un moment clé de la vie du réalisateur David Lynch : la période où il était étudiant en école d’art. Attiré d’abord par la peinture, David Lynch finira par choisir le cinéma pour exprimer son talent. Loin de toute volonté biographique, c..

Nataly Fish

Beautiful Girl Hunter

Beautiful Girl Hunter

Le film dépeint la vie de Tatsuya, un jeune homme de bonne descendance dont la respectabilité extérieure cache des envies de viol et de torture. Ce beau violeur séduit les femmes, puis les amène au sous-sol du manoir hérité de ses parents aisés, où il se livre à de longues séances de violences sado-sexuelles.

Nataly Fish

Boundaries of Time - Caspar David Friedrich

Boundaries of Time - Caspar David Friedrich

A study of German 19th Century Romantic art through the writings and paintings of Carl David Friedrich and his fellow artist, Carl Gustav Carus.

Nataly Fish

Ptérodactyles : Dans le ciel des dinosaures

Ptérodactyles : Dans le ciel des dinosaures

Retour sur l'histoire des dinosaures volants, depuis les reptiles planeurs jusqu'à leur disparition et l'apparition des oiseaux. Les ptérosaures (Pterosauria) sont des vertébrés volants apparus au Trias supérieur, il y a environ 230 Millions d'années et disparus au Crétacé supérieur, il y a 65 Millions d'années. Les ptérosaures sont peu..

Nataly Fish

David Blaine Street Magic Part 2

David Blaine Street Magic Part 2

Two idiots are coming home from shopping when they encounter David Blaine. Again.

Nataly Fish

The Life and Times of David Lloyd George

The Life and Times of David Lloyd George

The Life and Times of David Lloyd George charts the life of the controversial Liberal politician with Philip Madoc in the titular role. The title theme, Chi Mai, was by Ennio Morricone

Nataly Fish

David Copperfield

David Copperfield

David Copperfield, orphelin de père, est confronté à une dure réalité avec l'arrivée de Murdstone, le fiancé de sa mère, un homme opportuniste et calculateur. Envoyé chez un négociant de vin à Londres, David doit surpasser ses limites et apprendre les cruelles lois de la vie. Pour échapper à cet enfer, le petit garçon quitte la capita..

Nataly Fish

David Gilmour - Remember That Night

David Gilmour - Remember That Night

"Remember That Night" est un enregistrement public du guitariste de Pink Floyd, David Gilmour au Royal Albert Hall en mai 2006.

Nataly Fish

A Tribute To Burt Bacharach & Hal David

A Tribute To Burt Bacharach & Hal David

Pop music wouldn't be the same without one of the world's best-loved songwriting teams - Burt Bacharach and Hal David. With Bacharach's passionate melodies and David's heartfelt lyrics, they gave us hit after hit, including "Close To You," What The World Needs Now Is Love," "Alfie." "Do You Know The Way To San Jose" and many, many others. Performi..

Nataly Fish

The Short Films of David Lynch

The Short Films of David Lynch

Six courts-métrages de David Lynch. La sélection inclut notamment son premier film Six Men Getting Sick (1966), ainsi que le film-hommage Lumière (1995), réalisé avec la première caméra de l’histoire du cinéma.

Nataly Fish

David Parker Ray: The Toy Box Killer

David Parker Ray: The Toy Box Killer

This video takes a walk through this horrifying case to uncover the dark secrets he kept hidden from the world for decades. He's one of the few serial killers that was never convicted of murder.

Nataly Fish

David Attenborough: The Early Years

David Attenborough: The Early Years

Sir David Attenborough recalls moments from his early television career and discusses the stories behind them. Among the highlights are Sir David's first encounter with Born Free's Elsa the lioness, and being the first to film Indri lemurs using recordings of their calls to entice them out of hiding. Having recently completed the landmark natural h..

Nataly Fish

David Harding, Counterspy

David Harding, Counterspy

A Counterspy in the US military is killed under suspicious circumstances. His friend, Jerry Baldwin, a Navy Commander, is assigned to replace him and stop a saboteur in a torpedo factory.

Nataly Fish

David A. Arnold: Fat Ballerina

David A. Arnold: Fat Ballerina

À un âge où il n'a plus de complexes, David A. Arnold nous explique sa propension à procrastiner et à être mesquin, et pourquoi le divorce permet de sauver des mariages.

Nataly Fish

David Bowie: Live BBC Radio Theatre
David Cross: Bigger and Blackerer

David Cross: Bigger and Blackerer

Bigger and Blackerer was taped during two shows, back-to-back on the same evening at Boston's Wilbur Theatre. Only by watching this video will you learn of Cross unique relationship with the deaf community, share his canny insights into the editorial machinations behind the Bible, and marvel at how well a bald, middle-aged white guy can fill out a ..

Nataly Fish

David and Goliath

David and Goliath

The documentary chronicles the life stories of two brothers, Kristaps and Krists. Kristaps, the elder brother, is disabled and has trouble talking, but he can rap. His younger brother Krists is one of the best freestyle BMX bikers in Latvia.

Nataly Fish

The Best of David Phelps

The Best of David Phelps

David Phelps is among the most extraordinary tenors alive and has wowed audiences all over the world since joining the Gaither Vocal Band in 1997. But David is more than just a voice... he is a devoted husband and father of four, an inventive artist, a friend, a craftsman, and much more. The Best of David Phelps brings together David's most awe-ins..

Nataly Fish

SkyWalker: The David Thompson Story

SkyWalker: The David Thompson Story

Basketball legend David Thompson earned four trips to the NBA All-Star Game and the nickname "Skywalker," due to his astonishing 44-inch jump that allows him to get the ball far above the rim. This documentary looks at the life of the man who served as an inspiration to many, including the NBA's most famous alum, Michael Jordan. Learn about Thompso..

Nataly Fish

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