
Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega deals with the difference in temperature between the fear and anxiety of those who have experienced disasters and the complacency of those who have never experienced them.

Nataly Fish

Republic: Mustafa Kemal Pasha started to work on the use of the new alphabet and international numbers.

Republic: Mustafa Kemal Pasha started to work on the use of the new alphabet and international numbers.

Mustafa Kemal Pasha started to work on the use of the new Turkish alphabet and international numbers. Community centers are established. Two problems remained; removing the records placed on the straits and Hatay. Young Turkey has healed the wounds of war and has started to progress rapidly on the path of civilization.

Nataly Fish

Alpha Beta

Alpha Beta

E. A. Whitehead adapted the script of Alpha Beta from his own play. Albert Finney is cast as "The Man," while Rachel Roberts plays "The Woman." The rest of the film remains in this pretentious vein, as we watch Finney and Roberts' marriage crumble before our eyes. One suspects that they might have patched things up had they ignored Whitehead's flor..

Nataly Fish

Focus T25: Alpha - Speed 1.0

Focus T25: Alpha - Speed 1.0

Ignite your quickness. Burn the fat. Fast-paced for fast results.

Nataly Fish



Hong Kong movie

Nataly Fish

Film Alphabet

Film Alphabet

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ - each letter is one frame (1/24 of a second) long and each letter originates from a company sign. The film shows the paradoxical relationship between film and written language. (E.S.jr.)

Nataly Fish



A woman is forced to sit under a hanged rotting corpse in the middle of a burnt forest, until the authorities decide that she has been punished enough.

Nataly Fish



In a world with no humans, what will you do when you meet one?

Nataly Fish

Street Stars: The Alpo Story

Street Stars: The Alpo Story

With his buddies AZ and Rich Porter, Alpo rose to become one of New York’s top drug kingpins in the 1980s. This documentary traces the life and career of the young man dubbed the unofficial “Mayor of Harlem.” Business smarts and hard work led to street fame and enormous fortune for the friends, but when flashy Porter neglected to pay money he..

Nataly Fish

The Rebellious Alphabet

The Rebellious Alphabet

This is an animated film about a country ruled by a dictator. The little general who has all power in the country, has denied its people to read and write. The one rule after another are being introduced to prevent words from spreading, for general knew understood that art and knowledge are essential for freedom. But there are ways to fool strict g..

Nataly Fish

Alphée des étoiles

Alphée des étoiles

A father observes his five year old daughter hoping that she can overcome developmental challenges caused by a rare genetic disorder.

Nataly Fish

Alpine Ballad

Alpine Ballad

A romantic tale set during WW2 between a Soviet (Belarusian) soldier and Italian girl, who try to escape the horrors together.

Nataly Fish

Alpine Ballad

Alpine Ballad

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



A weird courtship ceremony.

Nataly Fish

Alphabet of Hope

Alphabet of Hope

A mountainous area on the border between Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey with a history marked by religious conflict. However, the Bulgarians, Turks and Roma living here have established unwritten rules of understanding in their life together. Until the last day of school, the camera follows the path of children from two families - Bulgarian and Turkis..

Nataly Fish

Armenian Alphabet

Armenian Alphabet

An animated short depicting the creation of the Armenian alphabet by Mesrop Mashtots.

Nataly Fish

La Griffe

La Griffe

Durant la Guerre Froide, les services secrets russes tentent d'enlever un important agent de la CIA et de le remplacer par un double.

Nataly Fish

Milliardaire ou presque

Milliardaire ou presque

Courtney travaille pour "Belle la vie", une agence de conciergerie de luxe, qui répond à la moindre demande de ses clients VIP. Sa patronne, Dana, lui propose une nouvelle mission : accompagner un client milliardaire, Joe Franklin, à Banff, au Canada, pour des vacances au ski. Courtney réalise rapidement que Joe n’est pas un client normal : i..

Nataly Fish

On the Edge of Their Seats

On the Edge of Their Seats

During the first high school baseball game of the season, personal dramas play out within a group of high schoolers sitting in the crowd.

Nataly Fish

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