
Now Casting

Now Casting

Lilly, facing an uncomfortable casting call, must choose between her own dignity or her ambition.

Nataly Fish

Benguelino Casting a Spell on the Camera

Benguelino Casting a Spell on the Camera

16mm film, colour, no sound, 2'49" Co-Produced by São Tomé and Príncipe Biennale and Frac Île-de-France/Le Plateau, Paris.

Nataly Fish

Raw Diva Search Casting Special

Raw Diva Search Casting Special

In 2004, WWE decided to make an extension of the Diva Search, which included a one-year contract worth $250,000 and was held on Raw. Over 7,000 females applied to be a part of the contest. The final ten contestants were chosen on a casting special aired on Spike TV on July 15, with guest judges Triple H, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho and Edge.

Nataly Fish

Doraemon: Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil

Doraemon: Nobita and the Castle of the Undersea Devil

Nobita and his friends under the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Gian and Suneo take Doraemon's underwater vehicle and travel through the Atlantic Ocean, trying to find a treasure ship. Along the way, they discover that the environment gun that Doraemon used to protect them is running out of energy leaving them vulnerable to the sea. Fortunately, they..

Nataly Fish

Le Vase de sable

Le Vase de sable

Deux détectives enquêtent sur le meurtre d'un policier qui allait prendre sa retraite. Les policiers vont devoir fouiller le passé de cet homme pour découvrir une vérité inattendue et bouleversante…

Nataly Fish



The film tells how people get into the' top ' of society. In the context of the film, casting is a social 'sieve' - a sequence of tests, the results of which determine a person in one of two categories: he becomes an outsider or a leader. Soon choice (s), soon 'Casting.' Camera debut a film Director 'As Victor Garlic weight Leh Pin in a nursing hom..

Nataly Fish

Danse macabre

Danse macabre

De sombres esprits hanteraient le Château de Providence et, selon la légende, quiconque y passerait la nuit trépasserait. Pour le journaliste Alan Foster, tout cela n'est que balivernes et il décide de s'y installer au coucher du soleil. Dès lors, le cauchemar commence...

Nataly Fish



A mother brings her daughter to a casting session. Standing before strangers, the girl freezes up and can’t say a word. The mother puts pressure on the girl, who remains silent. In a rage, the mother takes Anya out of the room. Afraid of the mother’s anger, Anya will try once again, but now Anya’s horror is even bigger and, bursting into tear..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

The Casting

The Casting

The story of three women's jealousy, friendship, and conspiracy over the casting of the movie 'Actress A'. Jiwon, a dance academy instructor who dreams of deviating, follows the audition of her friend, Jia, who wants to become an actress, meets a fake director, Jae-hoon, and participates in the audition for actress A.

Nataly Fish



It seems that an actress has been offered a casting for an exposed work. With the casting offer, she talks to the director, friend and ex-boyfriend on the phone.

Nataly Fish



Valentine is an actor, he is about 30. There is no money. There is no career. Beloved girl left. An unexpected call and an invitation to the casting are like a gift of fate. Valentine will have to learn about himself that he never knew before. This casting will divide life into "before" and "after".

Nataly Fish



The tragicomic story of a young filmmaker who found himself faced with a choice: to convey ideals, but to be able to make a movie, or to lose everything for the sake of loyalty to his ideals. The first part of the full-length trilogy, which will include two more works by the director, having compiled the project "About Life and Death".

Nataly Fish

Casting Director on the Memo

Casting Director on the Memo

Nataly Fish

Casting Blossoms to the Sky: A Movie Document

Casting Blossoms to the Sky: A Movie Document

A comprehensive document of the six-month production of "Casting Blossoms to the Sky," mixing truth and fiction.

Nataly Fish

Daredevil in the Castle

Daredevil in the Castle

La guerre entre les clans Toyotomi et Tokugawa fait rage. Le sabreur Mohei, dont la famille a été entièrement décimée, est recruté par les Toyotomi pour venir à bout du siège du château d'Osaka. Les talents de casse-cou de Mohei seront mis à rudes épreuves.

Nataly Fish

The Floating Castle

The Floating Castle

En 1590, le puissant seigneur de guerre Toyotomi Hideyoshi est sur le point de réaliser son ambition d'unifier tout le Japon sous sa bannière lorsqu'il rencontre une résistance inattendue sous la forme d'une forteresse flottante connue sous le nom de château d'Oshi. Narita Nagachika, un hédoniste frivole et candidat improbable au poste de gén..

Nataly Fish

Les Amants d'outre-tombe

Les Amants d'outre-tombe

Stephen Arrowsmith est un docteur sans scrupules qui, au profit de ses expériences, trompe son épouse Muriel avec son assistante Solange. Pour se consoler, Muriel couche avec leur jardinier David. Mais ils sont surpris en flagrant délit d'adultère par Stephen et ce dernier les torture puis les tue, pensant hériter de la fortune de son épouse.

Nataly Fish

Le château de la pureté

Le château de la pureté

L'histoire d'un homme discipliné et sexuellement motivé qui maintient sa famille isolée dans sa maison pendant des années afin de les protéger de la « nature perverse » des êtres humains tout en inventant (avec sa femme) de la mort aux rats.

Nataly Fish

The Marquez-Castillo Siblings

The Marquez-Castillo Siblings

A group of four siblings compete for the heritage of their father.

Nataly Fish

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